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>Danganronpa News Updated 11/15/17
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>Winter Danganronpa:
/drg/ - Danganronpa General
Reminder that Maki is shit. Saihara/Ouma/Kaito trio!
Mini Oreo!
i'm really fucking sorry
Does the image limit even really matter? People complain all the time about how the image limit is being "used up", but if people are just going to make new threads early to get around it then there's nothing to complain about.
>Oumafags bringing their autism to the new thread
Angie and her beloved Saihara! ...Do I dare to ask just what exactly went down last thread?
Also, fuck Atua! Respect Kami-sama!!
You know it bro.
Koko! Is minding his own business and isn't looking for any arguments.
Lets start an ass thread come on guys
post a pic of your waifus ass
How's everyone doing?
When are they NOT autistic?
>inb4 hurr durr a-amamifag or z-zeussufag!
yahaha yes!
It doesn't at all, but people like to complain about everything.
Why did you post Amomey?
Fuck off.
They're the most cancerous characterfags on here for a reason.
Sayaka did nothing wrong
I love everyone who posts in this thread and who has posted in previous threads and everyone who posts in future threads
twink ass.
It doesn't. We aren't limited to how many general threads we can make so long as we don't make a new one until we reach one limit.
If we are, we have a while to go before reaching the limit because /ksg/ has been going on for thousands of threads.
s... stop bullying oumafans...
Would Ouma get along with a child version of himself?
>Fuck off
Reminder that Maki will get UDG2 and a spinoff while Kokichi won't get shit since he's dead.
A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
Depends on what kind of child Ouma was, and we don't really know that.
>Kokichi figures announced: 3
>Maki figures announced: 0
Ouma x Chihiro would be a cute ship.
Yes. Go away and take your sisters with you.
Thank god.
>Maki will get a spin off
What will it be about?
>shitty chibis
>compared to a whole game and spinoff
Checkmate Kokishit. Should have survived.
No. I can be where I want and I don't listen to assholes telling me where I should and shouldn't go. My sisters don't use /drg/.
Don't have a lot of asses on my phone, all the gold is in the main storage.
>UDG sold like shit
The fighting game is already confirmed, stop trying to pretend UDG2 is gonna happen.
Nothing because It'll never happen. Maki isn't a popular character and UDG isn't a popular dangan game.
What the fuck are you so delusional that you act like Maki has a game or spin off confirmed when it's clearly Amami and Yumeno? Get it right. Oumafags and Makifags are fucking pathetic.
No you can't. Nobody wants to hear about your failed home life. Now take your sisters and leave. Your attention whoring is pathetic.
Not Jewell but Isn't the fact you need to reply to her attention whoring too?
Are you trying to prove all the shitposting about us or something? Cut it out, even I find it annoying.
>Oumafags in denial
I don't really care since Amami and Yumeno getting spinoffs over Ouma is still funny to me. Though it's obvious UDG2 will happen with Maki.
Not that guy but where? Please don't tell me it's coming to GDC. All I heard about a fighting game was Kodaka wanting to make one in response to being tired from making DR. It also can't be the action game 3D modeling job posting because every DR is categorized as action and V3 and SDR2 used 3D models.
And please don't tell me this is bait
Hey buddy. Going to sleep. Good night.
Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
>UDG sold like shit
Except it didn't you retard. You're mad the sequel won't have Ouma in it.
What do I do if I loved every character in V3
Get out of /drg/ you're too pure to be here
>Mugifag defending an attention whore
Not surprised. You did the same with Pajeet.
>implying I want Ouma in a future Dangan game
Ouma's my favorite but he's dead as fuck, it'd be dumb to bring him back.
They're all great characters. For some reason, a lot of anons treat this place like there's a constant war of various characterfags trying to gain superiority over every other characterfag because they think all other characters suck or something.
>V3 and SDR2 used 3D models.
Not him but why hire more instead of use the same ones? Also they needed the new ones to be familiar with newer software. I mean it's character modeling.
>No you can't.
Yes I can. I choose what sites I use. Not you. I don't know you.
>Nobody wants to hear about your failed home life.
Never mentioned it.
>Now take your sisters and leave.
They don't use /drg/.
>Your attention whoring is pathetic.
