/assg/ general

survivor pudding edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)


Other urls found in this thread:


>Iridescent heads

That was a really pissed off huntress holy shit


time to add blocking unhook prompt fixed.png to my filter

All huntresses are pissed off


This is some of your best work, user.

Believe it or not it works with the right addons, because when survivors see you rev they just keep running. I actually caught two people that game doing that.
So first off it isn't consoles, he's just using a controller. Secondly, why are you upset? I posted it to make people laugh at angry dumbasses, not to brag about my insane untouchable leatherface camping.
You better redraw it son

>shit on people with a perked out freddster
>so much salt
>perkless add on less wraith
>nobody is sneaking, all running around trying to flaslight me and saboing lunar hooks, thinking its free win
>murder 3
>last dude runs for hatch
>catch him
>gg ez
>salt reigns
this is the only reason i play anymore

Nice work, user

>survivors get 4K'd in the most embarrassing, unacceptable way
>"get gud"
>literally fucking died to the worst killer in the game with no perks or addons
>"hope your mom gets raped by a knife"
>because he lost a fucking video game
Survivor mains, folks. Well done son.

This is what I constanty tell people: if you cant kill well with every killer in the game, you’re not good as a killer. Good work my dude.

Thanks guys, I'm ending the night on this match. So satisfying.

Sleep tight little bonger.

survivors are remarkable creatures

>I pipped therefore you don't deserve a pip
what kind of logic is this

Why are the Huntresses that are always pissed off? For what reason?
If it was to truly shit on survivors, they'd go Billy or Nurse. Huntress is great, but still can get fucked.

>Sodomy is a sin
This is why christians are boring.
I pay taxes. I should be able to stick my dick into as many buttholes as I wish.

>he had it
>well, he didn't

How come survivorfucks always say camping is a bad strat and I'll only get one kill but if I get a 3k/4k I was a camping faggot?

aren't they literally calling themselves shit?

If they play like altruistic idiots you will end up with a 3/4k.

If they're smart they'll stay on gens and gtfo in the time it takes to hard camp someone.

Fuck off Mcote


This can't be fucking real life
This person doesn't exist
He's just a parody

>straight people are boring
What is it about taking it up the ass that suddenly makes you the life of the party?

Camping is a bad strat because it relies exactly on people being stupid. Luckily, a lot of people actually are.

Survivors are upset that the most effective way for killers to play is the way that is least fun for all involved. However, 85% of people who play past rank 18 are angry anti-social shut-ins that have difficulty both understanding the big picture expressing their perspective politely.
t. angry anti-social shut in

>runs self-crutch
>talks about crutch perks

that's the thing, if my first two hooks are unhooked within 10 seconds, im gonna start sticking around because i know that the three other people are obviously not working on generators

>last second flashlight swap
>find him at the start of the game
fook ya

>Sits there using self-crutch to evade the consequences of BT
>Throws rant about how OP camping is
>I finish every sentence with "only if you're a retard"

This guy says and does stuff just for views. He understands that all publicity is good publicity in the streaming world. When he got banned for sandbagging he had twice his normal viewers the next day. Truthfully he doesn't even like the game much less give a shit about balance.

It is the time.
You know how it goes. One perk per post, first four are my build.


No Mither

No Mither

Left Behind

Self care

Sure, why waste 1 perk when we can waste 2?

So I'm on a 20 game streak of 4ks as doctor thanks to ruin
>Survivors never find ruin
>Survivors find ruin early on
>Pretend I'm friendly
>Let them farm hooks off each other until they're all on last hook
>Slug em all and laugh maniacally as I sacc them
Truly I am worse than Hitler.


You're always waiting to give me that one aren't you

You are a mean one Mr. user.

I once tried to get the achievement with that perk and some other stuff. Didn't work.

This one is an actually decent perk.

Bonus Round: Pick my Map Offering. I have at least one offering for every map, so choose whichever.


the game
and pray to fucking god you're not against a doc

if youre truthfully a good survivor, you dont need SC, SB, BT, DC

these perks are there for when you fuck up as a survivor, meaning if you need to use them, then you are shit

Done. I'm bringing a yellow toolbox since with this shitty build I'll probably try to be a genslave and not be seen.
Wish me luck.

