Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Where were you when Dooberz got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT?
ne1 jive eu?
akihaposter's steam. name was changed less than 30 days ago. It has to be her.
Desperately need a fighting game character with tickle based attacks.
How do you know for sure?
The answer lies in the fart of battle.
woldnt she have at least 1 fighting game?
finna molest our savior
play umu
never forget...
She has Melty, but It doesn't look like she played it.
lol that's stefan. good lad but a bit akward.
bring me brazilian women!
I will literally buy AE and FT10 you right now if you post your CFN.
European plat really is silver...
>even the discord is dead during eu hours...
Why do you care about some random no-name avatarfag that only plays some dead shit anime game at best? It's almost as dumb as giving Brick the time of day. Tsukihime shit and your gay discord drama do NOT belong on /fgg/. It's just as dumb as the guys discussing DBZ lore here. I'm aware of Melty Blood, but that game is so irrelevant, you have no reason to even THINK about discussing it, let alone playing it. what are you going to do? Waste your entire life begging for matches in some dead discord for a dead anime game so you can brag about being the best Melty Blood player in uh.... Italy? What do you gain from doing so? Certainly not cash, for your mommy spends more on your plane ticket to get to the tournament (you will NOT be sponsored playing shit like this) than you ever would make back from the prestigious 20 man Melty Bracket. It can't possibly be for glory of showing how good you are, as you have to beat a fraction of the amount of players that someone that plays a relevant game has to beat. No one cares that you beat random netplayer number 23 from your gay furry ERP futanari pegging discord circlejerk when you finally saw him offline. That very same guy would be literally no one in an alive game other than just another bitch ass gold rank player. Is it for fun? Yes, I'm sure you think that wasting your life trainingboaring in a pedo animeshit game is fun, but don't worry, we have doctors that can fix that for you.
Why would I waste my time fighting absolute scrubs that have never even played SFV? Anyway, it's
this unrionically
I want to fuck Akihaposter's brains out.
Compared to Zimbabwean SFV scene yes, but the current LP system actually makes it so that the most popular regions have the easiest time climbing ranks sine more player = more point inflation
dead genre
dead thread
dead discord
Why are Ken players so fucking stupid bros?
Dodging like a true shitposter.
See me anytime. CFN: memememe
none of you are invited to my party
What's the deal with Akihaposter? I've seen someone post the girl a bunch of times but I never knew vappa was this obsessed with him/her.
fgg has a shortage of femanons. we take what we can get
gay af
we used to have another femanon who wasn't as autistic, but now we have this one because the other one who posted Android 21 got banned
>DBZF 24 hour peak was only 4.2k
>two weeks ago it was 24 hour peaking at 15k
>still less players than Xenoverse 2
I supported sirlin
>vore ERPer
>not autistic
hey while you're at it, i'm interested in mhw's numbers. plz?
pcucks can't play mhw
>doge RPer
>not autistic
wish skullgirls femanon was my gf bros
to be honest, i don't get the obsession with steam numbers. that platform has such easy access to so many games it's hard for pc gamers to NOT jump ship to the next big thing.
Back in the day when IRC was still a thing Sirlin taught me a lot of about ST and Viscant/Dasrik taught me a lot about MVC2.
How does it feel being in literally the worst era of fighting games?
>DLC rosters
>Capcom dropping the ball like crazy
>SFV is complete shit
>No good recent Virtua Fighter
>Scene saturated with fanboys that don't actually like or play fighting games but want to be part of a scene
>99% of players are complete trash/scrubs
>I supported sirlin
That's why you'll have a PHD in no time
Stay away from my wife you fucks.
Same as it always is with new fightans, the massive drop came from the fact, that it's an already massive IP so more people started playing it and also XV2 is much better for a casual audience that only want transformations and fuckhuge rosters with their favorite fourth rate GT fanfiction characters. I think the number of players is solid for a game like this.
