/feg/ - Fire Emblem General Anonymous 03/02/18(Fri)03:57:47 No.207049971▶
>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>SoV Links
/feg/ - Fire Emblem General Anonymous 03/02/18(Fri)03:57:47 No.207049971▶
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
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What skills do I give +Def -Spd Nowi
are you having fun, /feg/?
Steady Breath, QR. Just let things run into you.
Voting gauntlets are never fun. I like the matchups for this one though.
I'm having fun laughing at >Zelgius as retards seem to think leading with him is a smart idea.
When's Serra's husband making it into Heroes?
Yes i just wish i got more than just felicianons unit on team bk
What would my BK bros prefer for a lead?
Neutral Myrrh with MT refined Lightning Breath, Iote's, Attack Tactic and Guidance Seal.
+HP/-Spd Grima with SB, Bold Fighter, Ward Armors, and Quick Ripiste SS?
You still use Sharena, right?
I have 1000 Orbs saved. My arena-built units include a 5*+9 Nino, 5*+5 MMarth, and a bunch of lower 5* merged and 4*+10 Aether units that I rotate. It's been enough to keep me in tier 20 almost every week and top 5k AA but with the new calculator my score is slipping.
Should I roll for a 5*+10 Hardin, or try my luck with 3 high merged blues on the 8% banner? Can't decide whether 1 god tier or 3 great tier units is preferable.
Are you playing on android or apple?
Thats my best friend!
if i don't plan on doing any shady shit then playing my linked account on emulator is safe, right?
How can a dumb dragon be so hot.
Does anyone know if your present list can hit a limit? I want to stack orbs after orbs to collect them all at once when a banner I like drops
20 orbs on Hector banner, yandere banner, or b8%?
The Zelgy vs. Burger King match has been pretty kino so far, especially the first 2 hours.
But I’m not getting any green or blue teammates and having to do those quests manually is a pain.
Hey nerds
*blocks ur path with 3 bodyguards*
You haven't forgotten about me right Kiran?
I've been struggling to get defenses recently, how do you go about spreading brain damage in tier 19/20 defense ?
>yfw it does and any presents past the overflow get deleted
I have an ally leading with this.
It's disgusting.
can anyone give me a quick low iq rundown on what to do in voting gauntlets?
El goblino...
They expire after some time. Can't remember how long though.
But for real. Why not just collect them and then practise some restraint?
>not using tactic skills to give yourself +6 to attack, defense, res, and inevitably speed
This is the spiciest Lilina build I think I've ever seen.
How does one even think of this garbage
So whos gonna be on the 4-5* banner tommorow? This was the last one, assuming no repeats. Sothe, :3 and :D are basically guaranteed.
cute boy
>spend all your flags ASAP
Soleil hopefully
I can't wait for her upgrade.
He'd better be.
How do i build her for a non fliers team?
Who are you?
>can't beat takumi infernal
>refuse to look at any guides
>very first present in list is the 20 orbs and feathers from DICE awards
Hell no
Well shit
I only do this because I want to see a huge number of orbs when I click accept all
Pick the one with the lowest amount of supporters. This team will usually receive lots of multipliers. Those multipliers will get you lots and lots of points. Use lvl1 units to play against 3 lvl1 enemies, while you also get a friend unit that's lvl40 this destroying everyone
That’s my dad
d-did he fodder the free Ike we got?
should i be using my flags yet
Holy fuck Bros I've seen the light
You know it will be jakob
Furry memesperation
>this build is garbage it's not on gamepress and doesn't use fury moonbow
>*actually play against it*
>wtf how come my cookie cutter nino loses to this garbage?
If not fliers, what is your team going to be? It's hard to use tome fliers outside of that. They kind of suck. H!Nowi maybe with Grimoire.
skidaddle skiderric
Play the guantlets using your chosen participant for extra points.
Battle using a hero that is level 1. This will make the enemies you face level 1 or very close to level 1 as well.
If you have a friend on your friend list who backed the same character, one of their leaders will assist your battle. And since those leaders are most likely level 40 already, and hopefully also somewhat good. You can just auot-battle the gauntlet and let your friend's leader win it for you.
the same way, with blarblade and u give her tactics and hones and stuff, resposition, glimmer
Red: Cain, :3, Tharbage
Blue: Roderick, :D, Lel
Green: Raven, Titania, SKIDADDLE
Colourless: Sothe, Jeorge, Kagero
~Stabby Stabby~
Time to plaay!
are we getting the update in a few days or at the end of next week?
i really want to upgrade sieglinde and early march is still pretty broad of a time
Don't do this to me, user
I want to continue stacking orbs for CYL
don't even care. I've been reduced to scavenging for orbs and desperately rolling for Ephraim
Nifl girls are not important.
