The End of History?

Was he right?

>What we may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.

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globalist wetdream

>Was he right?
Fukuyama himself rejected this theory, so take a guess

More like American wet-dream

>Was he right.
>Unironically asking this at the end of 2k16.

Of course he wasn't. This whole book reeks of the ignorance an empire displays in its prime imperial moment. Nowadays we are witnessing the slow decay of the american empire and the multipolarization of the world.

>the current system is perfect, there's no space for improvement, it'll always be like this

that's pure ideology

No, and without going into current day politics, you can see a lot of reasons as of why it haven't. There's several countries that have questioned the kind of free-market capitalism fused with a constitutional democracy that he talks about.

I think you mean arrogance more than ignorance.

A mixture of both too be precise.

he himself stated he was wrong, he even wrote a book on how wrong he was

>he himself stated he was wrong


what the FUCK was he thinking when he wrote it?

did the collapse of the Soviet Union really cause professional historians to become this blindingly euphoric?

p.s. capitalism will not survive automation

He was premature. There are still many places in the world that have not developed the institutions and infrastructure needed for capitalism.


You're dumb and your comic is dumb.

Yes he was right and this board should be deleted

Democracy is shit, I wouldn't be surprised if we're cursed to live with it forever

No. Kojeve was right. The "end of history" is not the triumph of liberal capitalism and democracy, but of mixed-economy and bureaucracy.

>capitalism will not survive automation

The belief that machines cause unemployment, when held with any logical consistency, leads to preposterous conclusions. Not only must we be causing unemployment with every technological improvement we make today, but primitive man must have started causing it with the first efforts he made to save himself from needless toil and sweat.

Also, read this paper by MIT economist David Autor which explains why automation doesn't threaten employment:

>(((MIT economist David Autor)))


Is this supposed to be an argument?

Industry experts, as in people who actually help people streamline and automate factories are talking about this being a huge issue, along with China that de automates their factories as much as they can to keep people employed, even doing making people do simple shit that was automated 50 years ago like monitor a pressure gauge all day, but hey if an MIT professor says automation is no big deal it's probably true I guess.

Oh and btw it's not just factory jobs.

Industry experts have been saying that automation may prevent the economy from creating enough new jobs for two centuries and every time their have been proven wrong. Why should I think that this time it will be any different ?

Because automation as we understand it is a radically different concept than what it was even 20 years ago.

>implying it wasn't the same way before
Lmao my man

But is there any empirical evidence that supports the view that human labour will be rendered superfluous by automation?

Yeah totally man completely autonomous stores and restaurants have been around since forever rofl

ai that does legal research faster than 10 lawyers combined was always just there hehehe

Gps controlled freight trains and trucks are old as time itself LMAO

Of course not, he was a retarded globalist. Huntington was right.

No but I love how he triggered every lefty at the time and continues to trigger them to this day, much like Ayn Rand

No time in history has EVER been like my totally UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT time in history, LMAO

automation closes some doors and opens others, it has been that way since antiquity and the argument against it now isn't all that different from how it's been for a while

The title is a provocation.
Marx considered class struggle as the engine of history and communism, classless, as the "end of history"
With the demise of the Soviet Union, Fukuyama pretty much used this premise as banter and it worked. People got mad as hell.

I think, that even Fukuyama himself is no longer a Fukuyamaist.

>economic times
>he didn't even remove the evidence he just googled "PROOF AUTOMATION WILL DESTROY CAPITULISM"

leftypol insurgents ITT attempting to spread FALC cancer and doing it badly

MIT economists > monkeys on Veeky Forums and 8ch

That's not what he's saying at all. Work on your reading comprehension.

>pure ideology
Oh, a Reddit poster. Makes sense now.

pls tell me what doors will open when the only jobs left are a tiny pool of construction jobs that pay $40 a day to build super luxury condos for the people that own the factories, long haul trucks, warehouses, and stores all which are 99% automated

is everyone going to get a job as a meme programmer or hr consultant?



>The only jobs are factory or retail

The thought process of a communist. Go back to wanking over your dead syndicalist wet dreams.

No answer!


>yfw the entire economy is going to revolve around people clamoring to make a YouTube video with a 100 million views

Why bother giving a real answer to someone who thinks economics is equivalent to theology? Your beliefs rot away any desire you have to learn.

As I said: Go back to wanking over your dead syndicalist wet dreams.

>"I have the answer but I'm not gonna tell you because you're a poo poo head"
No answer!


