His Imperial Majesty Karl Von Habsburg is the rightful heir to the Holy Roman Empire
His Imperial Majesty Karl Von Habsburg is the rightful heir to the Holy Roman Empire
OP disqualifies himself from posting by capitalizing the von like a colonial peasant.
I believe he could have some political influence if he wasn't so ugly.
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Ironically the antipapal germanic confederation elected its "emperor", so that would make angela merkel the official "emperor" of the now, but it is such a bullshit country anyway it doesn't really matter.
>implying the Imperial Diet didn't elect an emperor for life
Modern Germany has no connection to the HRE.
It was not particularly holy in any sense of the word; it was not Roman at all, seeing as the Romans never even settled the heartlands that would comprise the >H>R>E's largest dominions, nor did its people inherit Roman customs or even consider themselves Romans, nor were any of its institutions direct off-spring of older Roman institutions.
And lastly, it wasn't even an Empire. It was a confederacy, if even that.
Being ugly is a Habsburg tradition
>"Being ugly is a habs---"
>heir to the Holy Roman Empire
>You know that the HRE was an elective monarchy
Also, I'd Support him.
Imagine Austira with all those conservative hungarians voting to keep out the mudhsits
Are you implying that he was good looking?
Are you implying he's not?
Possibly, were it not for the fact that he's a bleeding heart internationalist cuck
Holy shit, he looks like Bashar al-Assad.
you sound like uncle adolf when he talks about habsburgs.
But really, doesn't this guy realize if he played is cards right he might just be able to ride the new wave of right wing thats growing in europe.
Hofer's party was founded by Nazis.
Habsburg sounds tame and palatable compared to that.
He literally is far too liberal to every consider his title to be worth anything, if not an outright embarrassment
His father was politically active, and he was a typical open borders globalist cuck.
The simple fact is that the royal families of Europe are educated according to the values of the great business classes, the values of the Davos Men, there are no more distinct aristocratic values.
If Karl von Habsburg founded a party, it would be a socially progressive, economically liberal party, like the Greens.
He looks inbred. Then again, that's a Habsburg tradition.
But that's clearly Bashar al-Assad
Thats pathetic desu.
Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote hitler after the fall of france saying he did a good job using HIS (as in the the kaiser's) army and that he should restore the monarchy.
Obviously that pissed Hitler the fuck off, although Hitler when hitler was rambling he said he wasn't opposed to the idea further down the road after he had more time to enact social reforms.
How about both?
Gotta love those closed loops in the ol family tree
i posted charles ii again XD
>>You know that the HRE was an elective monarchy
In theory only. Did they ever elect anyone besides a Habsburg?
I'm going to say..
>the HRE existed between the 800s and 1600s?
Oh yeah. I'll just go hang myself now.
Are you pretending or actually this uneducated
Habsburg, isn't that this Restaurant somewhere in Aargau? Heard they have good Schnitzel.
>mmmh Schnitzel
Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire after conquering it.
He's the heir to the throne of Austria, Hungary and all other former dominions, but those thrones no longer exist.
I was being legit retarded and not trolling, but in my defence I was focusing on the huge block of Habsburg rulers between c. 1400-1800.
In light of this, I answered my own question: there was one non-Habsburg during this period, after the main line went extinct. So I guess the Electors were occasionally more than a rubber stamp committee.
Sigismund 1411-1433
Karl VII 1742-1745
It was one of the Habsburgs themselves who dissolved the HRE. At best, this guy could become Emperor of Austria, and maybe reverse-Anschluss Germany somehow. Not betting on it though.