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Last Thread:
Last time on /ss13g/ - Spires Station 13 General
>Veeky Forums ss13 is dead
>maipai deadminned but not deadminned
>Valmasia on suicide watch?

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

Try the latest 512 version! It SHOULD be mostly functional
If that doesn't work, downgrade your BYOND version to byond.com/download/build/510/510.1347_byond.exe

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie

>How to spires??


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:



this game sucks ass now. been playing since 2012... its boring af and full of redditors

how did valmasia even become a vassal state they were steamrolling jianghu

make Malf a 25+ ready gamemode you feel me

Dorms also did Dorfs

He even added a special lawset for MoMMis

He often prepared for like 15 mins before he let a dorf round start



I’ve been clickbaited
You better not use those 0.002 cents for anything nefarious my good man

for what purpose


Maybe don’t unban horatio but a weekban seems excessive. I feel like it should be a 12-24 hour ban at most given the circumstances.

Alas poor Horatio! I knew him, Yorick!

You make him a martyr with a week ban admins! 24 hours seems best, Im kind of with him in that the AI baited him into bombing. Why have toxins at all if nonantag bombs get you this.


This is why we need to get out of this slump lads
S[REDACTED]IRES posting is going to get us all killed

now try to convince the botanist to plant dionea nodes

“The Spectator Special”
Building borgs, setting up the borer pen, printing PAIs, and farming diona on the sci outpost
Is the RD the most p o t e n t spectator role?

i plant diona every time i'm botanist and they always die on me so i wear them as a hat

If nothing else, they're easy renewable meat.

bioprinter is probably easier...

usually they're not worth planting until late in the round or when a ghost turns off your lights.

>the alien blade is awakening teleport/signup
>player goes afk the moment I spawn
>wait patiently for longer than I should have

What's with the shit OP?

spires players trying to remain relavent

Sawbones metaclub discord is full of faggotry and I have more important things to do than thread wars for a dead thread.

like you're despertely trying to keep your dead spess server afloat? LOL

a vain attempt to remind persons that byond has other games lol

nth for bfs

Sawbones metaclub isn't related to spires at all.

Hey, we're almost back to normal-ish levels of pop, at least, much more than two weeks or so ago when we had like 20 players on Sundays

horatio being banned really goes to show this isn't the Veeky Forumsstation that I'm used to so I'm not going to be coming back anymore. Hope to see the cool people around still on another server or steam.
really sad to see the server so different and for the worst

stop shitposting horatio.

>being banned for non-antag bombing
>this isnt the Veeky Forums that im used to
you have never, ever been allowed to bomb people as a non-antag, even to kill an antag.

horatio being banned for murdering non-antags as a non-antag in a desperate hope to valid hunt with bombs really goes to show this isn't the /valid/station that im used to so I'm not coming back anymore. Hope to see horatio, avada and elonmusk on TG.
really sad to see the server so anti-fun.

Think it didn't deserve a week ban and Horatio is, if a bit of a cunt, funny to interact with, but yeah don't "dude bombs lmao" as non-antag
Appeal it

not him but we're not like police with an arrest quota or anything
we have the freedom
we can ban people for as long or as short as we think will result in the most fun had on our videogame server

if you bomb a milf, you dont get banned because doing so ends the round
t. seen a dude bomb a milf and not get banned
the real philosophical question i guess is whether he still would have been banned if he busted his nut in the ai core, killing the traitor ai and injuring/killing civilians


There's a split consensus on that in the admin team. Knowing that it will end the round is seen as some as metagaming, and even if you do end the round some admins think you should be banned for doing it still.
Also you can say goodbye to that ending the round soon anyway.

tfw its snowmap outside but no warm bf

Nobody in the spires circlejerk posted it so its probably a false-flag shitposter.

Yall are welcome to join us, but I mean, we're having fun on our own nowadays. Haven't had anyone new in a while.

>Knowing that it will end the round is seen as some as metagaming, and even if you do end the round some admins think you should be banned for doing it still.
if someone got banned over bombing a malf and ending the round with our current setup itd probably result in an admin clusterfuck comparable to if someone got banned for killing a cuffed cultist

thats reassuring and also a little frightening
I propose a psyops truce so the server can peacefully die ok fellas?

Donnager is the main suspect by the one person who actually cares enough to try and think of who might have done it, I personally think its just a meme, Pure and simple.

That said, if anyone is interested in joining us the games still going - Past FOTM now. Ask questions or whatever. Its still too small for its own thread in terms of a Veeky Forums fanbase though. As per usual a lot of people from here decide to play 'Jamal Bigdickus' and don't last long.


I let people bomb milf AIs as an admin.

That reminds me of a fun story while I was adminning.

>crash into station
>stayin alive starts playing

Blob meteors when
Station gets pelted with no-overmind blobs

We have an event for that

I no word good
Meteors gamemode except the station gets pelted with no overmind meteors encapsulating the station in G O O for a good 20 minutes (or the server crashes)
Good guy, maybe?

Welcome on vgstation, please enjoy your stay

>computer died
>can't work on datums

hello deity I hope the culting is going well & fun. how many Pomf coins can I pay you to sneakily remove the 1< sec 1< engineering crew requirement for the overmind event?

