Fighting Games General /fgg/
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he says, while posting a .gif instead of a webm
stop posting 3D
You have TEN (10) seconds to explain why you aren't playing based Vampire Savior RIGHT NOW!
fuck fighting games, I'm gonna beat Contra Hard Corps!
It's a bad game
dead and busted
If a game has a succubus character, you should play her, just a reminder
why are you posting fossils?
Year of the dog!
what did he mean by this
Could someone explain to me how hurt/hitboxes work in regards to fireballs? When I use an armor move and someone throws a fireball at me and I absorb it while hitting them I still get knocked down afterwards?
All my uploads are in 30fps and theres nothing you can do to stop me.
dont blame me, twitter video is still a steaming piece of shit
It means that the game has no neutral so execution monsters can stay at the top more easily
This, he will send his 15 year old character assassins after me for saying "bro." Kind of done with Vsav for now.
Depends how many hits of armour you have/how many hits the fireball is
If you do a move with one hit of armour through a two-hit projectile you'll get hit out of it, but depending on the timing/spacing you might also trade with your opponent.
What if they made it to where you can no longer do a korean back dash in Tekken?
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, Dragonball and NRS games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
people would just backdash all game and nobody would commit to anything
Can you record it? It seems like whatever fireball is coming for you has one more hit than your armor can stand.
wtf rashid consent is necessary
also what anime and is it shit?
How about you explain what's wrong with what I said rather than quote me and post a smug image?
The game is heavily movement based so it would neuter the fuck out of it the gameplan as a whole and you would basically see no reason playing any character that isn't hard rush down because vortexes would be near impossible to escape or avoid.
broski how the fuck do you confirm lk into EX yoga fire on a gamepad
I've been trying to practice it all day and it's actually killing my hand
i love arcade flyers holy shit
time for jive
yoga flame**
theres not really a trick to it, you just gotta be fast
you can use 6lk as the starting point to make it easier
Grancrest. It's fucking terrible.
Any more?
is kawaiifacemiles a girl(female) or a girl(male)
hard to tell
The game would be good.
did brick win?
She's a born female, she's just one big bitch.
Amazonian height and high skill at a fighting game makes one suspect male but voice sounds legit female (contrast with gllty who sounds obviously male to anyone paying attention).
Nigga why would I streamboar someone worse than me?
literally every arcade game has arcade flyers
you can use them as boxart now really
zeku is such wasted potential
I wish he was just a more fleshed out young zeku without the stance gimmick
I mean the ones you like the most im setting it as my home screen
she's actually a real woman. a lot of woman. she would bear strong sons.
They are still making them
What a cutie
I like Okubo. I hope the game's as cool as he says.
Why is Sakura crying?
>satanic propaganda
pre-order cancelled
She's scared and clinging into Chun
>that guy on twitter begging for them to change astaroth's name so his christian mom will let him buy it
What is SuperSand's endgame?
Does he secretly want advice?
But he'd be much less fun if that was the case.
Why does spicy boyz feel so threatened by us bros?
The better question is why is Balrog's neck so long
Anyone EU PC wanna play Blazblue, Skullgirls or Fightin' Herds?
He's Finnish so he just has autism, please understand. He tries very hard.
Of course it's killing your hand, you're playing on a pad. Switch to stick or become lobster boy.
So we're saying the game is only functional because of an unintentional movement glitch?
When will Zeku get a real V Trigger
Is this actually how all vampire saviour combos generally work? or even Capcom games in general? This picture is actually very helpful.
Next season.
Went about as expected.
It's not a glitch.
Lol who the fuck are the spicy boyz? They sound like complete retards.
I can play BB or SG, pick one
Is sol bad guy an actual bad guy?
needs more arcade flyers
Where was the stream though?
Play Weiss
>Wanting only the Guy function
Zeku's whole theme is that he's supposed to represent the progression of a new fighting game player. Starting out playing gimmicky Guy rushdown fraudulence with auto-mixups that only work in Bronze, to then mature into playing an old man who pokes people in the neutral like he's playing real Streetfighter but isn't very good at it.
Cool, let's play some BB
Looks like a boring Orie
Just beat Akiha 20-0 without losing one round
Doesn't look like an Utopia to me......
Put Lynne in Smash 5
Lookit that two button action.
>tfw pad player
>tfw zeku's VT1 chain shit is literally impossible
Are you our new God? What's your Utopia?
what did he mean by this
There's a brown female fighter I can't remember. All I recall is that she had a certain piece of artwork where she was on her back as if she's presenting her vag and when localization happened it got censored a little by the west
Does anyone know who this is? I don't think it's Ramlethal
They have built the movement system around it at this point. It was only arguably a glitch in T1 where movement was flat and stiff. Tekken 3 made the game have real 3 dimensional movement, 4 created the modern movement poorly, and T5 was when it refined the movement to be as in depth as 3 but be less sloppy.
why did you fuck the Akiha poster you faggot
Based Brick
How is it impossible? You have a considerable amount of time to press buttons in sequence.
Based gatekeeper Brick, not gonna let pretenders dethrone him from his title of best dead kusoge player.
In Italy.
ok let's change "pad player" to "handlet"
Bow before me
My utopia is melty blood main game at Evo
Worst grudge match ever.
nooooo but he was supposed to be the best, he cut together a 10 minute video of smashing shitters in doobers...
Because they're Good Partners.