shits lit edition
World of warcraft - wowg
>guild thinks they can farm argus every week
>Can't even clear h eonar in 1 shot
Since Thalyssra is insane and evil now, who is the best nightborne to take her place?
What's your main mount /wowg/?
>cant clear the free loot boss
is it true /ourguy/ doesent have the blizzcon mounts? do he not have the bfa collectors editions mounts either?
Looking to switch from horde to Alliance in BfA, What server should I join thats large enoughto easily find a guild for mythics? Would any server do if I dont plan on mythic raiding?
Currently im on Illidan so I feel a faction change wont be enough, as in BfA itd be like a 10 to 1 ratio as soon as I enable Pvp
My main mount is tfw no random flying mount button.
Seriously though, I use a single flying mount because I use the random mount button for ground mounts. Very frustrating.
yes from wod legion and bfa
It's true!
Oculeth is the best choice for the job, but they will probably make Valtrois leader which is also acceptable
is she for real?
Non-pissrag edition
hip and trendy
She is using the void to fight the void and protect the light. Sylvanas is just evil
Sylvanas used the plague of undeath to fight the plague of undeath to protect the world.
She's doing it to create more undead and destroy life
Anyone have the image of Godfrey blowing Sylvannas the fuck out? I miss him bros
Sylvanas used the Plague to commit genocide and ensure that the evil of the Lich King - which the whole world united to fight - would never end.
one sister unwillingly became a conduit for evil
one sister willingly became a conduit for evil
the Forsaken blight doesn't reanimate anything, that would defeat its purpose as an anti-Scourge weapon
One sister gained evil powers, uses it for self preservation at the cost of any and all life that stands in her way
Another sister gained evil powers, uses it to help save not just the world but the entire universe from an eternity of metaphysical torture the likes of which we literally can not even begin to comprehend
Sylvanashitters go, your booby waifu isn't a good person just because you want to fuck her
didn't say she was a good person, but she used to be a good person
The Valkyr do though.
the only thing Alleria's actually done since getting her void powers is almost accidentally annihilate a font of pure light energy by standing next to it
>player characters are all evil now since we've been helped by rogue valkyr since vanilla
be truthful, would you rather have light forged draenei or Eredun betrayers that defected from teh legion?
>the only thing Alleria's actually done since getting her void powers is almost accidentally annihilate a font of pure light energy by standing next to it
She was also the one that saved it from that
>enslaving Valkyr to reanimate the dead to genocide the living is okay
>free Valkyr reviving slain heroes is bad
someone help me out please?
not by herself, she would have been hopelessly fucked if they didn't have Liadrin, Rommath and Thalryssa
the Valkyr Prime willingly entered a pact with Sylvanas because their only other option was to stick around the summit of Icecrown Citadel for the rest of eternity, still bound to the Frozen Throne
>their only other option
>their only other option
>their only other option
>their only other option
She was the only one that could close it, they just channeled their power into her so she could close it. Without her doing it the well would have been annihilated and there was nothing anyone else could have done.
So pretending like she is even for that accidentally happening and then leaving out she was the only one that could close it is retarded as fuck.
well, until Bolvar figures out how to use the Helm of Domination and re-enslaves them
do you think they wanted to wait and find out?
good pvp tunes my dudes
The hero we deserve
>player characters are all evil now since we've been helped by rogue valkyr since vanilla
the valkyr that revive players are literally the ones that ARENT rogue, dum dum
also non canon because generally people who die every five minutes dont get magically brought back to life so they can fulfill their destiny of having sex in goldshire and ninja looting transmog items in lfg
Well I just never liked the "Sylvanas entered a pact and they were freed" thing. Why didn't anyone else think to enter a pact?
Godfrey for high kind of the alliance when?
>Why didn't anyone else think to enter a pact?
during Wrath? All the Valkyr were still under the control of the Helm of Domination, worn by Arthas at the time, and he was going full purge-the-living and therefore didn't have diminished control like Bolvar has during Legion
they are, shitbrain, the spirit healers are all the ones who fucked off to the Shadowlands rather than side with either Odyn or Helya
>hurr not canon
whining about game mechanics doesn't mean shit when it's in Chronicle
>during Wrath?
Sylvanas didn't ask during Wrath. She asked in the intervening time after Bolvar took over but before Cata. She's also managed to get all but 4 of them killed.
Theoretically anyone else could have made an offer for their services from the moment Arthas died, but no one seems to have bothered.
nobody else really had a reason to stick around after the death of Arthas
Sylvanas only had the opportunity because she climbed to the summit to kill herself, which the val'kyr tried to talk her out of because they didn't want to be stuck with Bolvar for the rest of eternity, and then when Sylvanas realized how utterly fucked she was going to be, she accepted their offer
>Sylvanas only had the opportunity because she climbed to the summit to kill herself
I don't remember this cut scene.
I'm seeing some kind of silithus farm for monks in LFG right now. What's that about bros?