/twg/ Total War General

True Roman Thread for True Romans Edition
>FAQs and General Info

>Thrones of Britannia Info
Q & A with Developer - totalwar.com/blog/thrones-britannia-faq
>Total War: THRONES OF BRITANNIA - Gaelic Cinematic Trailer: youtu.be/FLS6faCrHQc
Total War: THRONES OF BRITANNIA - Gaelic Lets Play - youtu.be/rE46BWFTBLE

>Warhammer 2 Info

>Total War Three Kingdoms Info
Announcement Trailer - youtu.be/s4D42vMUSIM

>Rome 2 info
Desert Kingdoms DLC Announce Trailer youtube.com/watch?v=YhKhntVPbZ0

Other urls found in this thread:



>o-only history sells
>gets warhammer
>o...only eurocentric games will be made, q-quit asking about it
>china gets announced
>well, at least our past games stick to europe
>nubian kangdoms announced
>you will never get Total World War faggot, quit crying

>watch upcoming desert kingdom let's play
>the culture just says "Eastern" with different icon
>religious buildings are just eastern buildings with exact same icons
>Meanwhile, a user made Saba mod has unique building icons for religion, city, etc.
>tfw CA is lazier than most mod makers

Expectation is like poison, and that's not a Mithridates joke.

Small indie company.


It is May mah nigga

This is my general formation for fighting huns but I find that I still lose around 700-1000 men
Anyone have tips on how to git gud?

It's march, dumbie.

Make a giant circle full of spears and keep your ranged units behind the spears like in real life.

I dunno. you think Three Kingdoms will actually be any good?

The main appeal is the over the top characters, isn't it? That's not gonna translate that well to a Total War format.

way too dense, and not enough cavalry

replace all your swords with spears and get more missile units. get like 4-6 units of cav and hide them in a forest, then bumrush the general and kill him, even if the cav die your noob box will hold if their general is dead, if the general doesn't die their infantry will tear through and kill like a thousand guys as you've probably already experienced.

Thank you all, will test them all out in custom, use what works best! I'm still a pretty big noob, played Med2 and then jumped into Attilla on a recommendation

Based Hattori comes to save the day.

you still need melee inf to kill hunnic melee inf/spears, specifically uars/chosen uars

corner camping is your friend

so are they going to fix norsca before drumpf bans video games?

generally you want to plan based around the biggest problem units in hunnic armies - for visigoths this is what I would use
>germanic spearmasters
best spear inf, w/ great armor, missile block, and throwing spears
>noble germanic swords
unfortunately your best melee inf option vs huns due to nature of visigothic roster
>elite germ archers
your anti horse archer tools, massive range + flaming shot
>noble germanic horsemen
necessary for removing hunnic melee/shock cavalry, can also be used for running down uar foot archers
>light/raider cav
vanguard in a sneaky spot and use to remove hunnic large onagers asap
>large onager of your own
thin out problem units and force the enemy to advance



how many scoops to unban video games?

dead general LuL



fuck off legend


>desert kingdoms cost a dollar more than empires of sand
I cannot believe people will actually buy this fucking garbage r2 dlc. Both it and ED are low effort garbage CA forced upon the Bulgarian studio to milk the retards in the history only base for money

I ain't touching that shit

This is what happens when CA screws the pooch
it will be alive again when ViKANGZ releases, then die again until May

Well job CA you killed Tww2 and /twg/ and hope these retard enjoy the Rome 2 DLC's

Thanks for even more information, I will whip these horsefuckers

buy shogun 2

Its because the generals are split. Neither can survive without the other. We must integrate.

they aren't, its just that the last thread died and two different anons made new ones

t. op of the other /twg/ currently up rn

I'm keeping both alive.

>duchy of burgundy marches north with their remaining army after their home settlement gets capture
>tries to take town with their shit tier levy spear/skirmisher stack
>general charges into spears and dies
>levies all mass rout after flaming/whistling shot rotation
christfags btfo - I wish I had cav to run shit down with, but infantry had to do

>The absolute state of historylet

How do I build this port?

Now that, was fun.

You'll be allowed to build if you accept the required dilemma prompt

Aside from the Duchy of the Alemannlets, there is little resistance to the current push south. The king's army is the first of our forces across the alps, right into the venetian heartland at aquileia. In the west forces are poised to take multiple venetian holdings, and on the spanish coast our longships have intercepted the last ships of the frankish fleet

an event will pop up once you build a trade port iirc about western powers wanting to trade

First time fighting Skaven for a ritual cockblock (their last turn on final one too).

So are they kind of like undead that when they lose, they lose hard?

How does your artillery have so litle kills?

Because they were hard to put into position because they shoot close to the ground. It was underground so there was no high-ground. So they got most of their kills on the approach.

>army full of yari and bow ashigaru versus this
Can Nobunaga win this battle? He's still rank 2.


