/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club #530

Cookie Edition
Previous: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to get the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa
Witefag Guide: dropbox.com/s/byvdxol3db6llwz/The DDLC Writefagging Guide.pdf?dl=0

>Art and Miscellaneous
Fan-Made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Game Files Dump (full): mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You): youtube.com/watch?v=7acpV4fKp9Y

>Don't go the Sayori way
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/
Lifeline (AU): lifeline.org.au/get-help/get-help-home

Other urls found in this thread:


first for tf2 engineer

First for buy my game

Good night, everyone~! Hope you all had a fine day today! If not, well, there's always tomorrow.
But since you're disregarding your health and staying up, why don't you write a poem?

Word of the thread is "madness"!
Alternatives are 'tier' and 'falter'.

Sleep deprivation is bad for you, you know? Well... I'm in no position to lecture anyone. Anyways...
If you would like to write a poem, please go right ahead and use one of these three words as your theme, topic, or inspiration. Of course, it's just a suggestion so don't feel forced to use any of them if you don't want to. I think it would be fun if you did though cause half of the idea is to share our own interpretations of these words and what they mean to us. The other half is sharing/discussing them, so make sure you do that too!
Whatever you decide to do, please enjoy yourselves, okay?
I'll be looking forward to reading all of your poems in the morning!


Your Doki but you have to eat this to see her.

I would scarf the shit out of that!

Going on weekend reading dates with Yuri!
Meeting up at your house and walking together to the library!
Immediately holding hands as soft, fluffy snow melts against her hair!
Yuri looks angelic against the snowy backdrop of the neighborhood!
Racing Yuri to the front doors and holding them open for her!
It's so warm and spacious inside the library!
Walking around and finding your favorite reading spot!
A comfy and quiet corner next to a big window!
Unwinding and instinctively cuddling Yuri on the sofa!
Her head nestling against yours and making your heart tickle!
Yuri smiling and moaning blissfully as she takes out her book!
Sensing her subtle breaths against the sides of your lips!
Holding her book with your right hand and reading along!
Yuri finishing each page super early as usual!
Feeling her whispering warmly in your ear and teasing you about it!
Playfully letting her know that it's her fault, not yours!
Yuri giggling and using her other arm to pull you in even closer!
Closing your eyes as she suddenly slides her fingers into your hair!
Falling into absolute euphoria as she continues to massage you!
Yuri innocently kissing the sides of your neck and face as your jaw naturally relaxes!
Unleashing muted groans before your lips part and your breathing becomes heavier!
Buzzing with raw pleasure as she leans in and open-mouth kisses you!
Yuri letting out muffled moans into your mouth that vibrate across your entire body!
Regaining some control over yourself and pressing your lips against hers even harder!
Replacing the book in your right hand with the back of Yuri's neck, pulling her in!
Long, silky smooth hair gliding along the back of your hand as you make out intensely!
Yuri realizing that we're in public and slowly peeling her lips from yours, blushing and panting noticeably!
Smiling and caressing her face before picking up the book once again!
Assuming the cuddling position you two began with!
"Maybe now you can read more comfortably? aha".

What do?

I want to pet Fox Monika's fluffy tail!

Punch her right in her dumb ugly face.

>pic related

>mfw when you press the post button right when someone posts the new thread

Pull out my team of legendary pokemon and a bakugan

Oh well, at least it's just one this time.

I'm working on a wholesome NTR fic with Sayori, Yuri, and the MC. Trying to brainstorm here for some ideas

i've been BAKA trying to think of something good

Your doki but she has a heroin addiction

shut the fuck up "user"

I have a great idea!
You're killing yourself to prevent ntr fic from happening


Just go read Watashi no Onii chan or some shit my dude

Everyone likes to party sometimes, am I right?

You too "user" i know who you are from the pic S M H

I love Monika, but I kinda wanna see what the Man-Emperor of Mankind would say about her. If he could somehow remember early-M03 video games that is.

user realizing the pain he's causing Sayori and backing down before sealing the deal, and learning to love everything about his wife?

Spend more time with her


I'll shake your ass with MUY BRADE

Otherwise, a great edit, user.
I've never seen a picture of Sayori in that outfit before. Can I have it, please?

I want to party in her pussy

>being a cuck
"Suit yourself", faggot

I'm still going to fucking shoot you

Give me the correct spelling and I'll fix this shit. Not much into moonrunes recently.
Original here.

My man!

Katakana is fine for casual or stylized lettering, besides it's not known for sure whether the girls actually are Japanese.

That's the correct spelling.

>faggot aloof gigaatheist channel
Miss me with that homo shit

Future shock, future shock, cuck yourself, fuck yourself!


It's not exactly "correct", more like how I imagined it to be before the Japanese translations came out.
And I'm pretty sure all the characters are supposed to be Japanese, since DDLC parodies japanese dating sims.
There's no reason for them not to be.
Oh, and thanks for the pic

What does this abbreviation mean?


delet yourself

NTR is no more or less wrong than any other fetish

Waking up at the start of a new thread! Wondering what your fellow anons have been up to! Imagining their crazy antics! Yuri!

