Yuri is the best! edition
Old thead! Eyosongive.us
Yuri is the best! edition
Old thead! Eyosongive.us
dont do kids drugs
xth for flex is a magical place
Which LoL champ most closely represents All Might?
Also, who /comfy/?
>3rd time in gold 2 promos
Wish me luck, lads.
>Yuri is the best girl
body type?
also is Trag the coolest necro set and why?
>play Nami
>try Soraka
>you're amazing Soraka
>I love you Soraka
>Marry me Soraka
Wtf is wrong with guys. I don't even have SG skin.
I want to rape twitch
How is this possible? Or is it a noob Trap? I only got 2 keys..
Post the Kassadin one
Some would say Galio, others Braum. I vote Braum - and want an All Might inspired Legendary for him with a wicked 'stache.
just carry harder
>getting ganked
Galio and Braum are like, two halves of All Might
>tfw no qt petite gf
Even straight guys secretly want to be pounded by the 12 inch horsecock
That ain't my experience. My experience is the exact opposite because I abandoned Soraka.
Very funny. Let's go with an emote and some orange essence.
just git gud
5 decides my main.
Jesus fuck man you're right
>Even straight guys secretly want to be pound the 12 inch horsecock lady
>Champ who brings myths and legends from across Runeterra to life
I'm just referring to an earlier round where I bullied an Akali.
Xth for Best Boy
>ban vayne, feeding adc picks kai'sa
>ban kai'sa, feeding adc picks vayne
not looking forward to this update
just play better
Keys don't go into the inventory space like fragments and chests. It should have a count of at least 1 above the key symbol at the bottom of your loot.
Oh well got North Swain and A gem
>Get tired of even trying
>Pick first time Vayne ADC so I can try the skin I got in a box
>Feed my ass off end up 1/5/2 in lane
>Everybody forgets about me
>I just spend 20 fucking minutes farming bot lane and jungle
>End up with 100 cs lead to other adc
>Kill everybody in less than a second
>Carry game 15/5/4
>Enemy adc complains that vayne is broken
People think that vayne is all about outplaying early and late game thanks to shitty montages, but in the end you just have to farm a lot.
Is Ingenious + Zz'rot actually worth anything or is it a meme? I imagine walking in and killing two portals isn't very hard.
I would say Garen since he is a large individual, does not have any fancy ability just goes all in or dies trying, also muh morals and heroism.
post ahris
It's a pubstomp build. In most ranks, solo shitters aren't coordinated enough to stop splitpushers like Singed or Yorick, throw in two zzrot portals and a banner of command cannon minion that's almost constantly up and now you're really taking this piss on them
Both of those were me and congratulations! That's good stuff (even if Swain himself is in a rough spot right now). Gonna pop the gem or save it?
I've fapped to that renektonxahri comic for years.
Who would be a good yuri partner for Akali?
Pic related
I guess Riven if your really lazy about it. I would mention Irelia but Syndra doesn't like to share.
Since Riot seems keen on just outright removing vision from the game I already run ingenious hunter, is it strictly a pubstomp strategy or will better macro make it viable even at higher elos? Should I just take it as a bonus on champions who already build Zz'rot?
My dick.
I put some lipstick on it so now it's yuri.
If I get bot turret like at a really early as ADC, what do I do now. I just get deprived from CS after clearing bot and don't know what to do, siege mid or top or what
When i duo with my mate we go Leona/vayne and always outplay scrubs earlygame.
high-diamond btw.
I dont really like the Skins you get from Gems, also I think I am going to reroll the skin. But still very nice.
I also got 2 keys from my other account and opening another chest, lets hope for more luck
Holy shit this captcha is killing me
On my end I'm tempted to re-roll my Tyrant Swain shard.
>tfw Riot refuses to use the DFG icon for any new items
I don't even care if it's a completely different item nothing like old DFG, it had the game's best icon give it back
Oh well at least a skin. Well I already got Frenchmaid and I am really sure I got the Witch one for nidalee too, but it kind of disappeard and i dont know why
Ahaha nobody uses actives ahaha
Man I wish I had a duo that would play shit like Leona or Janna instead of all these shitty support mains that bring Bard or Zyra and feed their assess off.
why is lebinc pregnant?
Kat is taken by lux though
Malz built DFG?
and also I really miss that Malz splash. I really don't no why Riot keeps changing some splashes that are absolutely fine.
OE is always nice, yes.
But you get very less from it.
