/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Multicultural edition

Previous thread >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.44.05.

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist:


>Legends Viewer:

>Starter Pack:

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:




Second for elv

'scuse me, just the best rock passing through. The king of all dwarves has ordered his halls to be built from me, as is only natural for one with such royal taste.


2.0 changes:
-Various tweaks and fixes to make sure everything is running smoothly.
-New fauna both passive and predatory.
-Several new forms of machine life.
-Weaver civs can now tame organic creatures, and Inhumans specialize in taming two of them but will otherwise just kill to get what they need. It should be noted that player fortresses can tame just about any animal or machine, though.
-Cyberwraiths are now guaranteed to have access to every species of nanomachine life, as befits their status as the most advanced of the sentient nanomachine races.
-Handbook updated to include desert biome lore since I forgot to put that in last time.

As always, feedback and playtesting is super appreciated.

It's marbleous, but it's not as gneiss as bauxite, which is the schist


7th for Kobold

Holy shit

fucking lel

>mfw reading the handbook
>An entire civilization of italian mafia robots

Modanon what are you smoking

Dude nice


Honestly I don't know how that happened but I'm sticking with it.

Has anyone actually played this mod? Is it any good?

Looks delicious.

of course its good go download it user see for yourself

>t. modanon


Thanks guys!

I need to eat.

>I wonder who could be behind this post


That wasn't me I swear. Honestly though I have no idea if my mod is good. I mean I enjoy it and it has two people who gave it good ratings on the download page but that's like three people which is not an accurate assessment probably.

Was reading the raws to see what was in there
human fortress when?

When cave civs are playable in fort mode or alternately it will be an optional expansion thing so you don't need to play with human civs if you don't want to. Remember the main reason Age of Steel exists is to circumvent the sleeping army bug by creating a setting where the sentient races do not have a need for sleep so traveling NPCs function correctly and having humans (who need to sleep) would go against that so it would need to be an optional thing. However Receptacles are very close to human in design so you might enjoy playing as them.

Guess i gotta add yanks to the mod now

Can't wait until adventurer mode mounts and pets are go so I can tame a floating fortress

Oh yeah that's definitely something I think will be fun. All machine life is tameable so there will be many fun things to ride around on come that update. I should make non-sentient humanoid drones actually, so that the player can have expendable goons that aren't really people so you can get a ton of them killed without feeling bad.

Immobile brain-jar creature that requres mounts-cyborg-bodies to move around.

What about megabeasts though. Didn't see the pet tag on gigaquadromechs.

Unfortunately I do not think DF would be able to make something like that work smoothly, but a brain in a jar with some degree of mobility and maybe psychic powers seems like it could be doable. Definitely going on the list of potential new creatures.

Ah darn that's something I'll have to add on the next update. Semimegas should be tameable though, with the exception of Eliminators, who are sentient.

Yeah, I saw the pet tags on the semimegas, but none on the megabeasts.

I'll get to that then. On that note I should probably give Eliminators the ability to take over cities.

ngl pretty hyped for the mounts, I'd be able to finally add proper usable trikes and choppers to my Warcraft mod.

Ah yeah I should probably add things like automated vehicles or possible normal vehicles with crazy androids who have welded themselves to the interior so as to justify how they move on their own.

Are those frenchmans fighting austrians?

Yanks vs rebels

Ok I made some quick changes and fixes. Megabeasts should be tameable, certain sentient organics should be a bit more common in the caverns, and Eliminators should take over nations sometimes.

Just in general I really like how megabeasts can be coded to take over civilizations, that's a really neat feature.

Are the multiculti modders around? You should add pic related as a megabeast, and maybe give him the [POWER] token so he can rule da hood.

Shame that its a tad broken though, which is why I removed it from most of my megas. They get a tad homicidal once they get loaded in, atleast in my experience.

I've found that they only get homicidal against people not in their faction. Members of the group they are in get a pass but anyone of a different or opposing political group runs the risk of getting mauled, which when you think about it is about part for the course when it comes to psychotic and egotistical monsters ruling over a nation of mortals.

*par for the course


>tfw always too lazy to give dwarves proper bedrooms etc.

One month in. Nearly 300 invaders dead, still almost 1200 left. Bastards clearly got reinforcements at some point. This might take some time.


That's been updated.


I made a rough outline of the Japs values and personality for racism mod.
Feedback would be appreciated.

ive put it on the to do list

decorum should be max, eloquence up one
artwork up one
romance down one or two.

lustful up one
bashful ++
the rest looks pretty good

Need more tentacles.

The forgotten beast Hentai Tentacuru Monsuta has arrived! It squirms and fidgets. Beware its pungent ejaculate!

Bump up self control, lower sacrifice by one and give em mild disdain for peace.
what this guy said too.
Man its kind of interesting defining a civilisations personality in this way, makes me kind of want to have a go at Napoleonic France, or colonial England.

someone asked in the FoF

What is he gonna do with ''Medical Improvements''

Im hyped, but I'd like to know what about

sacrifice maxed, dont listen to the other guy

remember this is the race that made kamikazes and samurais a thing

Maybe doctors will be able to heal you adventure mode.