>T a
>Real man

It's letting another man fuck your wife and calling the hell you feel "enjoyment". It's unironically only for the people who can't call themselves real men.

kill yourself, cuck

>>faggot aloof gigaatheist channel

i agree that the Kerggesatz political opinion is literal shit, but when they are talking only about science is excelent, i love the explanations about space-phisical theories

but they really really really need be less politial bieased, that EU video during brexit vote was really unecessary and the calendar video, as much it makes sense in general-historical point of view, its still highly political biased and made to sell wall calendars branded as "special"

Get out you cuckfaggot, no one likes you

holy fuck my sides

>not watching the last thread and knewing why i am using this trip right now

i dont know what is worst, is your lazyness to watch the end of last thread, or the fact that you supports NTR, cuck

>mfw it's time to kill cuckolds

>Wears a suit
I bet your IQ is in the upper 200s too, huh?

>its a NTR thread
Well, time to sleep I guess

lmao, the worst is that the woman litteraly asked for him to stop and still he let her suffer lmao

>turns out its cucking
Some days I wish I wasn't so pure, it's like high school all over again, where I didn't know half the shit people were talking about until senior year.

Maybe that's why girls were never interested in me and my current girlfriend is a computer program.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cuckolding. The kink is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of intersectional feminism most of the empowerment will go over a typical cuck's head. There's also the Bull's aggressive outlook, which is deftly woven into his role - his personal mannerisms draw heavily from the mating habits of bovine animals, for instance. The cucks understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of being cuckolded, to realize that it's not just arousing - it says something deep about DIVERSITY. As a consequence people who dislike cuckolding truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the power of when the woman says "leave the room Carl you're breaking Tyrone's concentration," which itself is a cryptic reference to the plight of African-American males in the United States. I'm smugly grinning right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as The Bull's strong African seed ejaculates itself on my wife. What bigots... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a cuck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for The Bull's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 7 inches above of my own (preferably higher) beforehand.


>america's fastest growing kink

damN! I wish I was smart enough to be come a cuck
>tfw will never watch my wife get railed by another man because my iq consists of two digits
just fucking end me, holy shit


im glad that someone did it before me

>Maybe that's why girls were never interested in me and my current girlfriend is a computer program.

Sounds like the perfect situation to me user!

Trust me, being inoccent is better than being impure

i tried being impure and its sometimes worst

Well, looks like they're up to giving (You)s to cuckposter because that will totally make him go away and definitely won't make him come back for more!
Great job, everyone! Ahaha~!
Seriously, stop.
I wonder if you're just being dummies or actually want the thread to go to shit

Is there gonna be a sequel to ddlc?

i stopped, i am only watching here and laughting

hi chris

idk, there is a tip for new game in the game files but dan said that the new game won´t feature dokis and there isnt a near future plan for DDLC

s m h

Sayori is pure and deserves only the purest of love!

Pretty sure that’s not Chris

>troll face

i dont have nothing more to say

That's no chris
The air doesn't taste right

unironically sayori yourself

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
have we regressed to 2001

Well that was certainly A start to the thread!
MOVING ON, with some friendly discussion!

>Your Doki
>Your home city
>Where you would take her on your first date together, and why?

I stopped, I just dropped two memes and flew off. Now, back to our scheduled programming. Monika TV!


>I'd take her to the sculpture garden, or the Forks for some awesome fish and chips

Your doki but she makes you succ her feminine penis

>not gonna say on a mongolian shitposting board
>on a trail in a park when there is little traffic, perhaps at dawn or dusk so we can see the sun rise/set

>see this
what do?

Barrel Roll

Push her back in

Kiss her!

Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention

wake up

>tfw the first thing I would unironically do I if Monika were real is cup her breasts and ask her bra size
It's not easy being green


one of these days someone is gonna remove that white border
but not today

Do you mean where I was born, where I grew up, or where I live? That's one of the things about me, I don't really feel like I have a "hometown" because we moved around at key junctures in my life that prevented me from forming long childhood friendships. I was pretty much alone going into and all throughout college.

Thankfully where I am now there's all kinds of interesting things to see and do, and I've got memberships with a few institutions we can visit regularly just to break things up whenever. I think for our first date we would go downtown for ethnic food and then drive up to the mountain for stargazing.

Isn't it obviously a C?

So I read somewhere that in the After Story mod, you can put a character file with your name into the characters folder and it'll do something.

I've had one in there for a while now and haven't noticed anything. Is there something I'm supposed to do?

you need to put your real name and date of birth in the character file

>Somewhere in Brazil
>i think beach or a park, i always wanted to bring someone that i liked to a park, it looks fun to take day there

as well as your social security number, credit card number, expiration date and that code on the back

Daily reminder that there is a parallel universe where millions of dokis are doting over you, the star of your own fourth wall-breaking visual novel.

Pic mostly related

I'll get right on that

I legit never noticed this before you mentioned it.

>South Brazil
>Just going around the city showing her stuff, I guess, parks, malls, that kind of thing.

kys senpai

>obviously a C
>Implying I know the IRL difference between one cup size and another
I'm a Virginia for petes sake, I only know the ludicrous sizes of animated women [/spoiler] and Yuri [/spoiler]

That really doesn't help. As a text document? What file format? What date format?