If i want to build nu-Liandry's Torment on Teemo, be it supp, mid or top. Do I buy it full first, get haunting guise and finish it last, or do i start it after Rylai's Crystal Scepter?
It's fucking bonkers they don't add it back considering the number of actives AP mages have now
>TFW still no DFG return
Everyone with burst built DFG since it made their burst stronger. Which is why they removed it since all it did is make strong champs stronger and didn't do enough for weaker champs
>Malz built DFG?
>the mage who forcibly held you in place while 2 single target DoTs and a persistent AoE melted you didn't benefit from a 15% current hp damage burst followed by a damage amp on the rest of his damage
tight necropussy
Irelia is dead and decomposing if that's your thing
One thing you're not you roasted beaner
Piss off shitskin
I play leona/janna all the time.
u on EUW bru?
>play sona
>play super aggressive from minute -1
>shove everyone under their turret
how is this champion still allowed?
reply to me ree
Wouldn't it be loose due to decomposition?
New Liandry's doesn't have the flat pen anymore. You used to buy Guise for the pen and finish Liandry's later for the burn damage, now Guise has a ramping +10% damage amp that isn't good early game and Liandry's burn was upgraded into maximum HP damage which is mainly why you're buying the item. Sitting on Guise and finishing Liandry's later isn't viable anymore. Get it after you finish Rylai's and keep in mind that +10% damage passive isn't fully used when people simply step on shrooms.
Alright damn
no need to be a passive aggressive cunt
>malzahar just pushes lane and doesn't interact with the enemy until 6 and then presses one key
i like this champion. its pretty relaxing
I want to see the get
>get my compensational free win for all the bad matchmaking
>it's with jungle vanye and botlane quinn
This game's dumb.
>gay man of many gems walks up to you
>Riot says they don't like Malz because his laning is boring
>Riot refuses to let Malz jungle
Really squishy and low mobility in early game.
Pic related then??
She has no hp and is bad what are you bad??
You should check out Karthus as well, who I'd argue is more useful than Malz.
>throw on Nujabes
>get to farming and building up that Tear
>press R when you see an enemy on the map that's low
>Guaranteed assist, if not an outright kill
why don't people want J4 buffs i hate going full tank every game
>shitty op
kill yourself fag it was better with the links
Because she can't do it to everyone with the same ease? If you're facing similarly skilled people, there are champs that will deny her this. A joy to play, in any case.
sorry you misinterpreted my post
I'm playing sona and I win every lane
because your champ is cancer and nobody likes dealing with him when hes a damage champ or tank because either way he just builds hybrid and fucking ruins the match
>more useful than malz
how fucking bronze can you be holy christ nigga
> play against sona
> lure her into a false sense of security
> cc her and blow her up
> she sits behind her adc all game after that or keeps on feeding, depends on how smart they are
Not really hard to deal with overly aggressive sonas, they forget that they are squishy as fuck, step too far out and die.
Trang-Oul's avatar is the best set in any game ever. Nothing made me as happy and hyped as finishing it back in D2.
No amounts of legendary drops in WoW, hitting diamond in League or whatever.
Go back 2 reddit
Reminder that if you post here, you're too boring of a person for Jinx to notice you, let alone love you.
Yeah, but no way I'm copying those by hand. Put it in a pastebin like normal human being first if you want people to get into it.
Should I buy Lewdens, Archangels or both on Lux?
Lewdens are great but I keep running out of mana
Ironic, considering Trang-Oul is a dragon.
Good. I don't want to attract psychos.
I agree with that user, Karthus is great right now
>getting hit by karma q
>running into a bunch of minion which will block you
bronze 5 k
that's not how anyone with a brain plays
I'm new to league, how the fuck do I farm for new characters? I just fully unlocked the rune system and I don't even have enough bp to buy anyone who's good
I play a lot of sona too, when they have a Draven or a support like Ali/Leo/Taric you cant really do much to the enemy bot lane, and you dont shield like a lulu or janna
While sure, Malz has an outstandingly good passive and can push lane like a motherfucker, he still has the same problem where his lockdown locks him down at the same time. Karthus can provide a huge as fuck AoE slow, nigh unavoidable damage to all 5 members on a relatively short cooldown thanks to the new runes, and also has substantial wave clear with more reliable mana regeneration.
Malz is pick or ban tier around gold/plat because he's unfun as fuck to lane against thanks to his passive, not because of anything he contributes to a team.
I usually go Ludens but I also run Manaflow Band like a baddie. A Lux main the other day with a shitload long Ranked win streak goes Archangels, so I'm planning on trying that out too.