>Not only must we be causing unemployment with every technological improvement we make today, but primitive man must have started causing it with the first efforts he made to save himself from needless toil and sweat.
Stupidest sentence I've read all day, to be honest.

Mei got

Keep replying. It makes you look worse over time. :)

DAILY REMINDER that nobody sane is pro-communist in 2016.

No answer!

Shifting the goal posts to something something communism!


If you think the technological and AI revolution occurring today is in any way similar to the invention of the gasoline or steam engine then you're hopeless.

Go ahead, cite some more (((experts))) to prove your claim that the people just barely smart enough to stock Walmart shelves will be the IT programmers of the future.

Keep replying. It makes you look worse over time. :)

DAILY REMINDER that nobody sane is pro-communist in 2016.

No answer!

Shifting the goal posts to something something communism!


What does communism even have to do with pointing out you're an idiot and the economists you cite are on the same level as Fukuyama in terms of bullshit predictions?

I can't believe people are still *(strawman) in *(current year)

What a fuggin retard

Keep replying. It makes you look worse over time. :)

DAILY REMINDER that nobody sane is pro-communist in 2016.

No answer!

He's getting desperate and posting irrelevant screen caps! He is probably gonna post a "smuggie" next because he has no answer!


>everyone I don't like is /leftypol/

I don't even like those guys and I seriously doubt they would call you out on your use of (((experts))) in the same way.

Stay a useful idiot for the elites. Maybe they'll give you some scraps when you lose your job to a computer.

Keep replying. It makes you look worse over time. :)

DAILY REMINDER that nobody sane is pro-communist in 2016.

>useful idiot


No answer!


(((Austrian (((economics))) )))

>tacitly admitting I'm right and you are in fact an insurgent

You really don't want to address the issue of what happens to the barely-literate gas station clerks, Walmart workers, and unskilled and semi-skilled laborers in general when automation eliminates their jobs, do you?



>thread discussion devolves into charging other people with being a communist

NO- you

Hi /leftypol/!

>anyone who opposes skynet is a commie
Nice try RIDF

>Huntington was right

Get back to /pol/, your notions of intractable and unchanging cultures that just so happen to fall under racial lines don't belong here.

Why are Hegelians always wrong?

Because they don't follow the logical conclusion of their own premises.

>One of the oddities about Hegelian philosophies of history is that, having set up this repeating process, their proponents almost always insist that it’s about to stop forever. In the full development of the Marxist theory of history, for example, the alternation of thesis-antithesis-synthesis starts with the primordial state of primitive communism and then chugs merrily, or rather far from merrily, through a whole series of economic systems, until finally true communism appears—and then that’s it; it’s the synthesis that never becomes a thesis and never conjures up an antithesis. In exactly the same way, Fukuyama’s theory of the end of history argued that all history until 1991 or so was a competition between different systems of political economy, of which liberal democratic capitalism and totalitarian Marxism were the last two contenders; capitalism won, Marxism lost, game over.

>Now of course that’s part of the reason that Hegelianism so reliably generates false predictions, because in the real world it’s never game over; there’s always another round to play. There’s another dimension of Hegelian mistakenness, though, because the rhythm of the dialectic implies that the gains of one synthesis are never lost. Each synthesis becomes the basis for the next struggle between thesis and antithesis out of which a new synthesis emerges—and the new synthesis is always supposed to embody the best parts of the old.

>Given the track record of Hegelian thought when it comes to history, a flipped coin is a better guide—use a coin, and you have a 50% better chance of being right. Outside of mainstream macroeconomic theory, it’s hard to think of a branch of modern thought that so consistently turns out false answers once it’s applied to the real world.

>insurgents desperately attempt to spread streams of leftist thought to a board that doesn't want it


Who are you quoting?

Also, not an argument. You still haven't offered an explanation for what happens to those low-skilled, low IQ minimum wage workers when they lose their jobs to automation, btw.

>insurgents desperately try to spread streams of robot propaganda to a human board that doesn't want it.


Not an argument.

Fuck off globalcuck

Huntington may seem to be onto something on the surface,but in the long run is too ignorant of culture's changability

yeah both would work

it's stupid becuase it's supposed to sound stupid. read the first part of his sentence

>was he right

By god I hope not

how incredibly disillusioning

Oh god, not this faggot shit again. No, history is not linear, and every civilization falls eventually. One day, the west will be in total political disarray with various Caesars trying to gain control over the entire planet. Read Spengler sometime.

>history is not linear
>it's actually perfectly cyclical instead!

pls go

very clever desu, makign sales off of being wrong.