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Paranoia edition
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lolalytics.com - If you like looking at raw data for each champion's win and playrates and at other players' data,this is for you.
op.gg - More tidied up and has the same functions as lolalytics, with emphasis on player profiles (and stalking). Also good for quick runepage building.

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d a i l y re m in dder

Dont forget that the Eyoson has all of those links!

WARNING: Don't open unless you want to see a VERY pretty girl!

roll or dust 975 rp shards

FACT: no vagina no girl

why does nobody help the jungler when they're being invaded or the enemy is controlling vision

fucking hell then they beg for ganks for a jungler that doesn't exist because they're so far behind


>legitimately retarded and have never done anything other than pug welfare raids and low level pvp get real
lol is that projection i smell

fking raidfinder all star shut your mouth. I bet you started playing during MoP.

>jungler and top are duo q
i guess bot will just die then lol

The Gorgon is based on Greek myth.

And the Greek's were pretty adamant on "literally anything can have sex and reproduce with literally anything".

Bot will die anyway 2v2 because that's all they do

Depends. Most of the time it's just laners being blind or selfish. Sometimes they are legitimately unable to assist.

imagine if a strong breeze blew his loin cloth around lol

Does DMP need buffs? It's arguably the worst armour item. At least Sunfire cape has a niche as a waveclear tool.

does anyone have that abusive sejuani gf greentext fanfic?


movespeed is always valuable out of toplane so you can run across the map easier if TP is down

the combine cost is a little high maybe but i build DMP all the time

>main mid/jg
>main Soraka to mitigate retarded teams
>hate every fucking adc I lane with they are all retarded
>enemy team is retarded but somehow my adc is even more retarded
I can't take this anymore. Jinx not only shoved the lane repeatedly, but she fucking tried to auto the enemy at negative HP.

You got your waifu a nice wardrobe, right user? You want her to be comfortable whether she's on warm map or the howling abyss or wherever she may find herself, right?

I love this meme

>the life of everyday supp
Adcs are retarded that's why they aim for it.

DMP needs to solidify itself as a bruiser rather than tank item like Trinity force or Sterak's in my opinion. I think Riot should up the damage and movespeed, give the on-hit damage at max stacks a small AD ratio, and then slightly decrease the defensive stacks.

I've had all her skins for years now.

>A good player must learn how to read the game, where it's going, and certainly how you'll win it.
How the hell am I supposed to learn this? Sometimes what I think turns out to be a complete 180, especially team comps, for example.

>playing shiv jg
>my adc is 0/5/0 before i hit 6

jk he was mentally disabled

>flame all my adcs every game
>carry them hard af even though I flame them and hate their guts
>get reported


Should I get the Teemo skin or Wukong skin first? Have tried them on PBE but can't decide. Already have recon Teemo and infernal Wukong.

Plan on getting the Zac skin after getting the Teemo and Wukong skins.

>How the hell am I supposed to learn this?
Experience, play jg, you'll quickly learn how games end and pick up. You'll also learn how objectives are gained and lost.

People who don't play jg think they can stay in their fucking lanes all fucking day and magic will happen


I'm actually the dumbest man alive. How do I lane against mf and not take 100 damage per second while csing.

does deaths dance actually make you tankier

what is the point of this item

>have shyv jg on my team
>enemy team literally knows she won't be ganking until 30 minutes
>ganks every lane and dives
>enemy team groups to gangbang gank
>shyv still farming
play something else

>tfw no qt petite gf

Do you think Jinx is into lewd activities like holding hands while cuddling under the bed sheets

it mitigates some burst but allows AD champions to sustain off their abilities.

Its sort of a blood thirster for champions that literally need their abilities over their autos. I build it on most juggernauts I play all of the time like Yorick, Darius, or Illaoi, its rare but if the situation calls for it stupid shit like Jhin.

You take less burst damage and are given a window of opportunity to heal it back up with the healing from the item/other abilities. It can be broken on a lot of champs. Particularly when you pair it with damage reduction from Tabi/PD. But those 3 only really work in tandem on Graves. DD itself is just a really strong AD item though.

enemy jungler did nothing, i counterganked top, lucian feed 2v2

>midlane getting fucked
>screaming for ganks before i even finish my first clear
>gank for them three fucking times
>they yell at me for being underleveled
>im underleveled because ive been ganking for them so fucking much
>they scream for more ganks
i hate this fucking role

>DMP gives no more base stats than its components, but gives a pseudo-celerity passive, creating synergy with Youmuus, Wukong ult, and Phage etc.

Same. Twitch, Annie, Irelia, Evelynn, and Caitlyn.

How would you react if Kai'Sa asked you out on a date?

Why do I exist
Only to suffer?

Can't fuck her cuz she has a parasite on her body that won't leave and that's kinda gross.

Nut inside and get her to shit out three beautiful half-voidlings.

It helps you take extended trades against burst carries - namely, mages or Jhin. They dump all their damage onto you, but you keep DPS up as long as the fight drags on. As long as you continue casting spells, you heal faster than you bleed.

Tell me why do you main the champion you main in less than 10 words.

