Why do fascist hate jews so much?
Why do fascist hate jews so much?
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Fascist are usually nationalistic and see jews as not of their nation, as outsiders leaching on them
Why have jews been kicked out of 100+ countries?
They need a convincing villain and the Jews have been stereotypically the James Bond villain of history.
Most actually didn't really care much. Anti-semitism was not an especially fascist trait before Hitler showed up. It was Hitler who fused anti-semitism with fascism to create a special Germanic beast called Nazism.
Jews were an often disliked minority for centuries. Mostly to do with the fact that Christians were (until the quieter later stages of Reformation/Counter-Reformation or so) dogmatically forbidden to engage in 'usury', which is basically giving out loans with interest. However, it is very useful to get loans, and so Jews were allowed to do this. Most were still illiterate poorfags, but the richer members of the community who gave loans COULD nonetheless be taxed by a local king or duke. So even a sovereign himself couldn't grants loans with interest, he could still get his cut by taxing Jews on their wealth, in exchange for their getting to live more-or-less in peace.
Also the ancient 'Christ-killer' blame game.
Jews were not considered 'ethnic' members of the states they belonged to, even if they had been resident for many generations and took on local names, being 'rootless cosmopolitans', etc. etc. Therefore they were not only incapable of loyalty to the nation (when the concept arose and spread in the 1800s), but were (so the claim goes) specifically disloyal in only caring about Jews.
Sound familiar?
Also, Mussolini was shit in a lot of ways, but he wasn't any more Semitic than usual for his days. Same with most other fascists in the world in the early 20th century.
Mostly it was due to the prevalence of Jews within the culturally corrosive elements in Europe at the time- emigration, sexual revolution, marxism, music.
That, coupled with their prominence in politics and banking as a minority, a minority which would often advocate policies that benefited them but not Germans.
Finally Zionism had begun to imprint in them separatism, Jews, who had always been outsiders, were even more so.
We can see that repeated here in America in every way mentioned before in Weimar Germany only multiplied.
>Finally Zionism had begun to imprint in them separatism,
Zionism was actually pretty marginal until after WWII. Even then just as many holocaust survivors chose to go to america over israel when it was founded. As for the other stuff you mention, you're right to point out that Jews may have been more 'prevalent' in certain movements, but just as many jews were conservative, upright, patriotic bourgeois citizens in whichever country they lived. It's just that propagandists didn't point that out at the time. Hell, Jews were disproportionately represented in the early Italian Fascist movement and were accepted by it up to 1938 when Mussolini went full naziboo.
>but just as many jews
I actually mean to say "an overwhelming majority"
Hitler was not a fascist, national socialism is not fascist.
It was a derivative of fascism imo with a much stronger emphasis on race
The thing is, anti-semitism was a perfectly valid and legitimate position before Hitler, it wasn't something exclusive just to "fascists". Many leftists as well as conservatives hated Jews and considered them to be subversive parasites. The 1917 Bolshevik revolution was widely considered a Jewish plot which was recognized even by people like Winston Churchill. It's actually crazy how whitewashed all of this got over the years, mostly thanks to Hitler chimping out.
Is there a jewish fascist ideology that exists?
radical zionism
I don't understand how people can seriously claim this. Note that fascist didn't consider Hitler a fascist, Hitler didn't consider himself a fascist either, it's always the people who are neither fascist nor NS who claim that NS is fascism.
Nearly all modern day fascists are just Hitler fan boys that base their beliefs on his actions and not on any particular merit fascism may or may not have
>Is there a jewish fascist ideology that exists?
well right-wing zionism does imo with its emphasis on settler nationalism and its willingness to suppress arab civil rights even within israeli territory and not just the palestinian region. Not to mention the terrorist campaigns waged by right-wing zionists against the British to accelerate their evacuation. Generally the argument these groups made at independence too was that displacing the palestinians putting jews in their place it would be hard in the future for the palestinians to come back to claim territory (a very cynical ploy similar to the nazi logic for jewish extermination, "we might as well kill them now in one blow so future posterity doesn't have to burden themselves with the problem")
>Note that fascist didn't consider Hitler a fascist, >Hitler didn't consider himself a fascist either, it's always the people who are neither fascist nor NS who claim that NS is fascism.