I'm literally asking not to start arguments and for people to leave me alone. The fact that you see this as attention whoring is both pathetic and cynical. Now can you please leave me alone? I'm going through enough shit already and I don't want to be accused of wanting to start shit that I'm actively trying to avoid. If you're going to keep this up and still try and start fights with me or still continue to call me an attention whore, then congratulations on being a shitty person, I guess. I'm not going to respond to you after this and I'm going to enjoy my time on /drg/ without having to deal with your harassment and accusations. Thank you.
>tfw I've been here since V3's release date and characterfag as almost every character and no one has caught on yet
>Assuming I'm a Mugifag instantly
That was a tourist who threatened to doxx everyone in Taima because he accused them being behind all the hatewars about Mugi.
Honestly they're all great characters and I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels the same
Not really, since the epilogue hammers in the fact that Tsumugi was lying about a lot of things, we can't take his death at face value. They aren't going to make a sequel just to bring back some nobody character like Ryoma or Angie, so what do you think this means?
t. Godposter
You bring up a good point. I believed some left or got laid off since the producer left. Several days later, the job listing was posted.
>I-I'm not asking for attention
>literally posts her ritualpost for attention
Just go away. You are so pitiful. No wonder nobody cares about you at home. So you decide to make the usual ritual post to announce to everyone you're here because you can't do the same at home without people shitting on you.
They're dead user, the only way they're coming back is if they pull another coma like in DR2.
>I'm not going to respond to you after this and I'm going to enjoy my time on /drg/ without having to deal with your harassment and accusations.
If you really felt this way you never would have responded in the first place.
You're awful, dude.
Mugifags being in league with Pajeet was known history. Pajeet was a attention whore like Jewell. You're defending Jewell now so I'll naturally assume you have to be a Mugifag.
Then I remember there are only two Mugifags overall so I could be wrong.
Don't make up other people's stories user. People ritualpost because it's fun.
Godposter will only do so if you wear the Ouma cosplay.
Okay, Kaede, what the fuck is wrong with your hair?
id rather have her on this board then some cunt that attacks people.
You're making us look bad...
Danganronpa will be at E3.
I mean we don't know if they got laid off or left. Just the producer who left. Though it depends on what exactly the game is. They need more character modelers and 3D designers for it.
I don't think you understand how basic conversation works if you're unironically going to claim this. I told him that I want him to leave me alone. Not hard. You try trying to avoid trouble only for people to tell you to get off of sites. The fact that you're in pure denial that's how I genuinely feel just shows how inconsiderate some of you people are. If I didn't care, I wouldn't take the time to write all that.
despair booty
What stock shitposting generator are you using to type your posts, user?
>white knights assembled
>Alpha Zeussufag outs himself
I'm going to KILL MIKAN
So Mugifags or shitposters? Which are you?
Not a white knight. Just a nice guy who doesn't like dicks.
I have a feeling that this is probably one of the anons that harassed her for the better part of two hours about her home life a few months back, so much so that a mod had to come in and tell us to talk about video games. He's chiakiautist level.
>Just a nice guy who doesn't like dicks.
>not liking dicks on /drg/
What are you gay?
Not him but it's obvious you're hungry for attention. The moment you referenced what happened last thread you pretty much were asking for someone to respond to you. You do this all the time. Quite frankly it's annoying but thankfully most people tend to ignore it for the most part until some idiot did in this thread.
If you want someone to leave you alone, don't give them attention.
Post Angies Angiefriends!
God you're all misewable fucks. I should have let MonokuMod have his way with you all instead of making a safe haven for you to discuss Danganwonpa.
I'm going to FUCK the WinterDRs.
So how much did Jewell pay you? Or did she bribe you with sec? If so you're desperate as hell to fuck an ugly ass cow like her.
I miss WinterDR
A couple people above her referenced the last thread too user...
Rival-chan's true talent must be the Ultimate Thief, because she's stolen my heart!
what is your problem man
Without feeling the need to ritualpost about it or not hide behind spoiler text. Jewell brings this to hersel
None of this is my intention. I referenced it to say I don't want any involvement on it up front. You guys just look at reverse psychology and expect the most manipulative and horrible side of people. I'm not looking for attention and I most certainly don't want discussion or controversy about me, on these threads especially. I've seen my name dropped on the damn fire emblem thread, some anons are so desperate. Now can you please drop this?
I'm going to say "No" if some stranger tells me to stop using a thread.
I love my beautiful wife Maki so much! She's so cute and wonderful when she wants to be, I just want to cuddle with her, having her bury her face into my chest, and show her love!
>it’s an everyone on /drg/ screams at each other over petty shit episode
I guess it’s time to go to bed.