Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Play Weiss


>FOTM anime vappashit as the OP image

hapacheez is the savior of fgg

It was a group effort, naturally.

IRL big body based living in user's head rent free.

Year of the dog!





>turn on Broskis stream
>hes mashing mk 6 times in a row
So this is the power...of auto footsies.

Why the fuck do you need like a billion zeni to unlock everything in DBFZ? This is so infuriating.

1 fight money has been deposited into your cfn.

My top 3 most hated DBFZ things

1) normals moving you forward 10 meters it feels so fucking shit

2) Sparkling

3) auto turn around in the air
lmao enjoy carefully spacing yourself to cross me under so I just turn around and hit you crossup
Addendum: when you try to cross under super dash and it just turns 360 degrees and walks away to hit you from behind

4) vanish being + on block

5) reflect being the only defensive option

Based literal milf.

Uh, sweetie, did you forgot that we drove the dooberz off of our world?

lol dude why don't you just get good

just go win a tourney bro

We need a fightan composed entirely of cute brown girls.

shut up


nice, that puts me closer to buying a character

unfortunately you can't buy anything with the 100 million zeni you get from a tournament win


fatesluts fg when

No scathach no buy.

best arse ITT


Could you imagine winning a Bamco sponsored tourney and instead of being paid in real money you get a shit ton of in-game currency, and still not having enough for that one zeni achievement thing?

I’d play her blue if you know what I mean.

i want to eat mashed bananas from that brappers

Why aren't you playing the best jobber in SFV?

I agree

luvcheez why don't you jive?

I main Mordred!

I dont know if fate general got us beat on the sniff department

i'll play once I regain some energy to get totally bodied again

Only if I can wreck shit as best girl Nero.

they definitely do and it's not even close desu

Dial-Up Broski says he is "on fiber" but really he's talking about his breakfast weetabix. He insists he's "technically not lying" because of this but everyone outside his stream clique knows he's full of it.

>"I like fighting games"
>doesn't support Capcom

Get the fuck out of this thread

Scared to get exposed in a game people actually play

every time some asks what stick they should get, you guys ALWAYS say the hitbox

post pics of your hitbox to prove you OWN it, otherwise stop spreading lies.

play kolin

>best girl Nero.
Shes shit.

I main Kolin

Play dooberz

I'm from the stream clique. I think you're in the wrong place cabron...

It's nice that they make more trans characters, I guess.

I did and the honeymoon period ended so I stopped

Who dis

Play OMF

play unist

Play Angel

fuck no

anyone still playing Dragonball

Just a lot of other games interest me more. If they put morrigan in I'd play it tho. I also didn't really put much time into IV after super. I think super was my favorite version.

What do you look for when choosing a character to play, /fgg/?

boobs legs and asses

nice thighs desu


Capcom vs CAPCOM when?


Why do 60fps SFV streams look better than when I run 60fps SFV. Is it some sort of rendering magic? I just noticed how much smoother the game runs viewing Broski's stream than my own.

Blonde hair and/or succ wings.

cool character design and fun gameplay style

that's basically it


What kind of character they have and their general design, gameplay is secondary
Looks and design over gameplay, always!

so you gonna play Falke?!

flat chest

see if dbz was the same but with melty characters would anyone think it was a good game?

if the girl has some sort of animal buddy it always gets me

that anita is literally begging for cock

she's a child

fgo has everyone beat in the sniffs department

>press any button button
>get parried
>try empty jump, surely she wont try parry
>get antiaired
what a cancer character

Too bad it's gacha trash

So I know this gets brought up every now and then, but I figure it's been a while and now's as good a time as any. Since we got an official discord now, what do you guys think about trying to put a couple fgg tournaments together again? I'd need someone to manage the brackets and all that, but I or someone else can stream if they want. We'd just need to figure out which games and when. Obviously jive will be one since it's the most popular game here. Then maybe dooberz or goobers or fightcade games or something. I'm thinking these would mostly be for bragging rights, but if enough people join or are interested enough maybe I can do like a 20 dollar steam/psn/xbl/whatever they want for 20 bucks prize. Only first place would be getting anything. Gotta win it all or nothing. What do you guys think? Sound off either in here or the discord. Maybe we can take a strawpoll on deciding which games.


Broski is free!!

alright capbros, seriously this isnt looking good for us

what do we do? maybe spam some more threads on /v/? write a letter to kotaku?

If I win will you leave?

>do predictable shit
>wtf i'm being punished for being predictable??

if someone makes a paper bag mod Ill consider it

>kusoge tournaments
>hosted by the discordcancer crowd
>streamed by kappacheez

yeah i'll pass
enjoy your discord circlejerk you queer

Yall 2D niggas know nothing of gorillas

so many people arent going to show up

I would definitely be down. I'm not that interested in prizes or bragging rights. I just want to have more people I can potentially play regularly.

>an official discord now
What makes this one more official than the last one

Void gave it his stamp of approval.

Makoto the cutest as usual

we will drive the sandrakers OFF OUR WORLD


>discord cancer crowd

What? Also, I've never posted on reddit or Kappa.

What tier is zeku

I don't play tekken, can someone explain how this character isn't blatantly OP? every video I see he's doing like 50% with one attack

give me google play cards so i can fund my gacha

always love tournaments. i'll probably join in the games i do play.
but they're hard to organize. good luck.

based luvcheez making fgg great again

How about you host yourself vs a God.