there's a difference between actions and words, and its the actions that make fascism and nazism similar. anyway this is not exactly an argument that can be settled in a forum post; historians have been arguing the relationship b/w nazism and fascism since WWII, with different historians arguing for one side or another (though from what I've seen the consensus is that they were more similar than different)
Jews were National Socialists before anyone else
>G-ds chosen people (ubermensch)
>settlements and genocide of neighboring peoples when establishing their state both in ancient and modern Israel (lebensraum)
>desire to maintain genetic and lineage purity
>obsession over identity
I just kind of find it laughable about non-fascists claiming they can define fascism better than actual fascists - you know, people who created the fucking ideology.
Thing is, NS was never tried and I'm not memeing right now. Hitler wasn't NS after '33.
This. Karl fucking Marx wrote a whole book "On The Jewish Question" about how Jews love money and shit.
>this old bolsheviks = jews meme
>In the whole of the Communist Party in 1922, the Baltic people were more disproportionately represented than the Jews. This was the national composition of the CPSU in 1922:
72% Russian (53% of population)
6% Ukrainian (21% of population)
5.2% Jewish (1.8% of population)
4.6% Polish, Latvian, other Baltic (0.7% of population)
3.4% Transcaucasian (2.5% of population)
2.5% Central Asian (7% of population)
2% RSFSR minorities (4.3% of population)
3% others (6.4% of population)
Source: T.H Rigby, "Communist Party Membership in the USSR, 1917-1967"
Out of the 15 members of the Council of People's Commissars on 7 November 1917, the only Jew was Trotsky. Except for the Ukrainian Lunacharsky and the Pole Teodorvitch, everyone else was Russian
In the Civil War, 22,000 ex-Tsarist officers served with the Red Army in 1918 and a total 48,000 in the entire Civil War. This element was crucial in preserving the Bolshevik Revolution. Needless to say, there was not a Jewish element amongst ex-Tsarist officers. Neither was there a Jewish element amongst the primary commanders of the Red Army. The aforementioned Latvian Riflemen leader Joachim Vatsetis became commander-in-chief of the entire Red Army from September 1918 to July 1919. He was replaced by Sergei Kamenev who was of course a Russian. Other important leaders of the Red Army were Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Mikhail Frunze (Romanian), Klement Voroshilov, Vasili Bliukher, and Semyon Budyonni (Cossack).
Thus, it has been proven that there was a limited Jewish presence amongst the Bolsheviks whether in the state, party, or military.
Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Stalin, Man of Contradiction. Toronto: NC Press, c1987, p. 75
Isn't that a telling sign-that a Jew would even recognize that the Jew's greed and separation from Europeans making them parasites?
This is not /pol/.
You need to post your sources
>non-fascists claiming they can define fascism better than actual fascists
this argument can literally be made for any historical subject. you're arguing for a cultural relativism that is so beloved by post-modernists. Why shouldn't historians who have spent decades reading primary sources and who, from what I've read of their works, have a fascination with rendering their subject as accurately as possible, not understand fascism as well as a nominal member of the Nazi party in the 1920s?
Because they understand Jews.
If you create something you get to define it, I'm sorry my man.
that's a meme, jews were fervent sostenitors of mussolini in his prime
>If you create something you get to define it, I'm sorry my man.
That's just false though, because a premise of fascism is irrationality, which made it incoherent in many ways. It meant many things to many people from the moment of its inception. Only historians with the benefit of hindsight (or us amateurs for that matter) are best place to examine the beliefs and actions of fascist organizations, parties, governments, individuals and ideologues and understand the commonalities or lack of them and render the best judgement.
Hitler was largely inspired by Benito Mussolini, the creator of fascism, wasn't he?
No more than Fidel Castro or someone like that, he modeled his personality after him but not the beliefs. The fact Mussolini later cucked out and started calling himself a national socialist in the 1940s is irrelevant.
>Thing is, NS was never tried and I'm not memeing right now. Hitler wasn't NS after '33.