>decide to stop being lazy and actually crawl back out of T17 since I outright threw the last 3 weeks because I didn't care
>rank 92 with a sub-5k score
What the fuck?
I think it's right after the voting gauntlet. But I don't really have anything to back that up with.
The only way to not trigger the desire sensor is to always do full pulls. But even with that you need to avoid always rishing to the colour(s) you want or the algorythm will notice your behavior and later the RNG accordingly.
If any fellow celichads are looking for a friend with myrrh lead 8610923793
I want onee-san to sit on me
You lie!
>Makes you waste over 20k feathers to 5 star her
>Fjorm comes at 5 star rarity for free and is also better than her
WTF BROS?!?!?!
T17 is shrinking as more players get into the meta
Also probably because laat week Vike could've helped boost some scores
>already beat all the lunatic CC
There goes the orb reserve. I hope the blessed garden gives a good amount of orbs per week.
I wish she was available so I could gut her and claim my fierce stance
>not fury+moonbow
Bad build, do not copy.
My guess would be when the new banner drops which is next Thursday/Friday I think
Can anybody explain why training tower Zelgius doesn't come with Alondite or Black Luna equipped?
if you have tactics skills go blade+LaD
if you don't then there's not really any reason to run her over another unit but wolf tomes are pretty fun so you could do that
It's the desire sensor's fault I don't have a gf
How should I build my third crunchy taco?
How fucking hard can it be to get two more fucking Faes.
He seems to keep forgetting Alondite, don't worry it's because he's autistic.
Fucking anything not red. Every match so far I've gotten extra reds.
tactics skills don't apply to the unit that carries them so unless they release a seal i'm pretty sure that is impossible
He's doing a pacifist run
Help me out /feg/. I never ever used trainee units in SS, and very rarely in other games, but in SS particularly because I just felt like all the prepromotes were already so strong on their own, I never had to train their "tiny counterparts".
Then, in Heroes, Amelia pitybroke me while going for Hector, and she has been insane in my team, carrying the team left and right.
I've started a new SS run to get her and see how she fares, but I've failed to recruit her for exactly one turn, hell, one fucking tile rather, and since I don't allow myself to restart I had to recruit her in Chapter 13, and now Amelia can't kill anything for shit, she can't get any experience at all.
I'm now in Chapter 16 with Ephraim and obviously it has only gotten worse, even if I fed her almost every kill she is just not catching up. You think she can turn super OP in the tower, or should I just keep moving on and do another run later for her? I have some stuff to feed to her, but I was waiting to feed them to Myrrh, especially the HP stuff.
Takumi from the first few months of the game coming back for revenge.
>by putting two fire blessings on my arena core members, replacing +7 Ephraim with +2 LA Ephraim reaches the same arena score
Blessings are a mistake. Should I give him def tactic so that between blessing and buffs he's giving out +10 def to the team?
>spend all of your flags in bonus hours on whoever is the least popular that you have a copy of (level 1 preferred)
>save like 400 or 800 flags for the very last day's 7x multiplier(s)
this gets me in top 5k nearly every time and i don't have to stress over multiplier autism
You pretty much have to tower grind her no matter what, but it's a quick process.
>brash assault
>without desperation
I've got a -Atk Ike that I've been hanging on to for a while. Who would benefit most from his Heavy Blade?
Any unit in SS can be OP with the tower but Ameilia in SS is pretty bad, I'd say the only trainee in SS that's good is Ross because he's easy to train and joins early enough for his low bases to be not a problem.
Amelia and Ewan join far too late to be easily fed exp without resorting to grinding the Tower. Ross is the one trainee you can have an easy time turning into a killing machine.
He had Atk+3 but I put it on another unit for a second, and that unit gave him Brash Assault in the trade
he'd be too strong and a nuisance otherwise
goes to show how strong he is that they had to unequip his prfs
heavy blade is better in the seal slot so you can run death blow alongside it
if you have fliers you can give it to cherche and use the seal slot for iotes instead but death blow+hb would still probably be better
Those skills are coded to be unique to only the Black Knight, and clearly Zelgius isn't the Black Knight so he gets randomized shit.
Honestly though, maybe they just thought that running into him normally would be "too hard to deal with" or something.