/wtg/ - War Thunder General

No veggies edition
Previously, on /wtg/ >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Other urls found in this thread:


where's the link to join discord?

This one was first and has more posts.
Nice try naziboo

better thread.

>you have no clue how to name vehicle and use silly made up name like "hitlerbot", "stalinbot" or any other crap name instead of proper name given by engineers
this autism


Why are the Sim GF battles either, 8.0 or 9.0.
I just some T-55A vs LeoA1A1 battles ffs

reduced repair costs for italian planes when?

You need to see Japanese repair costs, they’re fucking awful

>More posts about WT in the first thread
>More posts in general
Nice job Gumby you shit jannie

Why do you get crew lock if you die in Sim GF?

at least you get what you pay for as japan

>Janitor deletes the obvious off-topic general
They do it for free but atleast they do their job right.


posting it again for all to see

Any little girls (male) want to give me cummies?

to think that I got banned for posting stuff 10x more relevant that this faggotry


such is life

>attempt to post this on /v/
>accidentally post it on /k/
i'm not a smart man

ok almoravid

>fire apds at t-34-85 drivers hatch
this has happend far too many times for me to be angry

>grind is suffring
>sun is always on their side
>))))) all over the place
>but at least I'm not that Russian cock slurping Pole
really feels good to not be him

>Enemies RAGE at me for landing and bailing out to spectate when my team of 4 attackers and 4 bombers gets obliterated by their team of 12 Spitfires
>Call me a "coward" for not wanting to take on 8 superior aircraft in my stock F-82

Do people think I actually owe them kills or something? Why the shit would I willingly try to take on 8 fucking people at once in a stock plane after my entire team died?

based rooftop gooks

> redditscord thread deleted
based mods

>tfw thought Stona was russian
>tfw he is Polish
kurwa mać, we are born with hatred for russians how could this have happened

Poznań to pieprzona Kalifornia Polski.
Wiem, bo sam stamtąd jestem

wow, teebshitters are sure abundant

>not wanting to headon 8 spits and win
i'm afraid you are the stupid one here

>teebs are better at admitting the FV4202 has no armor than the wehraboos saying it's hard to kill
really gets your noggin joggin

>Insinuating they would head-on me

>using discord

i always wondered
are whebraboos blind?
can't you see that big ass turret ring that sticks out?


someone explain why the Me 410 B-2/4U is before the A-1/4U?

>teebs are competent
You seem to have made an error in judgement my friend

>smaller and thicker than KTH turret face

It was added later and by typical gaijin fashion, somehow comes earlier
probably because for its BR the A is better so they put it later ))))))))))))))))))))))))

i suggest you check your eye sight
doesn't matter, i had to deal with bong tier 4 in my tigers before i started playing bongs, you can easily pen turret ring on memeV4202

>Still getting 4v4s and 5v5s on Enduring Confrontation
not even worth playing, its so slow and boring

>decide to go back to lower tiers
>take out Beaufighter
>It's an absolute clubber with an airspawn

Hahah oh fuck me dead it's like it's 2.7 again



What skills do you get for tank crews?

can somebody tell me coding wheels is harder than tracks?

coding wheels is harder than tracks

Tank loading is probably the most important, along with gunner skills that increase turret turning.

look at you smart ass, aren't you funny

i meant why is coding wheels harder than tracks

My guess is they wrote the tank tread simulation first and since wheels are different the car simulation hasn't been written simply out of laziness

Commander = Loader > Gunner > Driver

>shoot the end of an is-2
>shot cam tells me i shot his turret ring from the front
excuse me?

but commander pretty much always dies first

>ElmoNasheed outed as an actual pedo

>le epic discord drama that has nothing to do with the game like its some big news that you are all mentally ill trannies and such

how to fight la-9 in p51d-30

>teebs meme about their shit mobility
>get fugvagen
>actually pretty good aside from reverse and maybe top speed
it's like they have never used a stock sherman before or anything nipp and wartime

hi wtg what country should i pick for planes?

What is a tier 3 tank lineup that's guaranteed to win a lot?
I need it for muh challenges.

literally do anything, you're better in everything but low speed climb and accel


That's a solid 1.0 up-tier that ain't really in your favour, but I think you're still just better than him in every way. I'd rather fight an La-9 than a Yak-9P.

he was pretty well glued to my ass no matter what i did

>don't get uptiered in my tiger and panther
>americans and russians lose because they all hop into CAS as soon as they die

if you're just going for top tier jets, the Japs and Nazi's have the best sabers. the British spitfires are an easy place to start, though their jets are limited in their capability. Some of the lower tier russian jets are just bonkers though like the Yak-15 and MiG9

it's hard to shake any plane off your ass once he gets there, you fucked up far before that. in any case you turn better than a la-9 so try that

reminder that hullbreak is an awful mechanic that allows shitters to shoot where ever they want to take down light vehicles if they have a big gun. spaa and m18s should be able to survive large caliber hits if they don't get hit in vital areas

t. m18/ru251 nigger

The main issue is that the later tanks are using regenerative steering. Something these stupid slavs can't be bothered with. Mobility complaints would disappear from a lot of tanks if they bothered with it.


cry more nigger

T-64A is weird, I either get fucked in the ass by an XYZ nigger right out of spawn or i get 6-7 kills

>fulda in top tiers
fake news

Tier 6 is a 50/50 coin flip
Rape or get Raped

could you explain the difference between that and neutral steering

please help

braise Churchill

What is even the point of the Ju-87D-5 other than bullying other bombers?

p-40, m24, m15. i used those three to get all the christmas challenges done

h- hey man, how many other Brit tanks have HE filler, huh?

bullying things with gunpods

the american ones

it has only 15 g of leddyt

>the goodest goy

Can confirm. It is the capitol of fags and everything related.


>Play Allies
>Team is mostly lawnmowers/ground attackers
>ENTIRE fucking team dead in the first 5 minutes every single fucking time with maybe 2-3 kills between the vast swathes of slaughtered

just like your tank says, stop

But I suck at light tanks.

>play Allies
>Axis team has more P-47s than Allies team has non-groundpounding fighters

not him, but the M24 is in most practical cases superior to the M4A1, just play it like a faster M4A1 and you should do well

>black the entirety of a slav(e) ammo rack
>two of my shells get blacked

Tier 1 and 2 are unironically the best tiers in the game where the best games are played.

Prove me wrong.
Protip: you cannot.

tier 6 is a meme right? Im much better off in my StuG III I suppose

one-shotting people with your 1700m/s railgun is fun sometimes


But I suck at light tanks.

>playing air RB in it's current state

I've been boycotting that game type for over a year now.

>4.7 p51
>everyone else is a heavy bomb or a ground pounder

So how about that new weeb twin-engine? I've been spading the Ki-45s and sorta look forward to it.

How is the T-64B's 3BM22 APFSDS gonna work against the Abrams and Chally?

380 mm at 0° at 2000 m, 170 mm - 200 mm at 60° at 2000 m