don't mind me just making MINE way to page 10 edition
Previous thread: >Beta tome and grimoire locations
don't mind me just making MINE way to page 10 edition
Previous thread: >Beta tome and grimoire locations
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"Ready" to jump into veteran as a fresh iron breaker, how hard is it compared to nightmare in V1?
I really wish the flamethrower staff didn't slow you down to a snails pace when using it
good thing you can use fireball staff to do firestorms job but better in every way
Yeah but then I feel guilty and it's going to get nerfed anyway, also it's not a flamethrower
> pyro ulti rework
> new fireball stuff
> dagger is still op
How elfcucks could even compete.
>pyro ulti
>aim at a special, goes right past its head and does nothing
>shoot it up into the sky for no reason, finds a packmaster somewhere and kills it
>42.0% damage reduction vs skaven
How high can it go?
>fireball is going to get nerfed soon
yea, nah. Fireball and Bolt are Sienna's only remotely decent staffs, Beam will be fine once they add back the sniper blast it lost when they swapped it's controls around. Far more likely that firestorm and conflag will get buffed.
>anything but unchained
you can literally just hold down shift and it will tell you
can this stack?
>"remotely decent"
it's ridiculously overpowered what are you talking about my man? literally two charged attacks and you can clear an entire wave by yourself in less than 10 seconds, combined with pyros seeking ball for killing specials you have an unstoppable combination
Veteran is like hard in vt1.
don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure each type of accessory has it's own pool of effects it can have.
I haven't found cooldown reduction on anything but trinkets for example
Damn I didn't know fuego could clear overcharge by holding R.
at the cost of health, so ignore that it even exists
it's generally not worth doing on anything but unchained
> Tank krueger ultimate can get interrupted
This is a bug right?
Does white health work?
I haven't had problems with Zealot dash besides constantly getting stuck in walls, but with handmaiden I get hit by shit all the time mid dash
>Handmaiden passive is "revives are uninterruptible
>Can be interrupted
Probably intended and they're just retarded.
> Wasting mats at level 15
I vent a fair bit on Unchained with Natural Bond necklace (passive regen but can't use healing items) + level 20 temp health on kill talent, you can go full games without spending a healing item. Unchained makes you the tankiest class in the game by far.
I think you're more likely to get them if you break down a bunch of weapons at once. That being said
>break down two white weapons and two accessories
>get two weapon parts
Game is doing you a favor, save your resources for end-game.
I bet you aren't saving your level up boxes either
I won't carry your shitty ass when you're stuck in grinding hell once you reach endgame with your shitty items
I needed dem twin axes boi
wait a sec
elf must have been put in bonds but not incapacitated for whatever reason a skaven would want to do that
I have 100 scrap, 40 green scraps, 20 blue scraps and 0 weapon parts. Why the fuck would me saving the commendation boxes mean shit you autistic fuck? I literally was using the power 5 halberd for 8 levels.
No my team was all behind me
I have no idea what that was
>he didn't save his commendation boxes
might as well just wipe your account
that's exactly what your elf would want you to think.
How do I in to pic related? Dual axes? Pick? Please advise how to become tornado of death.
I did you dumb fuck why wouldnt I? It says right on the description they scale to 300. Your'e not some fucking genius, and everything is getting wipe anyways.
> everything is getting wipe anyways
>citation needed
>inna fuckin rat vietnam
>fuckin ironbreaker dwarf rolls up with his drakefire cannon
>it aint me starts playing
>The crime is your foul existence, the sentence is death!
>Sienna + Ironbreaker start melting rats and my PC.
Glorious times indeed.
If you think this beta is getting wiped then Fatshark is financially suicidal.
Hello, guys, could someone explains me about Bardin's tallent tree? It is about 20-25lvl perks. When I kill mob, I will get 10 hp regen? Or I will get +10 into my max health-bar, without adding to the current health? I just need healing like elf has. Simple healing for kills/krits
Will we get a shop where we can buy premium boxes? I just want to get good items without having to deal with these shitters..
>oh lets tell everyone the last beta progress will continue
>and at the last minute lets just drop that if theres any bug or exploit that affects "fairness" they will wipe it
Yeah sure with these buttery past betas im sure nothing will go wrong
> Brainlets
They scale up to 300 hero power which is the hard cap for level up boxes
But they give you something useful at the time you open them
The progression in this game is linear and you will ALWAYS get something slightly better than you had before
So you save up those lootboxes and start opening them around hero power 250 you get carried all the way up to 300 without having to grind
The more you level the harder lootboxes are to come by
You're literally retarded and I hope the game isn't wiped just so shitters like you quit out of brainlet frustration
Please respond.
calm down man, not people have done worse than not save their commendation boxes. You can recover
Does the 2 hours or 30 days refund rule applies to newly launched games even if I have 100 hours clocked before "release" AKA in the beta?
Beause if they wipe progress I sure are shit am refunding it
they literally said they might wipe it on their q&a stream
Do whatever you want and pair up with a zealot to make the other two squad member's lives living hell
Hot damn you might be as autistic as the guy who thought only whc should spot. Where does it say I dont think saving commendation boxes isgood?
is the power cap 300? surely it's more like 500 or so.
