Hungry for honeyfruit edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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First for annie
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game !
This game will be fun to watch!
New official /lolg/ waifu. I approve.
Teemo is best husbando, fuck Kled
official lolg certified™ best waifu
About to take a long car ride, and that short story about the void is inspiring me to try and pick up writing again, this time for league. 9 picks what I write about, probably won’t write smut though, I’ll post whatever I have sometime later today
mangbros WW@
But wait it was
Reminder that Annie won for best waifu but pedos were cucked by another 5
>tfw no qt petite gf MADE for cuddles
>The state of Gays2
>Ahri hasn't been made into a support
I want to impregnate Annie when she grows up
she'd be a perfect support
rework her already rito
>implying botlaners want Ahri
>guy got caught defacing the wiki
>to add relation to kai'sa an vayne
>gets banned
>somehow notice some release date issues for champs
>some off by a month of time
>discussion shows it was related to pbe timeframe not live
For the sake of the wiki (aside from dont deface it), when a champion is released, would you like them to go by PBE date, Live date, or have both for the sake of tracking? This is important to me for fixing a correction but there's now discussion of what's counting as a release.
Come to the /trash/ thread and erp with me
>Ahri redone for botlane
>encouraging baddies who take midlaners bot
No thanks, that cancerous lot will surely excuse themselves even despite the new mage items by saying it could happen to Brand, Lux and Zyra officially.
I need to pick up a champion for when the enemy team picks Ashe. I'm thinking Draven, because I always have trouble against him on Ashe and I played him an ok amount back in Season 4. Any other recommendations?
>The eyes are miscolored
>Her lips and nose are freakishly too small
>Her hair looks absolutely nothing like it does in literally any rendition of her in official works
>No matter how you look at it her bust size is either way too small or they didn't even attempt to try and fix her undercleavage
>While we're at it her torso looks almost unnervingly thin even for an hourglass figure
>Her ears look absolutely nothing like that
>Her right hand looks freakishly smaller than her left (this may be due to perspective but that fucking wrist isn't lyin')
>Literally what the fuck is going on with her eyebrows.
I really hope this isn't what they plan on releasing for anything more than 100 dollars because I can spend 40 dollars on a figure from Japan that is higher quality than this and still retains it's canon look.
I am okay with Ahri otps autistis playing Ahri
but anyone else please no never won with an Ahri that's not an Ahri main
lulu deals more dmg
They're planning to let mages become carries for bot lane so you're not forced to have a ranged auto attacker there every game
Ahri would be prime candidate as an apc when that happens
More skarner skins when?
Damn, I wonder who was behind that...
I don't erp user sorry!
>What if we just DOUBLE Brand's passive damage to compensate for the loss of DFT?
He has a Legendary now hush- no, I'm with you there. But he isn't Riot's sales whore, so keep waiting for a while yet.
If they made all APC and ADC viable for bot lane and mid lane the game would be more enjoyable.
theyre banned now dont worry. Kai'sa is just vayne's deviantart OC anyway
now can you answer the question
>when a champion is released, would you like them to go by PBE date, Live date, or have both for the sake of tracking?
Kass and Malz have a new bio by the way
Reminder that Sona has the biggest and best bust!
All these entitled whiny punks on /lolg/ don't know how great this game is. Always complaining about the lack of content and how delayed voice chat, support legendary, or some other bullshit is. People on here daily saying that the game is boring and there's nothing to do. What the fuck are you expecting to do other than play lol? Why are you starting up lol to jerk your dick to a new ahri skin? If you want to do quests go play WoW. The happiest these fucks have been in the last year is when you could see MFs tits take up half the fucking screen. Why are you even playing this game?
Like seriously, I cringe every time I read something like "there isn't anything to do in this game anymore, that's why it's dying". Just the other day I was down at the local bball court and people were like "man there's nothing to do here anymore, I need some incentive to play pickup games." Nah, just kidding that didn't happen, they're there to play fucking basketball not whine about how nike announced that they'd release a michael jordan legendary 204 days ago. They're there to ball, blow off steam, fucking school some kids.
That's the same reason 95% of us play lol. We just wanna style on some mother fuckers, pull off some cool moves, and get completely absorbed in a fun ass game. Balance changes don't affect us much at all. 99% of you bitches will continue to do the exact same things you did before a patch with zero thought as to how it impacts your ability to win. Yet you go on /lolg/ like you're some fucking godlike analyst saying how we have shit patches and balance changes that make no sense. None of you have any fucking clue what you're talking about.
baffles me how a girl this cute can be the last of her species
why didnt anyone breed her?
trash fucking game.
smurfing should be bannable.
>93% win rate duo on the enemy team
>taking advantage of my garbage team who cannot deal with them even when i outright tell them they're smurfing
how the fuck is that not bannable
Live date, champs are only in pbe for 2 weeks, most people don't give a fuck about pbe and after release nobody will ever give a fuck again
I would throw the kitchen sink at you, but if is right then that's a different story.
I'm tired of "supports" in botlane that are just people trying to abuse an intended midlaner's kit because they're too bad to play it mid, or too desperate to wait until they get mid.
More than be annoying, even stomping them is just a chore because you know they're such a coinflip that you can't even really feel you outdid the enemy bot.