>finally drop a 4k on two rank 1 survivors as hag
>they don't even give me the satisfaction of salt, just immediately leave after

wheres the fun, especially one of the rank ones who tbagged me on every pallet

>NOED at 3 with Lvl 37 Hag
You're lucky. I prestiged her three times and only got NOED at 3 at the last prestige.

>catch the looping faggot
>obsession but the others are working gens
>fuck it
>down the faggot
>nope they were swf so of course he had adrenaline and they had 99% the gen waiting for this
>gets up during the attack cooldown
>have to chase again
>still nobody around so have to risk ds
>sure enough ds
>dead hards into a safe vault
>insta heals
>teabags and points at me on the way out
>talks shit post game
So this is what it is like to be a skilled rank 1 survivor.

they always instantly quit when they embarrass themselves, especially after BMing

>You better redraw it son
Maybe later
That's not me.

just know that if they leave immediatly, theh they might have been so pissed off they just quit and were done with the game
you made them so mad they couldnt bare to be in your presence for longer than a few seconds post match

>Level 45 pig
>Level 1 NOED
>Level 1 make your choice
>Brutal 2 and Agitation 3 are my only good perks

This is suffering.

I'm aware, but you know who you are and I didn't get a chance to comment on it last thread.

What are the chances, I got a UP Doc.
However, Pied Piper overpowered both my Jigsaw Puzzle and Doc's.
I think he got like one hook.
I went to totem hunt once I opened a door to assure myself some extra points, since I wasn't sure I'd pip by just genslaving. Just as I was getting to the door, he DC'd.

Also man, Stake Out is actually pretty good when you're playing stealthy. Sure it can get fucked up by Myers, Piggu or Wraith but still, it works pretty well.

Wew, just checked the killer's twitch, he's streaming right now. He seems pretty old. Is it possible to rewind the stream if it's live or do I have to wait for him to end it?

>trying to get meat plant as doc
deserved what he got tbphwy senpai

>decide to try something different and throw on devour hope
>get three stacks fairly quickly, meg dcs because she fucks up a pallet
>hiding my dh by only using hatchets, down claud then hook her
>dwight blows it up unfortunately
>webm related

typical clauds

Dat salty DC tho
Love it user. At least you got your vengeance for the fallen hex totem.

I certainly did, but I didn't get to disfigure some faces like I originally planned. Oh well, there's always next match.

Have to wait for him to end it. Good thing is if you go back, it remembers where you were during the livestream.

Well I "won" my previous challenge on the first try, so let's do something different.
This time, give me a full build, all four perks and an item (plus add-ons if you want to, offering optional). The reply that gets a 7, 8 or 9 on their post number is the build I'll take.
If you get dubs, you'll override all of the others. Trips override dubs and so on.

No Mither, Resilience, Urban Evasion, and Lithe.

Take in a flashlight


no mither, this is not happening, resilience, and iron will plus a nice toolbox
gen slave it up

No Mither, The Game offering.

by the power of trips, I say
UE, No Mither, Stake Out, Streetwise, with a commodious tool box with a spool and spare parts. Macmillen as the offering.
This is the build I dream of.

We have a winner unless someone gets dubs in the next 60 seconds.

>hold m1 all game
Wow aren't you exciting.

Even though I didn't get it, I fucked up. I meant Iron Will instead of No Mither, idk how I fucked that up.

Here we go.
Wish me luck!

Maybe next time my boy.

>mfw a claude skebap, skebaps and glibglub flutus her team so you shiddly dibbly doo a 4k

haha excellent meme friend! have an upvote

You seem to bee skebap, skebapping.

>tfw finish saboing lunar hook in front of killer

>Pull the plug so nobody gets anything

Everyone made an effort to play as terribly as they could possibly do.


wait until someone else is being chased and then fix it

If you could change various sounds in the game to whatever you want, what would it be?
>Smacking someone as Killer plays "Anotha one."
>Finished Gen makes a toaster/oven sound

The generator isn't the issue, it's getting all of the other survivors to not behave like retards that's the issue. The Game has a pretty low survival rate, and the map itself rarely gets chosen.

Survived but not exactly unexpected, considering the killer being a lvl 5 Huntress. For whatever reason, every time I see a low level killer they ALWAYS have either Sloppy Butcher or Unrelenting.