National Socialism was a jumble of contradictory ideas that was meant to attract different social classes to its movement. It never really had some consistent ideological core except for its emphasis on racial, which Hitler's government did realize to a great extent.
parasitic foreigners that don't integrate into the society of their host nation. usually in professions that are seen as exploitative of the people by fascists. jews are also prominent in communist movements.
It was pretty consistent in that it wanted to nationalize the production means and help the German workers while considering the capitalists, the reaction and the Jews as their enemies. Thus it's pretty easily demonstrated that Hitler stopped being a national socialist around the time he took power in order to get the industrialists and the Junkers on his side.
>Hitler stopped being a national socialist around the time he took power in order to get the industrialists and the Junkers on his side.
But it was never clear that Hitler would have done anything else because he was a notorious flip-flopper, gambler, pragmatist, power-hungry etc. etc. Mussolini also professed similar ideas but he also never followed through on them. It just goes to show that fascist political movements and fascist governments had different aims and realities that limited their scope.
Mussolini didn't hated jews
Fascists need to find someone to blame for their problems, because it takes away from the "We are so great" narrative if everything sucks.
"well it only sucks because of JEWS"
"oh, that makes more sense now"
Lets try an exercise. List how Hitler's government was not fascist. Because its clear to most that Nazisim is a form of fascisim, just as stalinism is a form of communism. If you want to go the route of "thats not real fascism", thats fine because stalinism isnt technically real communism. They are both derivatives tho.
"Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism"
Hitler is not an authoritarian nationalist dictator.
Got it.
Go back to /pol/ please.
they hate commies. Jews are communist or philo-communist.
Stalinism is closer to national socialism than it was to communism.
Nothing what you said disproves any of what I said. Hitler was not NS after he took power, period.
>national socialism
He's right tho.
read Emilio Gentile's response to Annah Arendt on facism/nazism differences
>the very leftists itt vehemently trying to push the egalitarianism narrative aren't even aware the progenitor of their political and social beliefs warned them about the Jews, meanwhile the Jews they defend are the closest thing to Nazis in modern times while the largest modern purveyors of consumerism and unregulated banking are Jews n
lel, keep at it you good goyim.
I suppose so. But by your definition Stalinism is the epitome of national socialism. But as I see it, much of the NS platform was not really intended to be implemented. What ultimately mattered to Hitler was his racialist doctrines over the economic and social ones he cobbled together for his party platform. In that sense NS did in fact exist post-1933 because at its heart it implemented the "racial revolution" at the center of Hitler's belief.
>read Emilio Gentile's response to Annah Arendt on facism/nazism differences
Gentile is gr8 scholar but his ideas aren't universally accepted
not /pol/ accepted =/= not universally accepted
Just because Stalin had some nationalist views does not make it closer to national socialism then it is to communism. On the spectrum it is closer to Lenninist Bolshevism then national socialism.
/pol/ is an echo chamber where out of touch people constantly look for dumb articles written by Jews that confirm their beliefs("/pol/ is always rite once again") to share with their fellow nutters, all day every day for years and years.
It's quite sad really.
I think moot should have shut it down 3 years ago.
Thanks for contributing. Im still waiting for my list tho
If you like Nationalist or fascist ideologies, then why not support radical zionism?
>shut down the largest containment board
that would mean the end of Veeky Forums. I mean, we can barely talk about history and social sciences here without /pol/ack's pollution
playing the victim card again I see. Into the oven you go yahudi
The jews killed christ
wtf, no, I don't browse /pol/. Not all scholars agrees with Gentile's idea of Fascism as political religion is all I wanted to say
>if you like war, then why don't you support the people going to war against you?
You're an idiot fyi
>I think moot should have shut it down 3 years ago.
Bad idea. /pol/ is a containment board and though it has a bunch of leaks, it's still better than the constant presence of stormfags on every board. A better idea is to give them a second bad time.
But before /pol/ there wasn't a constant presence of stormfags on every board. In fact, there was much much less of a presence. /pol/ was a fatal mistake that is killing Veeky Forums.
Last time that worked out so well.
/new/sman here, had a laugh.
Keep playing champion of the Jews here m8, I'm sure you will get rewarded for it.
In before "two state solution: add /leftypol/"
That might actually work out for once.
