I think it's either the HRE or Switzerland.
Would anyone like to argue with me on this or do we agree?
I think it's either the HRE or Switzerland.
Would anyone like to argue with me on this or do we agree?
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native american tribes
Why France?
France was a feudal monarchy back then, it doesn't even compare to USA's electoral democratic system which was similarly, and somewhat close to the HRE and Switzerland.
I'm talking primarily about Yurop, savages can fuck off tbqh.
you cant just change the rules
cherokee nation was in the same place geographically as the us, this is fact.
Tell me to go back to /pol/ one more time, faggot.
Calm down man, didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
i guess byzantium still had a senate but it was powerless
In terms of power. France was the most powerful country on continental Europe since it's creation till the end of the Napoleonic wars.
If you're talking about government. England.
Really your legal system is founded on English common law, whereas other countries have systems based on Roman law.
If you want to be picky about oligarchic electoral countries you could make a case for late medieval-early modern Poland(Lithuania). Then again, congressmen can't veto stuff.
HRE and Switzerland are bad examples.
Hurt my feelings?!
Do you know how ANNOYING it is to see that reply every fucking time I ask a question on here?!
Who the FUCK do you think you are to tell me to go back to /pol/? You don't even know who I am, bitch. Just for this annoying response, you can go ahead and buy yourself some finger clamps and break off every little piece of shit finger you have.
I'm TIRED of this.
Have you considered not asking shitty, /pol/ tier questions?
You little bitch?
Why are HRE and Switzerland bad examples? I thought they were perfect examples of my country.
And yes I am an American, and I will proudly say that on this Venetian spice trading forum, even though it means little to you.
That's your opinion, and I will respect it. But it is not a shitty, /pol/-tier question, and is in fact a worthy Veeky Forumstorical question, you stuck up faggot.
>Equivalent of USA in Middle Ages?
In what way? Economy? Force projection? Historical isolation? Military? Political? If you want to have an actual historical conversation, we're going to need some actual points to discuss.
This thread is shit. You're shit.
what said.
Have you ever taken a course about government?
The Swiss president holds no power. Switzerland has 7, SEVEN, presidents.
HRE was barely a country.
Well obviously I meant universal in everyway equivalent to USA, that's what I implied when I asked this simple question.
And if you think this thread is shit you can fuck off then, nerfherder.
Jesus Christ, I was having a pleasant day until you came along.
We only learn about civics with large emphasis on my own country, where I'm from. Any other country is meaningless to our education system apparently.
>Well obviously I meant universal in everyway equivalent to USA, that's what I implied when I asked this simple question.
Okay, this is a start. Let's have as full a discussion as this question merits. Ready?
There fucking wasn't one. The reason there wasn't one is that the United States were founded really as the national embodiment of enlightenment ideas, which were unimaginable in the centuries prior to the 1700s. This was coupled with complete isolation from other major powers and uncontested control of valuable resources to a degree that no Medieval power could dream of.
Do better next time.
>Do better next time
kalmar union possibly. the union of spain from aragon and castile, because the two kingdoms actually run pretty much separately until the mid 1600s. kievan rus was a confederation of different principates run by a ruling family descended from a common viking ancestor.
The HRE and the Helvetic Confederation were highly decentralized and ethnically volkisch even by cobtemporary feudal standards.
The USA is centralized country posing as a decentralized one whose states are ethnically diverse af, have a federal cuckstamp over blue background as flags and slurp on a daily basis the semen jizzed from Washington.
The only right answer is the Khazar Khaganate.
>in a good position from getting fucked with by others
>has a good army
>uses that army to fuck with other countries
>ignores ordinances but expect others to comply with them (many times outright giving the pope the finger without consequence unlike the HRE).
>believed the world revolved around them
seems pretty American to me
That's Mongolia though
all the same shit
>HRE was barely a country.
When will this meme end.
Just because it wasn't a overcentralized bureaucratic nightmare, it doesn't means it wasn't a country.
The HRE actually had better working institutions than most of Europe at the time.