>giving a shit about cosmetics
The killer tears are delicious

those tend to be the first perks that show up if you don't have lots of teachables

or bitter murmur

worst part is, they could make all those perks not just usable, but good but they refuse

>Implying I use feng chink or huntress

Even if I used huntress, the mask is awful, its more about the BP, especially when you wait till the match is over and then pull the plug, all the work and they get absolutely nothing.

They'll fill up your steam profile like you would not believe.

Mikey surprise grab or any other killer's surprise hit with a "Surprise Motherfucker" soundbit. Either that or "SHIA SURPRISE".
A succesful hatchet hit with a "ding!" sound.

In more serious things, I'd like to get a different successful hit sound for every killer, one that matches their weapons of choice.

>rank 17 Killer
>just trying to get BP, get my perks
>doing Leather daily
>get yet another full meta perk flashlight team
>don't even get blinded
Hey, I'm getting better, sweet
>but definitely get raped by DSx3
>they all escape
>teabag like crazy at exit
>postgame chat
>one of them is rank fucking 1
>talk to them for a few mins, it's clear some killer raped them a bit ago, they're trying super hard to make me mad

I honestly just want to play Survivor for a few million BP until I can grind my chosen Killer all the way to full perks, this is s u f f e r i n g

user, I got some bad news. Survivors keep all the points they earned that match if you dc them. If you leave the game by selecting the actual leave match option they get an additional 5k survival points as well. The only one you're cucking out of points is yourself.

Playing Killer is a lot faster, but yeah, it is suffering.
If you prefer to play Survivor to grind, get David's We're Gonna Farm Forever and it'll go faster.
That or hack the BP, fuck it.

>play at absolute peak survivor potential by fixing gens, getting chased and unhooking like a madman on top of escaping
>get 24-28k
>fart on survivors a couple of times
>get forty fucking k no problem thanks to BBQ and chili

Anyone who plays survivor for the points is an absolute mong.

It takes a really thick skin to take all that crap from Survivors and still play Killer, even more so when you lose. Don't bend down to them so easily, user.

Why do the offerings sometimes not show what they are?

proper way to approach post game as killer is to type something really innocuous like ":): and just alt tab and see what happens when you come back

>4 envelopes used
>d/c on purpose

>Stomp the shit out of some survivors
>Want more BP before I end it
>Force them to work on generators with while insane
>With distressing skillchecks
Is there any greater feeling?

In his defense, I don't use Ruin on Billy because I think there are better perks to be used. Enduring, BBQC, Nurse's and Whispers all have more utility as a Billy. Though I believe that Hex: Ruin should just be a killer mechanic, much like Bloodlust. Totems in general need more importance and should evolve into an objective for survivors.

Any tips for tracking survivors? I heard scratch marks are kinda buggy right now, and I believe it. Sometimes they just end, or they're going the wrong way down a fork? It's embarrassing how many times I'll hit someone and then just lose them running.

Yeah, playing a good killer.

Replace Wraith's cloak sound with "Owoshashashashasha" and decloak sound with "It's ding-a-ling time".

>tfw unrelenting used to make successful attack cooldowns faster too
>tfw sloppy butcher is useless without Bloodhound
>tfw Bitter Murmur does literally nothing, at most get you a hit if you have NOED

It's so shit to be a killer sometimes.

Yeah, Survivor is not really optimal for points, but I understand the frustration that comes from playing killer all too well to really subject myself to it just for the grind.
In my case I already did the grind, anyways. At most I could go for getting all perks on all killers at P3 but I ain't doing that shit.
And if I do it'll be by BP hax. Fuck the grind.

Well sure, at the beginning but that wasn't what you posted earlier. Just telling you in case you didn't know.

Tracking perks. Whispers, Nurse's Calling and BBQ and Chili are good on most killers. Granted, they're useless in a chase, minus Nurse's if the survivor gets ballsy and tries to heal in the terror radius. Listening to survivors is your best bet, even though sound still isn't where it used to be. It's still significantly better than 1.9.1, though. If they're injured, pay attention to blood. The blood is more important than the scratch marks, which are arguably in their worst place ever, especially considering Lightweight completely breaks scratches. If you're unaware, if a survivor is using Lightweight, random scratches have a higher chance to appear on the map.