>why would fascists hate a people who comprise both the excesses of capitalism in banking and the leadership of marxist movements?
These threads are repetitive and stupid, everyone knows why, either you're willing to admit it or move goalposts.
> Mostly to do with the fact that Christians were (until the quieter later stages of Reformation/Counter-Reformation or so) dogmatically forbidden to engage in 'usury', which is basically giving out loans with interest. However, it is very useful to get loans, and so Jews were allowed to do this.
Except even in these secular days Jews still own and manage the world's largest banks, from private sector bank like GoldmanSachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein to the Federal Reserve's chairperson Janet Yellen.
>Jews still own and manage the world's largest banks
sgreen kab :DDDDD
fuck off /pol/
Partly it's historical. Far-right has been ascendant for the past 8 years and that explains the expansion of /pol/. But as a matter of fact the few times /pol/ or /new/ was deleted it quite literally spread like cancer. /r9k/ was also deleted for a year or two by moot and /adv/ and other boards started seething with neckbeards. /mlp/ was created because pony spamming started to become unbearable on /b/ and other boards and the situation dramatically improved. Containment boards work.
See that one on the top, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China? Goldman Sachs is the largest single shareholder.
Just fyi
Source on the claim and % owned by goldman sachs?
What about the others?
Fascism is an ideology born, shaped, and maintained out of the rich and powerful, a Freudian slip in the sense that their pathology lies in their fantasies of the "The Jew", which the level of exploitation and capitalist slavery is what they aspire to. This is why plenty of them are able to see how much of a positive development it is for them that the likes of Trumpism and Bannonism having gone mainstream and to the statusquo. It is the gateway drug that fascists are using for the ultra elitist orgasm that is coming. It is introduced to the white working class people via the "ironic racialism" of today, in order to pacify them to believing that the capitalist class, many of them soon being best and willing friends of the fascists and some already, isn't their enemy, only "The Jew and his degenerate Muslims and blacks and Asians and uppity women" are.
They bought the highest amount of shares when the bank went public, its on the wikipedia page.
Why should I spend time doing your research?
Why are my statements THAT incredulous?
Look, I'm not that guy, but if you say a fact is true, you need to do the research to show its true.
>communist ideology revolves around jealousy over the upper class bankers and businessmen, claiming they should own the means of production
>mock National Socialists for "being jealous of the jews success as bankers and businessmen"
>leftists accusing anyone else elitism
People in glass houses user
The only match i find for "goldman" is in
>Goldman Sachs purchased a 5.75% stake for US$2.6 billion, the largest sum Goldman Sachs has ever invested-[14]
Wow, jews really control all the major banks!
You shouldn't spend time doing my research, you should spend time doing yours, because you are obviously retarded enough to believe in any stormfag infopic you see on /pol/. You'll have a much easier time arguing that major banks are controlled by the chinese or by anglos. Not that that claim wouldn't be as retarded.
>5.75% of total share ownership is nothing
Arguably the most powerful bank in the world, and inarguably the most powerful central bank in the world is the Federal Reserve. It is currently chaired and vice chaired by a Jew, as it was for the last 2 terms spanning almost 30 years. It was funded and created by a Jew, Paul Warburg. The President's Economic Advisory board has been filled with Jewish appointments. Jews comprise less than 2% of our total population.
Go ahead and ignore this, call me a stormfag, whatever. But it's disingenuous fucks like you who are the real problem.
This , by Nikita Petrov. I'm struggling to find the direct Russian citation source from him, though (especially the 'who directed the KGB' one: memo.ru
which is a secondary source, who cited this
Basically the Jews in top echelons of NKVD between 1934-37, they were disproportionately represented, and when the Purge happened the top echelon Jews dwindled. If you include the desk monkeys then they would of course be a minority. If you're a professional historian then maybe you can contact Mr. Petrov himself.
There are literally paid and >do it for free shills on /pol/, but it's like that everywhere on the internet right now, from all across the political spectrum and ethnicity/nationality. They're called buzzers or something like that.
