Anal Birth Edition
Anal Birth Edition
Crit Zed is fun
Does DMP need buffs or alterations or is sunfire in a worse state?
Xayah is a slut for Big Human Cock.
I wanna cuddle Jinx and be her stress toy
DMP needs a +.5 Bonus AD scaler obvs :^)
>he doesn't eat ass
What are some good champs to get out of Silver 3 /lolg/?
Sunfire just sucks now
Thornmail gives the same effect on minions plus more in combat.
They both serve a purpose. You'd just be playing musical chairs with items anyway.
>bonus AD ratio
>on a bruiser item that doesn't give AD itself
Nah. DMP just needs less defensive stats, and more on-hit damage and movespeed and to do double damage to turrets
>STILL no wendigo champ
Uh... lolbabs?
Also, what does zombie ass taste like?
What champion pisses you off the most?
>only 30k
What does being Jinx's stress toy involve?
Fiddle Rework.
>retard raka main can't read numbers right
makes sense
>generic (you) about your NA education and inability to count
GigaSona pats you on the head and starts to pick you up to take you inside her house.
What do you do?
What if this whole time it's been me who is mentally disabled and not my team?
your whole giga sona thing is autistic as hell. please go outside.
she's a sexual what
Is tahm kench literally the only champ in this game that takes glacial augment?
He's probably a manlet. Or underage. Or a virgin. Or all three. It's hard to tell with Sonafags.
Isn't Fiddle the ghost of a hanged man now? But yeah a wendigo or Scarecrow that represent famine can still work
a sexual deviant
I don't know what Fiddle is now and I don't care to. If they just made his lore a paragraph of question marks and left it at that I'd be happiest.
tall people are more likely to be into tall women than short people, short people already live that life
What's the worst romantic pairing of champions possible?
i have no frieeeeeeendddddssss
>user talks out his ass after he's called out for being a manlet
i can be your friend user
Do Wendigos represent famine or greed?
Whats my objective as Evelynn jungle? What should I be focusing on and when
They're pure Hunger.
Fiddlesticks is a ghastly, living scarecrow who stalks the darkness, wielding a cruel scythe and preying upon the unwary. Once a lonely man accused of bringing famine to his village, he was tied up and left to starve in his own barren field. Resurrected by the savage murder of crows that fed on his remains, Fiddlesticks now relishes terrorizing his victims before claiming their lives amid a flurry of feathers and blood-splattered beaks.
ffing at 15 so your team can move on to a game where they can get LP. alternatively, play eve in bot/training mode so people don't have to deal with having a useless fucking stealth jungler.
>someone takes Ashe from me
kill yourself desu
I'm tall (6''2) and I like petite girls more
I typically look up to see if my adc plays ashe, and if he does, I ban her.
Not that bad compared to literally nothing but the spooky thing in the closet of the halls of justice
>this is your support for the day
and this user is your new fag for the day.
I'm the tallest person in lolg and fucking LOVE short girls. Dating a girl 2 ft shorter than you is fun as fuck.
Let me guess, she bought a doran's ring
>muh green text
>MF getting ANOTHER skin
If you listen closely, you can hear a muffled gunshot as every Taliyahfag an-hero's at the exact same time.
why is lux support so bad anyways?
Dude what if
We made a champion
Who gets FREE AP
having a girl taller than you by a good margin is also fuck as fuck
>implying you've even held a girl's hand
Any poppy mains might telling me why arey is the prefer keystone instead of more dmg oriented one like electrocute or tanky like grasp?
Why do Heavy-R videos not load properly?
Is anyone else having this issue.
is camille an amputee? does she have legs and is just wearing robo-stilts, or are those exacto knives replacements for her legs?
she bought a dark seal
>poppy mains
Lol she fucking sucks right now play something else in the meantime
Why don't you just look up what the master players use instead of looking for spoonfeeding here, shitter.
Because its a lazy shitters pick.
>what the fuck does "likely" even mean?
She willingly modified her body to become stronger.
So technically she is?
t. triggered manlet
i like her, dunno who else to pick up, no good with gp and not a fan of nasus.
read the post m8, im asking WHY not what.
but are the stilts her new legs?
could she like take them off like a pair of shoes?
She really helps herself more then her adc
>that body aesthetic
holy fucking kek manlets
They're her legs now. She could probably get them removed and replaced through surgery
xth for Cute Ashe
Chilling Edition
are you a zed main now?
>New Irelia next week
how to fix this ?
friends are important in life
absolute false
t. 6'1
im getting 30 lp per win in plat 5. 80% of you retards are stuck in silver or gold. this game is so easy. this is a fresh account btw
I feel super bad for that manlet, he worked just as hard for that body but hes still uglier.
Could someone with mad photoshop abilities throw those angry red eyes onto mah boi here
I need it
like this?
aery works well with her passive. Grasp doesn't because you're never fighting in a melee match top that allows you to get in autos, and because grasp requires you to be in combat it's difficult to time captain america with grasp to proc it against a competent player who will be punishing the shit out of you for playing poppy. Same shit for electrocute, either you're playing a melee matchup where you lose trades or you're fighting a ranged champ where you can't trade at all but if u did you would still lose trades. At the end of the day you need ganks to win and aery works well until you get said ganks.
How am I supposed to deal with Veigar
sorry it's hard to read esl posts.
>>New Irelia next week
too soon user, next week is MF legendary skin, we ain't seen Irelia until late april
Yeah like one of them there things
>suggest to ez that he builds iceborn as he has fed enemy jungle udyr in the laning phase as ez/karma vs enemy viktor adc and teemo
>somehow that suggestion is too hard to fathom and he builds first item tri
>procedes to feed udyr because he cannot kite him and karma can only do so much
>we lose game
You fucking twink faggot you should probably just tie the noose right now, how hard is it to see that iceborn was better. Adc players are all fucking babys who cry when they arent getting their assholes sucked.
Kill him.
>are you a zed main now?
I just said Crit Zed is fun
>Ezreal and Karma couldn't stop Udyr
did you guys like not use abilities or something?
some user made a bunch for people a week ago. you missed him lad
>Kai'Sa is supposed to be Vayne 2.0
>Plays absolutely nothing like Vayne
>gnar loses lane to fiora
tall girls are really hot
t. 6'2
>>Kai'Sa is supposed to be Vayne 2.0
They mean, she's going to feed the enemy, then blame it on her support to finally AFK, before reaching late game
>people picks lux always
>despite morg basically having them same kit
>despite morg actually having a shield thats worth a damn and odesnt take 8 years
>despite morg actually having a stun thats good
>despite morg being safer
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
>Leans into mic
>Really like and want to learn Kha'Zix
>Every game with him makes me want to gouge my eyes out
>>despite morg basically having them same kit
This isn't even remotely true. People should not play Lux support but do not say dumb shit like this.
How do i play, the mechenical russian man, user?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
But they wouldn't be able to show off their Elem/SG/Lunar Lux skin if they picked something smart.
Idk i didnt watch botlane too much as i was in my hell of toplane, somehow they just did. They got assfucked by the viktor adc/teemo support lane as is. Im just mad.
fucking manlets
J4 buffs when i hate going full tank