Like I said, people who don't play jg barely have an understanding of how the game works. When you jungle you get forced to pay attention to pretty much every lane and every objective and determine which course of action will be most successful. Meanwhile every laner is determining which course of action will get their opponent killed or get them more gold/exp

>Shyvana can't gank
Nice meme, also learn to counter-gank

How can you be so shit?
Go master yi jungle and you mong.

i can just press e and feel like i'm helping

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.






I make ADCs cry

>Leans into mic

endless supply of adc tears

>No lane towers lost yet. We have a drake. Down 5-9 in kills
>Yi: ff at 15, we lost.

Why are people like this?

he's a cool lich and was good in season 3

No. Jinx is the type to fart on your dick while you're spooning her and then laugh about it.


I can farm for 20 minutes and blow anyone up stupid enough to get stunned.

Event horizon

Fast, strong, nerf-proof, and vore.

read my man

Too occupied with their own performance, and caught up in thinking "me unga team bunga".

user theyre double nerfing Skarner though

tilt the enemy team to victory

oy vey
t. gp

Because metacucks are fucking scum

don't worry guys i'll let you know if void cocks have been in her before

>people think all Soraka does is W and R
>she has one of the strongest silence's in the game
>multiple build paths and can even 1v1 early and late game
>people think playing something like brand bot can counter a soraka

If a picture is 1000 words, then i'm 100x over your word limit sorry.

ekko buffs when i want to play him in the jungle

i like to press r to make things die

All of this land belongs to me

Why did you lie to me
that thing is uggo

veigarbros unite

Crashing this lane...with NO SURVIVORS!!!

Skarner doesn't eat people

Fair enough. Still too many people use Shyvana's weak ganks as an excuse to not gank at all and it's horse shit. Even if her engage is poor, not a lot of champs can deal with her in a straight up fight, especially in a 2v1 scenario so they'll be forced to back off anyway.

They can't buff Ekko or else people will go tank Ekko again.Fucking cancerous players that will abuse ANYTHING just to get to a higher elo and then take a nosedive if they can't find anything else that's broken.

Fuck you, your lane and this game.

t. Singed

Convince me to not just play Udyr instead


You're a GOD.

I'm the Twitch in the image.

I build it on every ADC after building 100% crit items, only because it gives me the 10% CDR I need to cap out CDR. It's pretty broken and lets you duel just about anybody with no problem whatsoever.

She's really fun to play and has a resetting jump.


>play support for two games
>both games my adc is a braindead piece of shit who cant cs properly
>start autoing minions and prepping them for last hits
>adc straight up ignores the minion attacks another minion then bitches at me for fucking up their cs

I swear ADC mains are fucking sociopaths

Fuck all tristana mains.

Fuck all of you.

Anons what are some champs that absolutely shit on tristana so fucking hard they will never want to play their shitty champ again?

Shyvana is much harder to kite and deals mixed damage. She's also better in skirmishes. She also clears and moves faster through the jungle.

>remove the dumb ass shield
>lower Q mana costs and slow (32-60% -> 30 -> 42%), increase ratio slightly (30%+60% -> 35%->65%)
>>Extend E blink and/or dash range

Plus theres the ult mechanics, which mean he cant soak up 2k damage and then POOF back to full health while also shitting out 300% max health damage.

Just about every ADC would shit on her. The only reason she seems incredibly broken right now is because there isn't an ADC in the game that can sufficiently shut down her weak early game right now--not even Caitlyn.

Wish champ looked as cute as splash art make them be.

Shyvanna rework into tsudere cute anime girl when?

hey euler how's life? you killed a person yet?

Late game she's superior to all other adcs as well. Resets are fucking huge let alone on a late game adc

It should really be reworked because if tristana is somewhat good she's best meta pick


Only champ I can consistently do well with.

Or we could do the logical thing of buff the other adcs so they outshine her at midgame

>Anons what are some champs that absolutely shit on tristana so fucking hard they will never want to play their shitty champ again?
>spoonfeed me the current meta
why don't you kys

>what is Varus and Xayah
Varus is currently the TOP adc, Tristana is under Varus because Varus has max %hp damage, a snare, and grievous. Xayah can literally stack her fucking feathers.

She only gets a reset on a kill or assist, just don't die or CC her.

She's not the problem, though. Other ADCs being weak is the problem. If you buff Lucian, Jhin, or Cait, then Trist automatically becomes irrelevant.

Life's okay. I haven't shitposted here in a while.

Just bored because the crypto markets have been pretty stale so I'm killing time by reading books and playing League.

You, user?

Xayah can't shut down Tristana. Varus is too immobile and requires really good positioning as well as excellent teamwork, which you don't encounter until mid-diamond.

my ex mained xayah and i can't let go

i would like to hump sejauni’s leg like a dog only to be kicked and beaten and forced to eat her out while she clinches my head between her thighs

Just do what I fucking do, grab ez and perma ban trist. Ez is a safe pick against everything except for Draven, so I either play Ez and poke lane into non-existence or play Draven in to Ezreal and destroy his boypussy.

Sometimes I feel bad for the rando supports that get forcibly teamed with someone as bad as me.

>people STILL banning zoe