Tbh I like to watch dbfz but playing it is a pain in the ass, just like Mahvel 3.
You're too old for this generation of videogames. Stick to retro.
name a more kino ending
DLC rosters are objectively better than re-releasing games.
>replying to vappa
>dogfucker calling anyone autistic
How come your webms are are always so high quality?
On the other hand, based Sirlin is saving us, delivering us from this hell.
Well in her defense Akiha dodged you bc she had the old caster
Hey guys buy my shit stolen artwork card game based on fighting games lol.
Sniffpill me on Akihaposter
i guess i'm really good with 'webm for retards'
Capcom is dying so it's Game of Thrones now for the spot.
>SFV is trash but has massive support from Capcom, MVC is dead
>Smash community strong and many as ever
>Namco has Tekken, SC is coming out and DBFZ is joint operation with Arcsys and it esentially replaced MVC
>anime games are getting more and more popular, partially because anime itself is coming more and more into the mainstream, BBTAG is coming out, UNIST is getting super positive reviews and again, DBFZ
>NRS is there too with it's dedicated playerbase and easily recognizable characters
Think of it like a balance update. I think the massive competition for Capcom's spot will produce some pretty good games. More people will start playing them, it'll get absorbed by the e-sports community and then it'll die a slow and painful death. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
>Do people still play this game?
Religiously in Japan in the arcades, and by many in the USA online and offline.
>What makes Super Turbo so great?
A huge viable character roster, tons of different play styles, many years of work and fine tuning from SF2 onward. The chess of fighting games.
>It looks ugly/I heard it's broken/etc
Just try it out.
>Why play ST?
Once you establish your game in ST, you will find the reason why almost every single fighting game on the planet has been inspired and influenced by ST. If you get good at ST, picking up other fighting games is much easier.
>I don't agree with any of this
I'm old and don't give a shit.
Sirlin's ST Tutorials from Capcom Classics Collection 2
ST website with easy to use menu's for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players.'s mega guide to all things ST.
Yoga Book Hyper (the ST bible) strategy sections for all characters (flow charts, combos, strings, etc).
ST channel with up-to-date uploads from Gamestop Versus matches from Japan
>eu fgg
HDR is overall better.
>Super Turdo
No thanks, I dont play dead kusoge
>Game of Thrones
More like this is the fall of the Han and we're entering the Three Kingdoms period. Easy high tier reference and you DROPPED it like a new player drops a 1f link.
this is the best body for girls in fighting games
smells a little stale, taste is slightly tart, but with a rustic texture
that looks like a really bad mod
>I think the massive competition for Capcom's spot will produce some pretty good games
>boob tag
>NRS shit
>GG man saying that he will dumb down GG
yeah amazing future you got there lmao
is that a guy?
what a retard
>Ken poster thinks HE is the general
where did titsuru's chest go
>A huge viable character roster
Stopped reading there
How do I go to sleep easily, /fgg/?
>Sirlin's new innovative team battle mode that he's never seen before is KoF but instead of the winning character staying in, both characters swap
Maybe the real Yomi was the friends we made along the way.
tell me once you've found out
Sleep is the cousin of death
fap until you pass out
this looks awful
gotta fap
what's /fgg/'s go-to website?
glad you decided to stop shitposting, capcuk
I bet that would get a lot of retweets
rent free
I upload javs to my ipod video so I can watch it in bed, that's how I get to sleep since I'm 15
the same place her ass went
oh no
why dress them up in clothes that accentuate shape when they have the bodies of twelve year old boys
only one btfo is that butthurt capcuck
they got the marvel license and no one bought their game because it was so shitty
literally jealous of success
I just heard about the ArcSoy meme, that shits great
Also did capcom fix sfv?
>b-b-but marvel!
rent free
because they know their audience
>DLC rosters
Boy I can't wait to purchase Ultra Super Street Fighter IV: Fate of Two Worlds Arcade Edition!
Remakes were a mistake