fluffy yordle snuggles edition!
fluffy yordle snuggles edition!
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xth for Futaraka
do i deserve this 10 game chat restriction for flaming the rank 2 challenger on my server for being a fucking mongoloid and putting no pressure on the map?
you should die in a fire being being a faggot that thinks this is his fucking blog
honestly all chinese people should have their chat removed
What champion pisses you off the most?
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
Lux support is good!
plz no flame
Futaraka best Raka
rumble enjoy big cocks up his yordle boipussy!
Reminder to filter e-whores, degenerates and waifufags who spam /lolg/ with the exact same images/questions/comments as they are cancer and don't deserve interaction or attention
die in a fire homo
What if my support likes being bullied
I want to fuck a Nami main
Not only early, but starting off like this.
Wew, nuke both new threads already.
is eulcs on today?
will it be patch 8.3 or 8.4? i wanna see if the ap item changes will affect the lcs meta
>Not wanting to be nice and toasty with Shyvana's cock in your ass
baka desu
Lulu skin when???????
>wanting a dragoncock that has thorns and spikes up your soft bum
wew famlam
No support loves bullying user!
>tfw no barbarian queen with a 10 inch cock to pleasure
>tfw one of my best bud is a nami main
would you
Sonya in league when?
>only one horn on her helmet
her balance gotta be off as hell
Who is that webm aimed at shit talking? Because fuck Renekton.
You are now aware that Lulu is EXTREMELY CUTE!
it's fine because her left tit is much bigger than the other
Did you fuck?
This is your support for today's game!
Say something nice about her.
That was pure skill. Renekton suicided beautifully. If that faggot didn't have a stack of bleed on him going in he would have won that.
Nah, we're just friend. We eRP'd though, he really likes Rumble.
She dosen't need to compensate with a third big horn if you know what i mean
Xth for my main is shit at my current elo
>tfw outside of /lolg/ supports are just whiny gays and girls that aren't even submissive
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!
>Implying they're not soft fleshy nubs
They'd feel so good inside me
Xth for Riot ruining the game (again) to satisfy the crying of ADC babbies.
>Wahh I can't kill everything by right clicking it like a retard, better nerf tank stats into the shitter!
>WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE (this goes on for years).
can you fuck off?
>it's another "ADC does 7,000 damage in 28 minutes" episode
>CAMEO: Support flames everyone en masse and then doesn't take blame for roaming when their outer turret was at 17% for 10 minutes
I wanna hold Lulu VERY tightly in my arms!
no u
Can they give us more items to get Lethality from? Preferably building items to get at least, I dunno, a hundred Lethality?
Such a waste of nami main ass
He's underage anyway, I'd rather not go to jail.
>aruuuuu girls playing support won't let me, a random creep on the internet, sexually abuse them in chat FUCKING ROASTIES
how old
faggot and twink genocide absolute best day of my life
i ain't risking it
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
I like trundle but every time I play him I lose. Am I bad or is he?
prime boypucci age you missed a lot
16 is the legal age here
Depends, do you want to go to Veeky Forums tf2g or /trash/ tf2g? The former is incomprehensible cancer to the uninitiated, the latter is incomprehensible cancer to everyone but eldritch horrors.
I highly recommend the tf2g in /trash/ personally. It's maximum comfy
Lies that /lolg/ told you
>You need to play a healslut to get honor
>16 is the legal age here
calm down Muhammad, some posters come from the first world here
15 is legal here in east europe
No? People of all roles, even support were just whining that they didn't get honor having a nice looking score. To non-support roles it was told: playing support is the easiest way to get honors. To the supports: you're trash if you can't get honors in that role (and bullying from supports that did get honors and most-honored)
He's not bad, but he's not very good either. He's also a very situational pick, especially in this meta.
You can't play him in every games and expect to win. If the enemy team doesn't have a tank you can ult or have mobility so you can't reach them, don't play him.
What exactly is wrong with the age of consent being 16?
Got some fresh Futaraka in the works, here's a preview bois
skipped p4 promos lul. getting 32 lp per win
Age of consent is lower than 18 all around the world
yeah, france.
besides, i don't like younger guys, i'd rather have a older daddy bf.
not getting a little bit of ip/be after every game is some fucking bullshit
>tfw it's 14 here
more proof that mudlsimes ruin the world imo
Why are eu threads the worst?
boy did they buff the shit out of Renekton's Q
>be level 2
>renekton just stuns me and takes 60% of my hp away
>poster is a fucking faggot
Crevez, tarlouse
>neither early thread nuked yet
>literally dreamed of wukong buffs
I wanna be Lulu's cat!
Hey can you like kill yourself? You've been whining for the past 3 hours you fucking pussy get a grip.
>amerimutts calling out anyone else on the state of their country
But what's your honor level (don't forget to indicate which checkpoint)?
It's creve, not crevez if you talk about one (1) homo.
If you talk about a lot of homos, crevez would be okay, but that would be tarlouses.
do you frogs eat frogs?
I will honor my support with my cock!
Didn't knew Teemo was OP.
his play style needs to solidified and his passive needs to reflect that pslystyle
>I'm an assassin that has a tank passive?
>Support asks me to bully them for being bad at the game
Is there any chance they aren't a degenerate?
I dreamed I was giving Rengar a blowjob and a rimjob. Was fun!
>only two red trinkets vs teemo
xd my friends x d
and yeah the new meme mask is powerful on him
He used to be a decent bruiser back when not everyone had huge amounts of sustain and defense stats, now that shields and heals are flying around he's fallen off and Riot has refused to do something.
Which skins make you feel this fabulous?
>no cute samurai girl (boy) champion
uhhhh.... guys? hello?
Some people them, but I never ate frog legs. I heard it tastes like chicken.
>tfw started gold 4
>got to gold 1 with 85% win rate
>lost promos to plat twice
>started inting shit gold kids
>now have 65% win rate and wont double promote in plat
>play lube of legends
>lose almost every game you play
>start playing Singed a lot
>win almost every game you play because Singed wins when he loses
Just Jhin.
is camille a good pink into fiora?
Good afternoon, /loligee/!
How's my favorite general been, hows the game?
Did the mage items shake things up?