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second for alivescape 2
How do you get rid of ironman status?
i think the sage in lumb can remove it, if not him, some other NPC in lumby does it
Talk to the lumby guide and complain about ironmeme being hard like a little babby
you would know :^^^^)
i just want slylar to hold me in his manly italian arms :(
who was that fag that collected hammers
nipple longinus or something
/v/scape stores your ironman status in a folder called "system32". Just delete that and you should be able to trade regularly.
are you really new enough to think anyone is that new? What is this, 2007 /b/?
maybe that's the joke
Just feeling nostalgic desu. Stale memes are a stable of this community.
Anyone working on vidyascape mobile? (:
explains a lot
always wondered why normies like him and ani end up here though
woah you can't call me a normie if my skill/bank/xp total is far beyond yours
But you are a normie
the absolute state of american education
>Pure Unadulterated Avocado
Ha I like how you call grinding >working
>It is now legal for the Canadian government to take away children from their parents if they don't accept their gender identity.
So basically guacman hates niggers because he is one
pm oven dodger
good sale
v nice but now with image
Are you implying mobile already exists? I was asking if anyone was developing it.
I still remember the dreams there
I still remember the times we said goodbye
t. owner of a lonely heart
i remember sucking animosity's butt
and i remember the big sister who i felt boobs of the autistic kid that i slapped, gave a black eye, and subsequently got put on probation and sent to juvenile over
slobs can't get away from this itchy trigger finger
infrared scope with a 30 round clip cause i'm a slob ass ex-crip nigga from east coast
only in dreams, fuck all darus and the families that made me
A hoe ain't shit come suck a crip dick
I get a strap and I'm ready for a 211, catch a slob and it's slob 187 S-N-O-O-P
putting brains to the sidewalk to end all talk
And commence to straight spray niggers like moreissey
i'm giving up the K to some niggers in austria-hungary
I wonder if why I am so good at DNA class is that I'm such a good amount of them
>3 months since we had a new quest
selling stuff in pic plus a bunch of god pages
buying mith bolts
pm sigurd
get with the times old man
i wish guacman were anything close to a likeable person so i could sympathize with his story, too bad he's terrible
This is a bitterness post.
are rangers cowards? its practically snowing in sacramento. osrs is real comfy atm
fuck you i do what i want
If you open this in a new tab its greyed out with a loading icon.
bump a cum dump
>larping ultra chad ivy league bound delinquent autist who is also suicidal like you and I
guacman might be the most insufferable person in this general
Is there a password recovery feature or a staff member I can get to reset my password? Newer player with a bunch of quests done and skills at a respectable level. Don't want to reroll.
Tried logging on today and my saved info was gone and all of my usual passwords aren't working.
Counter point: Starlight
please respond
No password recovery feature, no mods online at the moment. Your best bet IMO would be to make a new account and wait until you see any admins online, then ask them for help. The most active admins are Benny, DrBitterness, and Odel.
contact them on steam and they'll help you out. I've recovered an account that I gave away and helped others get their accounts back too.
Provide evidence that no one else could provide. I recovered my account because I proved it was mine because I knew the bank pin even though I didn't have the password. Easiest way to check is if your ip matches the former login ip addresses. Extensive screenshots [italics]might[/italics] work if you aren't a relevant player that posts screenshots in thread.
>New player
>Skills at a respectable level
Vaginas should have vaginas
>gave up on ironmeme account
>started new account
>tried to bulk sell to a general shop
>mfw I got underbought and wasted hours making stupid shit because i forgot about economics in this game
How do I make ten thousands without trading w/ players? I'd like to be able to afford rune to mine and wc
alch shit
Mine pess and sell it to Starlight.
fart/poop on shit aka fartypoopaahh
thanks duderino
should have just removed the ironman from him.
>in nature, female insects are stronger than males
>in jagex, the kalphite king is stronger than the kalphite queen
>in nature, male mammals and reptiles are stronger than female mammals and reptiles
>in jagex, the queen black dragon is stronger than the king black dragon
how progresssive, I am typing this while I take a poop
However dragons are fictional so they're not mammals or reptiles
>not reptiles
Animosity is a pickle boy
He likes to eat pickles on his pizza, he likes pickled pizza, and he has a pickled dick, and he has a pickle for a penis, and he's the cutest lil boy around
For Mango
Bobster/Odel/Mr.Bitterness I added you on steam to talk about my missing password on my account. Please accept add when you can.
what skill are you training :3
faggotry :3
lvl :3?
sain is such a faggot
go to sleep andre
fuck off kim
lol thread was literally next up to be deleted
bump it more you fucks
>dchain is 25m
nice broken economy
>another guy has hween and scythe
>The "I still play Runescape in 2018 Starter Pack"
“Hey, is that runescape?”
“Nah, it’s vscape”
Dchain is not 25m you retard
(it is and youre both new/poorfags lmao)
t. big dick chadmosity the rich white anglo-saxon renowned for being a landowner, flax merchant, and slavemaster