It would be the latter I am sure because meteors is bad enough in terms of lag and that's DESTROYING objects

Imagine meteor blobs... they're ADDING objects

>ss13 but it gets slower for every new tumor that slams into to the station

The shuttle music and the emagged juke music have been updated with your submissions. The rest of the submissions will be added over this morning.

If you have new songs that you must have in the juke hold on to them. I'll ask again in a few weeks once the dust has settled.

get better soon

did a bunch of progress yesterday, mostly on the cult altar (you can now place stuff/mobs on it, you can destroy it, and the raise structure rune now has a progress bar)
The bugs when they appear are hilarious though, pic related

Don't forget the Leporazine, the SPS, and to get scanned by your local Medbay

>false-flag shitposter
No I like spires and added it to the OP so people will discuss the game and post stories. It's not big enough for it's own thread and Veeky Forums players play it anyway so it kinda belongs here.

We need more players for spires desu

Spires doesn't really feel like a video game and more like a walksim but you make up your own story
I don't trust Veeky Forums creative abilities enough

oh and regarding the overmind event, random events should get integrated to Dynamic Mode when I get around to do it. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QLN_OBHqeL4cm9zTLEtxlnaJHHUu0IUPzPbsI-DFFmc/edit#gid=0
So high threat rounds will have a chance to spawn them I guess.

What happened to that other guy who was going to help you by organizing them all?

The obvious solution is to remove buttbots

I taught him how to use git this morning.

In this particular case, communication runes were listenning to everything whether it came to a cultist or not.

if brainlets like [ckey] and [ckey] can play spires and have an enjoyable time, anyone can.

You say "bug" but I see a viable strategy for librarian/roboticist cultist for when they go loud

I missed it but this would be a cool shuttle ride

the fuck name is that

It is and I'm sorry you weren't there in the thread. I'm waiting a while before adding even more.

We have to better organize the existing songs and update the Jukebox code to make playlists a little more interactive and manageable for players.

woah, this is a quite neato design doc
i like how malf is grouped up with the other "max threat" gamemodes and not grouped up with cult like it is currently

I have honestly no idea why/when did malf become a mid pop game mode.

because the more players there are, the easier malf becomes??

its an absolute fucking joke

the blob gamemode is also easier the more players there are if you catch my comparison unless you manage to get 60+ ready in the lobby at which point it unlocks doubleblob

Easier for the crew or the AI? Please elaborate. Because we were kinda having a discussion about malf vs tator AI on Discord.

no i mean an entire round of malf is fucked the moment someone spots a blue APC, because *no one* uses an emag on an APC

the *only* option a malf has is to either have their starting borgs (IF THEY HAVE ANY LOL GL) go sec and pray they can autoborg a shitload of people before they get busted into, or plasmafire.

So in other words, the mode needs a rework so it can function at any pop, and no matter how many starting borgs there are, right?


the AI's only hope with no borgs is to stealth hack, and that gets exponentially harder with every one (1) person that is in the round

god help them if some greyshirt builds an autism fort with sec cameras

and their only hope in highpop is plasmaflooding before people can gather their gear

I don't know if that was that poster's meaning, but I feel that the gameplay of "hope no one notices these blue APCs and then play hide and seek with the rest of the surviving crew" to be a shit waste of time.

the last malf AI I was against N2O flooded the station and its single secborg then dragged the sleeping people to the autoborger. That seems to be a pretty good combination.
>I feel that the gameplay of "hope no one notices these blue APCs and then play hide and seek with the rest of the surviving crew" to be a shit waste of time.
I agree there

Not to mention that 1 engiborg 1 secborg is a pretty big red flag to seasoned security players to stalk the borgos on cameras, and God help you if one decides to space the borg console board/ventures into Cap's office

but with 15ready as the pop requirement for malf you can have rounds with low-no opposition
I don't even find it interesting to spectate unlike nosec cult

i mean yeah there's other options besides what im spewing out, but it's pretty straightforward.

Stealth, Flood, or Autoborger rush.

What the heck is spires?

refugees who aren't allowed their own general because there aren't enough people to sustain it
it's just another byond game. it has as much to do with ss13 as cow rp does

It's a byond rp game, people enjoy it.

Bring back manifested ghosts

Write a haiku that'll keep someone from coming back to ss13.

The mobs themselves are coming back in some form.
The rune isn't coming back in a million year. Ghost spam was the worst meta cult ever had.

the game where banned shitters play since they're banned from every other ss13 server
metagaming is rampant and our own vg players use the discord to cordinate ganks on everyone because it's fun to just kill people I guess

You should play
We could use players
Its good fun

With your counting skills you wont have a problem finding high pop rounds

Better than cultstended with only one person alive with a tome or summoning Narsy with eight people because the juggernaut got killed for no good reason last second.

Fill tank transfer valves
leave them in toxins alone
I hope nobody steals

Both are terrible. None will be in cult 3.0 since cultists can write runes without a tome, and the crew will have a way to defeat the cult without directly killing them all.

>the crew will have a way to defeat the cult without directly killing them all
Sounds terrible

>defeat the cult without directly killing them

why bother playing with the cult then
might as well suicide by security

Is it morena? Because morena wanted to be part of the jukebox before and has a terrible shit indie normie boring plebeian taste for music.

If *beep follows through with his promise to post an update every Friday (starting today!), I will be donating to his patreon and so should you

>I only listen to nightcore remixes of my favourite anime osts go away normie musicians REEEEEEE


speeding up songs by 25% doesnt make it a remix