Fairly accurate
You are objectively disingenuous, that is correct. You claimed that jews controlled all major banks, and have been able to prove that "they" (i'll assume goldman sachs somehow represents jews for the sake of the argument) control 5.75% of icbc. So yes, you are a liar. Which would be fine if it was an honest mistake, but seeing how you don't seem to care about your inability to support your claims, i deduce that you don't actually care about truth but rather care about confirming your retarded conspiracies.
I'm eager to hear how jews take advantage of having a conspirator as chairman of the fed though.
All that being said, and as a disclaimer, jews are indeed over-represented in finance. It's just not a conspiracy, they certainly don't control the major banks, and you are a retard.
Wait but nazis have been kicked out of all the countries.
Does that -gasp- make them worse than le jews?
>its not a conspiracy, it just happens naturally :^)
>I'm eager to hear how jews take advantage of having a conspirator as chairman of the fed though.
Using QE on administrations that don't support their goals.
>how do the jews use controlling a bank to their advantage
night user. One day those brain cells will fire.
Meanwhile read up on the founders of neo-conservativism, Bill Kristol, Sheldon Adelson, PNAC, Richard Perle, A Clean Break, a New Strategy for Securing the Realm.
That is a Jewish conspiracy.
They're rich outsiders. There's no better group to expropriate.
>how do the jews use controlling a bank to their advantage
Controlling what major bank? You still haven't been able to prove your claim. But you don't care, do you?
>Using QE on administrations that don't support their goals.
I don't even know what you are babbling about. When was quantitative easing (not?) used as part of a jewish conspiracy?
>night user
Run away, little /pol/tard. Some day you'll believe in shit that you can actually prove instead of unfalsifiable /pol/ memes.
Keep defending powerful capitalist foreign interests, crusading for a people who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
Why not?
Attacking retarded conspiracies is improving the critique of financial elites, not defending them. Your claims can be refuted by googling for two seconds, what the fuck do you expect to accomplish?
>I'm not defending the financial elite, I am merely attacking conspiracies against them I think might not be true!
Yes, yes maybe we should march shouting how we're the 99% while slapping bongos.
>when the impotent useful idiots can't see that they're the useful idiots
Pretty sure the idiot is the one that believes in things he is unable to prove because he saw some memes and has no critical thinking abilities.
Proved his point flawlessly.
end of story, foreigner in state, get out.
pack it up folks
race is a social construct, its over
>pursued strictly nationalist policies
>purged Jews from the NKVD and the party
>banned the degenerate art promoted by Lenin and Trotsky's administration, replaced it with socialist realism
>reestablished the Orthodox church after the Jews banned it
>ended korenizatsia which was pretty much a "muh diversity" doctrine
>purged unwanted ethnicities (Crimean Tatars etc)
>recreated the Order of Suvorov, Order of Alexander Nevsky and other remnants of Russian national pride
And thanks to his economic policies, Stalin was more of a national socialist than Hitler.
You just completed ignored his mentioning of PNAC and neoconservative Zionists. Those are legitimate Jewish conspiracies, you're retarded.
Fascism is the affirmation of a state's nation-culture-race's will to power. Naturally, anything that goes against that state/nation's interest is an enemy. Zionism is the enemy of the West.
One day a poor innocent little jew was walking through the forest on his way to a blood libel. When all of a sudden a vicious Nazi wolf jumped out of a bush and blocked the innocent Jew's path. The Nazi wolf demanded that the Jew give an explanation for why he would do such a horrible thing as drinking goyim children's blood at a blood libel. The Jew said "I am but a poor innocent Jew, blood libels are my peoples culture, we have never done blood libels, what is a blood libel?". Confused by the overwhelming lack of logic and rational thought in the Jews reply, the wolf had a stroke and died. The Jew knew he could make some money off the dead Nazi wolf so he decided to eat it at the blood libel, but then he remembered that wolves aren't kosher. So he cut the wolf in 2 and sold one half to the American Eagle and the other half to the Russian bear. The Jew felt safe but he had no idea the Nazi wolf had a litter of cubs in his den. The cubs had to hunt without anyone to teach them and they harboured hatred for the Jew their whole lives, vowing that when they grow up they will make that Jew pay for his evil actions.
>nationalism is bad because of zionism
>multiculturalism is bad because of zionism