>What is he gonna do with ''Medical Improvements''
>Im hyped, but I'd like to know what about
If you look at the indentation you see that it's a sub-item of "adventurer military improvements" along with giving commands to party members. So I think it's reasonable to assume that adventure mode party members can give each other medical care (with the necessary skills). Though the exact nature and whether that will actually be implemented is, of course, not even known to Toady yet until it's actually in the game.

>Man its kind of interesting defining a civilisations personality in this way, makes me kind of want to have a go at Napoleonic France, or colonial England.
do try, I dont remember if we have the eternal anglo civ ethics

>makes me kind of want to have a go at Napoleonic France, or colonial England.
We're planning on doing French and English creatures+civs eventually.
You can join in if you want too, we have a board on trello. All you need to do is make an account and post your username in this thread.
Although if you just want to contribute ethics and personality via the thread that's fine too.

>that adventure mode party members can give each other medical care (with the necessary skills).

>yw soon be able to work as a wise sage healing warriors across the world with rubbing alcohol and real medical equipment
Greatest timeline

I'd love to be able to heal people in adv. mode
Imagine having a whole 'medical menu' where you can perform surgery on any unconscious being close to you
Applying wood alcohol and plants and cauterizing wounds

I have unwittingly drawn a face with all the construction I've been doing

no anglos yet, heres the template again

Eh, I'm interested to see how the mod ends up, but less amused by the edgy /pol/ jokes. I don't really know about any memes other countries might have about France as an example, apart from the surrender one and muslim jokes. Maybe I'll head over to /fr/ on /int/ and ask em about this.

>makes me kind of want to have a go at Napoleonic France, or colonial England.

There was this historic drawing where various european nations (turks, hungary, austria, italy, germany, france, sweden ,etc) were compared in their properties. Their favorite food, how the make love, how they make war, how they sleep, etc etc. It was pretty funny and might give you some inspiration.

Unfortunately I can't seem to find it. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

I know which one you mean, didn't save it unfortunately

Beware though:
>[...]but we do not intend to do everything there before moving on.


I happen to have some real, uncut /int/ banter screencaps here, if you want it

japan is both the biggest cunt and the cutest kitty of a country

I know I have it in my comp. let me check

damn, found it even before the count-down from the post tab reached zero

Oh shoot there was another bug I totally missed I'm fixing it now aaaaa

the new version should be up in a minute or two

I kinda like our blacks in France desu. Their accents aren't as hideous as ghetto blacks in America, and when they aren't chimping out they know how to have fun. I find the super dark, smooth skinned ones pretty aesthetic, don't care about the rest. Now if only their music wasn't aids and fucking school kids didn't walk around blaring it all the time.

>Turks main cause of death
top kek
as long as their culture asimilates and/or is compatible with ours, and they behave respectly, Im really open to any type of inmigrant in the world

Great, thank you!

Can someone explain pilgrim dwarves to me

Are they just renamed peasants?

They're just identities npcs can assume - won't neccessarily be peasants, they can have various skills.

Most importantly, just being able to perform basic first aid on yourself. Adv mode healthcare was meant to be a thing in the first healthcare release, but it proved a little bit trickier than expected so it got pushed back.
Although I certainly won't complain if he lets me play as a wandering healer, or a nobleman's court physician.

>disguise myself as a wandering healer
>find a traveler suffering from a broken leg
>instead of helping him, brutally murder him
It's the perfect crime.

This guy shows up and slaps your girldwarf on the ass. what do

I don't have a girldwarf so nothing

make him a militia captain

>Assume false identity as a traveling healer.
>Heal some important people and talk about it.
>Bluff your way into the king's palace using your fame as a harmless doctor.
>Kill him while he sleeps and steal his artifact.
>You were actually an agent of a rival nation the entire time.
>Assume the identity of a third party.
>Shout you have killed the king as you flee the city.
>War were declared between the two nations.
>Sit down and knock back a glass with your master as the two weaken themselves enough for your kingdom to conquer them both.

Not gonna lie, Inhumans are really fun to play. This is just a test but going apeshit on your enemies never gets old, especially when they are robots. Nothing quite says crazy like squaring up against an advanced mechanical creation made of iron and steel and attempting to bite its face without any hesitation.


What mods are you working on /dfg/?

I always thought Toady looked Japanese. Turns out his father is a happa.

as a matter of fact, If everything pre-magic listed in the new devlog was added, you could do that in DF vanilla

>quest to kill positions
>ability to send agents

Wait what

I know.

I'm actually erect in real life right now.

you posted that before, made me check and I didnt find anything
post source or shut up

racism mod is almost ready for the latest version to drop

half happa, half tranny

I'm not going to post Toady's father because that is technically doxxing. I looked it up too, I'm not that other guy who posted yesterday. Thought he was full of shit too lol.


Multicultural Mod - version 1.01

- gangstas changed to niggers
- Faggots added
- Reptilians added
- Nipponese added
- Anglos added
- Ethics updated for existing races
- Languages updated

download link:

to install:
>extract a new 44_05 game.
>replace /raw with this file.
i would have done a full df folder, but this way it is compatible with windows/linux. easy peasy.

How long until Bay12 finds this and "raids" us?

mang i dunno, im not posting it on dffd for a reason
they just wont understand our 150+ IQ satire parody satire



You madman.