I'm level 16 and I already have 237 power cap. The item power cap is likely 300 though.
Just for the commendation boxes, not total.
*already have 237 hero power
Stop fighting it man, even if you convince us you saved your boxes they won't come back.
If they do wipe this beta then you definitely have grounds for a refund, even if Steams bot declines it. Technically the game isn't released yet so I'm not sure how the bot views playing hours, I think you'd have to get touch with an actual person to get it.
nice rebuttal retard, maybe you should read posts more carefully
Different guy on second one,i do have what,30 of em saved right now.
>play the game for 100 hours even though there's only 3 maps to play
>have a lot of fun
>progress resets right before release
>you mean i have to level up again??
>i want a refund
you have autism
hol up is the 300 hero power cap on lootboxes from ONE item or the total hero power displayed on the character screen?
I'm confused now
Haha these replies are really good! They almost sound like a bitter person who didnt save their boxes!
one item
so each one has a limit of 300, meaning you can level up with vet, hit 30, then pop your boxes
You're the one with autism if you think people enjoy grinding levels.
>developer goes back on their word after expressing multiple times that you won't lose your progress in this beta
you are smart
>saving your boxes
>when you'll get better loot from mission boxes when you start playing higher difficult
Read your fucking post and neck yourself afterwards
commendation chests seem to be on par with general strongboxes and scale all the way to 30 (whereas boxes gotten on recruit can't give items higher than plvl 100, etc).
>developer goes back on their word
you mean their word of "we probably won't wipe your progress in this beta but we might?"
>play the same 3 maps over and over and over again for 100 hours
>hurr durr i don't like grinding
yeah you sure are autistic, and retarded
where is my answers, bithces? Do you want problems?
Are people really getting the same rate of weapon and jewelry crafting parts as the previous betas?
if you're asking about the level 20 talents, every single character/class has the same three, two give temp health (grey, fading) per kill or crit and the third gives a chunk of true health on boss kill.
>level each character to 10
>get 50 boxes
Unchained really needs a rework. The fact that you can overcharge from being hit makes it worthless.
What is even more bullshit is using your class ability while mid-explosion doesn't save you from exploding twice.
You shouldn't have an overcharge explosion from being hit or at the very least using your special will clear it if you are in the middle of it.
I'm getting massively increased amounts of scrap, compared to the beta, which is the biggest limiter. Weapon/jewelry parts are much more rare now (though you only need 1 to make a weapon/piece of jewelry, and none to upgrade them, that's done with basic scrap).
its 1 am
Game I mean. Says offline for me.
why are you posting lies?
You can just earn more boxes, commendation boxes aren't even that good
are you using the closed test client?
What ranged weapon are you guys rocking with the bounty hunter?
I like the repeater gun. It's satisfying as hell to dump half a mag into a special from halfway across the map. The alt-fire seems like it'd be pretty powerful with the guaranteed crit but I can hardly ever find a time to use it. I'd rather use melee for close range specials, and far away dudes are hard to hit with it so I prefer to unload regular shots on them.
They should just allow to use explosion at any time and tie it damage to amount of overheat you have.
I think pyromancer 3/2/2/1/3 with bolt staff is secret OP
Your overmeme drains so fast when you get a grimoire you can actually use bolt staff's insane damage to good effect
i only played Saltz in the closed beta but Repeater seemed the best, however in this version I've been in the same group as a triple shot crossbow BH and he outkilled everyone.
The whole point of the class is managing overcharge, if you couldn't overcharge from damage it'd be completely broken. If you overcharge from damage you've fucked up, it's a fail state. Vent, block or use your special to clear it.
Unchained feels so much better than her other two classes that I feel no need to play them since i got it.
I feel the same about Unchained. You have infinite overheat in boss fights since blocking any of their guard breaking attacks completely dumps your overcharge. The survivability you have is fucking huge.
I was to no avail and called it a night to never know the mystery.
Delete that one famalam, you're supposed to run the actual retail client now
the beta is on the main client brother
>trying to use the closed test client when it's not in a closed test anymore
Repeater is best due to the non-ammo consumption on blessed shots working on the alt fire.
Repeater crossbow is the best for anything. It's absolutely disgusting on Zealot since all his power/crit buffs also apply to ranged weapons.
Does his buff still crash the game?
I'd love to give him a try but I've been steering clear of that class due to everyone saying it's a game crasher.
>best for anything
anything else*
No that bug was fixed.
> It aint me
This triggers the /mu/
>playing vet
>kill stormie patrol
>another one instantly spawns in front of us
>2 gutter runners
These devs can't balance for shit. They said they spaced hordes out with the update but they're fucking constant now.
holy fuck huntsman is so fucking good
people whine about waystalker being OP but nothing she has compares to being able to solo a boss in
it feels mediocre everywhere but bosses, but if you lack a boss killer then awesome
He's pretty mediocre otherwise unless you can consistently land headshots
He's like insurance since shitters always die to bosses
If you have a half competent team you could do with something else
what the fuck is the hourglass fort?
Unchained or Pyromancer for Sienna?
It's really fucking hard to get weapon parts now, what the fuck they did? In previous beta I used to craft weapons constantly.