>chasing down all of these fucking javelins with only one cavalry unit
its a dirty job, but someone has to do it

>Start a new von Carstein playthrough.
>Unite Sylvania after stealing Drakenhof on turn 2.
Kill Stirland for land, figured I'd build up after that.
>Stirland invites Red Eye to the war, I forget about it since they'll take a while to show up.
>Get a battle marker in Wurtbad from killing a 20 stack + garrison.
>Start moving East to deal with Red Eye.
>Talabecland wants a piece of the action.
>Raise Isabella and give her some bats, raise an army from the marker in Wurtbad and fend of Talabecland stacks. Take Kemperbad and peace out.
>Meanwhile Vlad takes Karak Kadrin and Gnashrak's lair from Red Eye who killed the Dwarfs in record time.
>Empire confeds Averland after I take Averheim, let it go since Wissenland declared war.
>Peace out with Red Eye and march Vlad West.
>Isabella chokes left right and center, loses her 20 stack. Vlad was halfway from Karak Kadrin so I don't lose anything else.
>Shortly after Isabella is wounded, Red Eye breaks the peace treaty and sacks Gnashrak's lair.
>Vlad's stack needs more bats yesterday.
>Open raise dead panel and find grave guard and a mortis engine on turn 30.
>Wissenland ceases to exist, get a NAP with crooked moon and Ostermark.
>Top Knots show up near Grunburg on turn 34.
This campaign is quickly getting out of hand.

>aquitanians, nice and hot


Good boi

>6 units of spearmen
>5 units of archers
>4 units of light and fast shock cav
>4 units of heavy melee cav

That's how i did as the Jews.




Seems pointless. About half the people who do these mass shootings often don't even play video games, and those that do aren't necessarily playing CoD or BF.

Of course, in our society of moral panic, that's not good enough. It's totally those dastardly video games fault and not ours, the society, failure to assist and aid the mentally ill.

Its /based/ to want to ban vidya now, so fix yer tone.

Finally, the v*netian capital is under siege - elsewhere forces advance against their holdings. We have struck a deal with the Theme of Sicily to put down a group of separatists in southern france in exchange for funds and a pact of non aggression. The Frankish rebels in Bayonne have been made into a tributary state to act as a buffer between our newly acquired lands in southern france and the muslims in spain

>get back into TWWH after a while
>forgot how the chaos invasion works
>popup events happen, etc
>fight the chaos armies that appear in my region
>see literal who chaos armies in a really fucked up old world, figure I missed it since I was new world or something
>happens again
>chaos stacks everywhere
>my armies are completely unprepared and out of place, thinking there was nothing more to it


i REALLY want to talk abou tp olitic sright now

when is drumpf going to get asassinated? srlsy someone should just shoot that orange lmao


Rangeban for burgers when?

based fbi poster

Stop it user, I like this general. We aren't all that bad. I ate a salad today, it had olives in it; please don't kick me out.

You unironically deserve death.

this is fucking disgusting

Dear CA
Please Reset AI skill points so confederating with them doesnt give you a useless lord with 2 fucking points in a debuff, no fucking net, no comet, and 3 fucking points in bonded fucking service




would a total war space opera game work?
Infantry could be fighter squadrons and then large creatures large cruisers/battle cruisers.
Maybe smaller frigates could come in small 8 - 12 squads as well.

I'm not sure what a good IP would be for it. One without shields would probably be better,

You have 4x games. Total War is a mediocre 4x game with cool tactical battles. Other games do 4x and space battles way better.

I say this, and I want Total World War.

I don't know of any 4X game that has decent combat. I don't even know of many that have 'cut away' combat.
Most are just putting blobs into blobs.

this is why splitting up race's lls into different factions is fucking stupid, the base game factions that can recruit multiple lls from one faction don't have to put up with this shit

Isn't Bonded Service upkeep reduction? That's not bad if you're going for Lightning Strike.

More like confederations were a mistake

As much i would love a 4x with decent combat, half the budget (lol) of total war games is the animation of individual units and getting them to (mostly) work with 100+ other units. I cant see hundreds of spaceships doing anything other than firin lasers.

Dwarves need a crafting window for magical items, get to it.

do you have ANY IDEA just how many fucking charlemagnes that would cost you entitled faggot? Now choke down this $20 faction pack

Tomb Kangz was worth the price

Okay but be gent*guck*

no, bonded service is reduced recruitment cost
entirely useless unless for some reason you wipe units cosntantly

Yer games not hard enough.

>managing to wipe lizardman units when the game throws healing at you

>generals isolated and ready to be assassinated by cavalry
>bows isolated and also ready to be the next victims of cavalry
>my bows cleared up to deal with their spears

Dumbest fucking attack plan.

The best part is that those factions were already playable in some mods and now have to be locked

None of them have "good" combat, some like SoaSE and Distant Worlds have very limited rts combat going on while others go down the full auto route.

This is Alarielle the Everqueen. Say something nice about her and her tights.

This is what new world cucks deserve.


nice spearmanii, my man

Having only played Shogun 2 and Warhammer, I think that confederations are easily the biggest thing that the latter has over the former.

>You're weak and poor. I'm strong and rich. We have a long and friendly relationship. Join my nation. The alternative is that I march over there, forcibly remove your head from your frail little torso, and stick it in on a pike.

Sounds extremely feasible. It also makes diplomacy something more than a holdover until the inevitable.

They're kind of like undead, in that the AI is completely incapable of utilizing them at all.

anyone playing a game?

Nothing about total war:Arena in the OP. FAIL. SAD.

> total war:Arena

Despite it's name, it's very much not a total war game.


nice stuff. Getea's my favourite faction in Rome 2

>tfw no Rise of Islam for Attila

is CA scared of some jihadi going full haram on their studios ?

> Rise of Islam for Attila
Why do you need it in game when you could have it irl in Britain.