/smgen/ - SMITE General

>PC 5.2 - Hero of the Trojan War

>XBO & PS4 5.2 - Legend of the Foxes

>Season Ticket 2018

>Hand of the Gods: Smite Tactics

>Linking your Hi-Rez and Twitch account to get free thing

>Hirez server status

>FAQ for all game-related questions

The SMITE clans are SmGen (NA) and GenSm (EU), leaders are PicodeMoose and HardyMcWilly respectively.
Post your name in the thread or send an invite to one of the leaders. WE CANNOT INVITE YOU IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A CLAN

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Let smiggen die.

He goes by that now, yeah.

t. discordnigger

Yeah fuck you cunt
Also topic for discussion
Is taroshima actually dmbrandon


Didn't die monkaS


>enemy jungler baby sitting his solo laner
>no problem all they are getting of this is blue buff
>lets see what my jungler is doing

Legend of the Foxes Tyr list

Top Tyr
The gas circle last longer than the cooldown, so he can lock down an area easily and also has great burst.
Best God bar none. Can kill trash, melt elite mobs and tank all at the same time.
>Ah Muzen Cab
Has a cripple on a 7 second cooldown that lasts seconds. Absolutely ruins the CuCu elite mob. Cleans trash with no effort and doesn't need boots thanks to the hives
cleans trash, melts mobs with little effort with low cooldowns
great Sustain, and great cleaves that kill trash. Ult is on a low cooldown so it can be used easily on elites
Loads of CC, which are all very useful with dealing with elites.
cage and a shield which lets him tank moves with little difficulty. (sadly passive doesn't proc on elites)
very similar to Anubis but has a cripple for CuCu elite instead of a stun
pet distracts trash and sustains on itself, AoE, and a root for elites
a long stun, a short cd on trash clearing ability and the ability to block pathways

does anyone know what day it is?

>not posting the joust match

High Tyr

>Every other Warrior.
Warriors have a passive that gives them a free Nemian Lion.
>Every other Assassin
Assassins have a built in Golden Bow and all available assassins are good at killing elites.
a nice AoE cripple for CuCu and great clear and sustain.
2 stuns and great trash clear but tends to run out of mana quickly, even with MP5 items.
Geb does well with everything and also has a shield which is also nice
>Nu Wa
Nu Wa might be the best character to deal with trash, but she literally has no ult until the final stages of the game and doesn't do well against elites.
Sylvanus has AoE AAs as well as MP5 and health sustain and good CC for locking down elites

Mid Tyr
>Every other Mage**
all other mages can be good, but are typically outclassed by the above. There are some mages that are pretty bad which will be listed below
>Every other Guardian**
the rest of the guardiansdon't have what is needed to be ranked above, but they all have good tanking abilities, except...
>Every other Hunter**
Hunters outside of Skadi and AMC are just decent at best, except...

low tyr
Ao is an assassin but with none of the benefits that any of the assassins actually have.
>Ah Puch
Ah might look good on paper, but in practice pales in comparasion to every other mage, especially the top ones
Cerberus basically has no ult until the final stages, and his one is tricky to land.
just don't. there are far better mages. She does decent against the elites, but is crap against everything else

yeah yeah i know what a waste of time but i don't care. these threads prematurely die during the graveyard hours anyway.

i guess it's time to leave this general again

No I care. Are the rewards worth? What can you get other than the rat skin?

what seems to be the problem?

You can get tier two and tier three skins from it, (I got Serqet's Madam Blade from a drop and CuCu's T2 skin) and if you're team doesn't pick shitters you can get about 900-1000 points per game if you beat it 9and also didn't pay for teh senpai Bundle) and it takes about 15-20 minutes for a go around.

The issue is that is repetitive. The best thing to do is simply pick Arachne and brute force the carry every time, but anyone can see how boring that can get after a while.
The pr

how do you deal with cu cullian still hes got 6 easy appplied moves and tanky as fuck

I'm not familiar with the DM guy. I've heard he's a dick but I'm not familiar of the extent of his dickishness. Care to explain?

Build health percentage shredding moves.
In terms of Gods, Osiris does well against CuCu.

I tried to keep the thread alive last time.

I can't do it alone, guys.

Playing on EU is suffering
>gank solo lane
>leave enemy at 1hit for solo player to finish so he gets ahead
>do this 3-4 times
>he wins his lane
>later in the game we're teamfighting
>last hit whoever it was he's fighting
>throws a tantrum that all I do is KS
>starts griefing and complaining
>win game
>"all report jungler"
>more player damage than literally all my teammates put together
fucking ungrateful Ruskis



They both spout the same shit about stealth and stun
They both use weaponized autism
They're both really shit at this game


Was just paired with one who had less than half my ELO.

What could he possibly say about stun? I can understand stealth, but fucking stun?

>report a guy who fed
>went 1/18/3
>play with him again two days later
Nice punishment there lorez

working as intended :^)

>remembering player names
>even looking at player names
you disgust me

>He doesnt keep a list of names that warrant a dodge if they show up on your team again

whats the joust game?

