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First for Yen.
i dont enjoy how blatantly broken a lot of cards are
>Downer OP art
Why do this OP?
Someone at CDPR hates Gwent.
I don't know who, but someone does.
You mean
> Fist for Yen
It's because plebbit gave Rethaz negative comment karma and hurt his fee fees
A vanilla mahakam maruder beats Sabbath
I just had 2 forfeits straight because some tard thought he'd win the duel
He obviously has no idea what unga means in the context of gaming, the machines require constant careful calculating of how you should reduce the opponent's units.
Does he even visit reddit anymore?
I added Vesemir + Mandrake just to banish Imlerith in Casual. Bretty funny.
>mfw I Mandrake enemy Sabbath
>People getting hyped up over a card that has literally a fuckton of easy counters
are silver spies disabled in arena?
i guess because its potential is really strong, if you can't remove it, it's immortal and kills everything
Too many people going too hard on Sabbath. It works pretty well stuck in a normal Eredin frost chassis, where you don't care if it dies.
You do still care since it's only a 13 point gold if you nail an 8 with it and nothing else, but you don't have to immediately forfeit at least. Also only talking in constructed of course, in arena it's hilarious.
That's because most people play the same fucking netdeck and that card is useful against it.
And as we all know, as netdeckers can't think for themselves and adapt they cry about the card instead that can resist their strategy.
A bit strange to see people praising this card so much. I'm really not a fan of those feast or famine type of deals.
I really hate you can't answer to the faggot because it's the end of your opponents turn, that's my one gripe
what does the bearmaster say? Get them vrytek?
Get em voytek
It's some skellige gibbersh
You both must be either fucking Americans or children. Because your lack of common knowledge is astounding... Holy shit.
He OBVIOUSLY says "Wojtek," if you don't know the bear then just fuck off from this site because you are clearly too dumb to browse here.
ebin post +1
>mfw 'A wee hint, Danny Jiggolas'
>people are jerking off over a card that's countered by the literal cancer known as alchemy
>Enemy used Mandrake too soon before I put out the pimpdaddy
>Mfw immortal Sabbath with Adrenaline Rush and Renew
best corporal
>lose because my opponent convienently runestoned into a mage
haha ebin :D
Just play around it :)
No RNG in Gwent :)
A strategic game where the best player wins :)
From the creators of The Witcher series of games, developer CD PROJEKT RED, comes a different type of collectible card game. Based on skill rather than luck, GWENT encourages use of strategy and deception to defeat your opponents.
Geralt and Triss OTP
>two draws in arena
>in a row
I don't know if I should feel proud or ashamed of this
Ciri being lewd in the Cyberpunk world.
>still crashing on startup
>Still endless queues
>Still disconnecting
This game kek. Even Fable Fortune with it's 1 playerbase isn't this bad
>getting free wins due to disconnect
t-t-thanks polacks
King Bran's funeral
When the dick so good you immolate yourself when it's gone
Birna Bran should have burned instead
>-no balance changes because of arena, they want to change/introduce one thing at a time.
wow, just wow
>first arena choice
>4 gold cards, none of them good
>pick ithlinne because she at least has some potential
>24 choices later: not a single spell, boon or hazard
>first game
>play dijkstra in round 3
>pulls dead ithlinne
>lose by 1 point
I'm not very good at this arena thing.
great game
>opponent plays 9 golds in a 10 card round 3
well g fucking g
arena is supposed to be 3 rounds not 1
Haven't played in months, what would you anons suggest to pick from pic related?
shupe if you don't have duplicates, hym otherwise. that yen card is pretty bad
I love freezing Aard
>Imlerith: Play a +12 value card or you're dead
Shupe is most goodest
If you are this tunnel-visioned I wonder how you can even breath and walk at the same time.
When is the Toussaint update coming? I have 100 kegs saved for it and don't feel like opening them as they would only bring me a few golds I already have.