>actually having autism
I'll pass

>he doesn't have a rival


Basically his entire team wipes twice and quits within 3 minutes.

assault is the only comfy thing to play on a weekend, prove me wrong
You can't

>That joust map
MotD when?

>game glitches out on the defeat screen
>log back in and check out match history
>nem did 2k damage in a 17 minute game
>poseidon went 2/15/5
>can't report now
>not that reporting would do anything
it really is :^)

ugly and fat


*ults thread*

>backs himself into the buff camp where he can't get out

Why am I being matched with people that have 400 ELO more or less than me?

are servers broken right now?

A classic

>cleans trash, melts mobs with little effort with low cooldowns

Mass sustain and free pen too

>no one posts in this thread that I HAVE PERFECTLY SET UP
>end of bmranton


there's literally a few names I know without even trying. Guys I know who are good and I have to be careful in how I juke and ward, and guys I remember who play loki and feed everygame. Even some people who do the ''pretend back while my entire meme stack rotates to lane to gank you"

t. scylla

T. Someone who doesn't like ugly blind girls

I just skimmed through DM's stream vod from thursday and holy shit he was LITERALLY SCREAMING in rage. What a guy.

*executes thread*


My favorite is the stupid proxy start he does every game that literally nets him nothing except for him getting farmed by the enemy while he shouts THEY'RE STREAM SNIPING

*pops aegis*
Nice try wetback

wow I just realized achilies ult is a free escape if it goes off lmfao, like if he ults to kill he also gets an ult to escape wtf hirez;

You don't understand, literally every warrior has a better ult

Why everything there is so fucking expensive?
Like chests with one random skin fucking 400 gems? So if there is one skin that you want and there are like 16 items so holy shit that is big price to pay for maybe some 'luck" that you will get that skin in first or maybe second chest.
And if not then gg money.

you don't understand, everyother assassin has an all in ult

That's wrong


You also have Susano,Bastet,Camazotz and Awilix.
Also most other assassins have a way to disengage if thing get messy.

Pretty sure the most expensive chests let you choose out of skins so you are more likely to get the one you want also you could just not buy it

>another game against a freya where I'm the only one with anti heal

Playing hunters is so aids right now
>build crit
>get deleted by frontline
>build not crit
>get deleted by everyone else

*buys rage and deathbringer*
*also buys a titans bane*

>buys neamean (2300g)
>gets thorns (free)

*waits for thorns to go away*
*or goes on someone else while thorns is up*
*or runs away*
*or doesn't engage in 1v1s*

Wait you mean you should adapt your build depending of the opponent team composition?What a shock!

>hear a bunch of DMBrandon banter
>check his stream
>in a 30 minute span he insecuritily corrects someone calling him 5'5
>perms bans someone for watching fox news
>flames his teammates over his own deaths and mistakes
>eats cupramen with chopsticks
Is this guy the ultimate manchild


Except it's not a ccbreaker so it's not a free escape, and in a stone of gaia meta your execute is executing 1/10 times you ulti unless you take your adc or supports kills on purpose

>nemesis is blind because justice is blind
Finally got it

Week 2 of SML qualifiers has started.

based dpanther

I mean of course he is. His whole gimmick is that he's an authority on literally anything and everything

You ult to kill the support/warrior.

why the fuck can I get chased by ullr as fucking serqet how fucking fast is his axe stance

At max it's like 40% movement speed

I hate Aranche palyers to my core. When your shitter god falls off in 10 minutes and you don't even gank that's when you are total shit. Like at Level 3 you can basically kill any god in a gank and their trucking SOLO is a mage you have no excuse.

my favorite

>find once instance of me saying retarded and I'll give you 1 grand
>post this video
>dm ignores it like it never happened

holy shit this is literal 1st class awwtism

In the adventure Loki's decoy also work on the elite.

Are Artemis, Scylla and Ne zha still trash? They were the only reason I played this game.

Ne Zha's good. Artemis is trash as usual and will never be good. Scylla is just outdone as a late game god.

But Scylla is still usable.

>Artemis is trash as usual and will never be good.
Before they removed golden bow there was a brief period of time when blink Artemis was meta.

>That one time dmbrandon bitched at /smgen/ because we made fun of somebody's breakup.

And others gods were better in the golden bow meta the Artemis. Here's the thing about her, any meta that favors her favors others gods much more.

Got a link to that?

I can't provide that, it was a tweet from way back when he actually worked for Hi-Rez so getting it would be near impossible.

>Love being tank facilitator heroes
>Serve up multiple free kills on platter
>Assassin too much of a pussy to follow through
>Wall three guys, freeze them, Ymir ult cooking
>Anubis could do literally anything at this point and net us 3 kills
>Bitches out because of 25% hp

Why are assassins all either amazing or absolute dog shit that needs to be forcefeed kills?


Are you dumb?


Meant to say, no uglier than Terra

Somebody draw Sol farting? Thanks.

why is smite not more popular on Veeky Forums

Alright thanks, what's the jungle route now? Is it still taking a fat dump on mid for the first 10 minutes? What's up with the fod on the conquest map?