It works on any row and you can fucking renew and buff it. WHAT IS GOING ON
Is this for arena or cards to add to your collection? If arena/or for memes Shupe > Hym. Maybe swap it if that's a keg/starter pack, both are good. Ignore Yen in any case.
The game is filled with removals, run one.
>Ignore Yen in any case
What a retarded "advice." The card is obviously Premium unlike the other two, it should always be picked first.
You people drive me insane with your stupidity. Shupe only if there was no Premium.
After winning one duel and being buffed once it has a value of 12, hope you have that Manticore Venom to clear it.
All 3 are clearly movie cards you muppet
Fuck me.
MFW i think of Trissfu
Vilgefortz into Shupe is bugged ??!??
Half of Gwent is bugged
Hym is a top tier Skellige gold and Shupe is a funny card you can build meme decks around. Yen is pretty situational and not all that good.
Pretty much everything that draws a card has a random chance of fucking up right now.
They just keep adding more rng to the game for some reason.
>taxi get pulled over by police
>miss by flight check in by 3 minutes
E-everything happens for a reason right lads?
Don't worry, Ciri can teleport you to wherever it is you need to go.
>Phone runs out of battery over night
>Wake up 4 hours too late because no alarm clock
>Get fired
haha.. reasons amrite?
>Opponent keeps highlighting my cards like a fucking retard
Those are the people that NEVER get a gg from me. Even a spam emoting faggot gets one if he gets clearly outplayed but this cancer? Fuck those people.
>play your cards immediately
>opponent takes the entire turn timer to decide, constantly hovering over all his cards
I'm so annoyed by these fucking elf decks it's unbelievable. No counter.
No counter? What do you mean?
You can only play against it if you go Henselt but you can't add cards to your deck solely against it because it has answers to everything and its engine runs between his hand and deck which you can't interrupt.
Only hope is playing tons of damage units. And that requires a very specific deck because they don't even fall to weather.
>now im stuck in the sketchy outskirts of a euro city because my cab driver was a fuckhead
gg lads this is it for me
I'm sure everything will be fine.
That's some bullshit.
Henselt annihilates them, no matter what machines you put in your deck.
I had 5/1 record against them with my brouver shoop deck. They have no r3 at all, once I beaten mulli-tard with 2 cards down.
>Henslet annihilates them
That's what I just said and it is not bullshit.
What I just said is that you can't counter the Elves by adding certain cards to your other archetypes but either you go full kill mode with Henselt or play at a disadvantage. The only way is to kill them efficiently with heavy focus.
How good is Henselt against GS, consume and alchemy?
henselt baron I think is ok against consume
They eating their own stuff and each consume buffs baron, so it ends up being 30+
ANd you have a lot of tools to remove shitton of nekkers in 1st round
GS can be pretty tough, you might want to run muzzle and artifact compression if you're running into them a lot.
Consume should be pretty easy because you can just thin their nekker numbers before they get big by killing them over and over again and you're usually running scorch/bork for the last round.
Alchemy can be annoying with them taking down your Henselt targets.
Viper witchers need to get their strength buffed to 6, or a cap on damage from alchemy cards
Even Rethaz is better than you.
>only (somewhat) viable ng archetype needs a nerf
How fucking bad are you?
Can you put the current arena run on hold for later? This shit takes forever.
Trissfriends have a triss poem now. It seems like Cirifriends need to step it up
>I have 100 kegs
I hope you mean ore for 100 kegs because Toussaint update will have new type of kegs and the one you have right now are worthless.
>Cards which were not working properly in Arena mode (Shilard, Síle de Tansarville and Sarah) have been fixed.
Sounds like they removed the draw-rng.
Like 30 kegs and 7000 ore.
Not a poet, but I will make some oc with sbui soon
Thanks, lads. Struggling to pick an interesting deck to play this season after spies got gutted.
Against Henselt no nekker player will lay their nekkers down until they have over 10+ value.
New expansions come with new kegs, so feel free to open what you have.
So apparently Lifecoach just became steam friends with a pro who has access to an "unknown" steam game, which other card game pros have access to. He gone.