That's what they're planning. ADCs will still be viable but it let's people have more freedom on what to play
you are a pretty normal person I guess, I like it
>bored so go play bots
>people are tryharding
>That's the same reason 95% of us play lol.
okay timmy
most of us here are spikes or johnnys
>double Zz'rot is still fucking broken especially if two people on your team have it
making new accounts to dumpster people below your skill level and carry shitters up and fuck up the rank to skill ratio is just fine
but if you say a meanie word we will ban you for 14 days :)
Malzahar new lore isn't that different, they just added the orphan background and kinda explain the dagger, but everything is mostly the same
What are those new green triangles arround champions?
why does it bother you user?
>get nuked fired at you
>"uh guys i think we're getting nuked"
>everybody dies shortly after
>"*sigh* i TOLD them we're being nuked"
I bet two sheckels that when the smurfs are in your team you refuse to follow their lead because it hurts your ego too much
id love to be proven wrong but its going to fail
they either overbuff mages or something, everyone, even non adcs hate it and then they revert again
>Balance changes don't affect us much at all. 99% of you bitches will continue to do the exact same things you did before a patch with zero thought as to how it impacts your ability to win.
honestly if they nerfed Ashe to have literally 0 base ad I'd probably still play her.
I smashed the smurf when she can top.
She then stayed bot and got her smurf adc fed and never stopped camping.
So how is this for Jhin? He is a bit weak right now but it is always fun to play him. Build would be the usual with ie, gb, rfc, and some life-steal like bt.
I meant to rework her kit (not to make it lose it's identity) not a mini rework that makes her another "support" like Brand or Velkoz
a visual update would be good too
Why is she so perfect?
I know, so many champs that still haven't gotten anything. Still waiting on my NUNU VU
I think riot just hates junglers since they seem to get the least amount of love.
Probably cause she kills them
>Vladfag is so autistic she tried to insert her fanfics on the wiki and got banned for it
What keeps this "person" going?
I never questioned the lane distribution meta, but what is keeping mages with great range from going bottom lane anyways?
Good user!
Wow? You told them they are smurfing? Master tactician
>Banner of command
>Ivern bush
>baron buff
after all these years of slaying minions they are back with a vegeance
>None of you
I know what I'm talking about when I say I want hitboxes to more accurately reflect hitsboxes and animations. But then again I've been playing this game more and more since I started; it used to be that I didn't even play without the friend who introduced me to it.
Now calm down there buddy. Making generalizations about people making generalizations won't help your case.
>pick Ivern solely to protect the Bannon
Jesus christ...
xth for cutest soyboy
I want to make Riven a mother!
Try ultimate hat instead of manaflow
also I like going double lethality- IE - rfc
you do stupid amounts of damage
So Janna gets no nerfs because she sells skins right?
for context the release date for taliya is off by at least a whole month is why i brought it up at all (someone looking for the composer who made her login theme)
the main issue i had with this was her splash art stuff was only finished about a month after her pbe entrance.
followup question, should we br tracking by date or internal patch numbers. for example the latest patches for live and PBE right now are and (with a new patch likely happening very soon since pbe is down). Instead of dates should we also be tracking when a champ was first introduced onto pbe in addition to the live release patch (add date for normies, add patch for people who have autism). the patches help me track shit like unused items or things that were changed but reverted (those smite items being removed with only 1 smite left for example) because the fucking patches dont match dates or anything of the sort
same thing that keeps me going. nothing to do may as well fuck around
Yeah and because 90% of her mains are braindead E-girls who know how to play her only
same shit with Lulu
Its fucking hilarious to watch. No one can target it if they cna't see it.
Or Ezreal
I think it's mostly because auto attacks are necessary for taking objectives like towers. Which is why ziggs was played bot for some time because he's the only mage who can reliable take down towers fast
i prefer fleet footwork desu
>ADCs will still be viable
Go back where you belong
why do people play karma top
the champ does nothing
Then why aren't TF and Jax played in botlane?
Youre on the fields of justice with you're waifu when this guy shoots at your waifus ass.
What do you do?
Green invisible talon
Ezreal is pretty bad now just annoying he got nerfed last patch I think
I think it'll be easier to just buff the shit out of irrelevant ADCs and then revamp some mages that have potential to be in bottom lane like Azir, Ahri, Ziggs, and Xerath into being more support dependant.
Riot should also start making ranged ap hypercarries.
They are reworking shield and healing next patch and have hinted towards an anti shield item
So she's going to get huge nerfs when that comes through
Melee adcs have never worked, look at morde. TF strength is in roaming and snowballing that way and if you're the adc you can't really do that
Write about how zyra got her body
Even that worries me, because "support" players will just meme about "look Ahri!" even though in this situation she'll have been made to fit the role and when pointed out they'll just say "oh it could happen for others too".
If being an APC was an option so that only actual supports were the support, well, I can't say it'd be perfect but it sounds interesting.
Supposedly Nunu has his mark somewhere, but I can only wait and see. He's a really fun-loving concept that still manages to convey something that's a 'legend' without being too energetic or bound to any particular culture. I think they could take that further nowadays. I mean, it's a YETI (and his best pal)
Tanky karma can self heal forever, shield forever, and slow forever, all while poking from safe range.
*Purging intensifies*
TSM Tyler1 when?
yeah that would certainly be a failure.
Azir and ahri have quite a bit of mains and they wouldnt like to be forced to bot lane
ziggs and xerath less so but their mains wouldnt like it and anyone on the receiving end of their poke will hate it too.
azir makes a lot of sense since hes already an ap marksman but i dont think itll work that way, they should just do it via items or new releases imo
better yet not at all
Well why don't you just keep everything just in case
To be honest I don't care that much as long as I can easily check when some change happened or something got introduced
A fine desire, but unrealistic unless you can get into the writing team and only acceptable if you actually move her plot forward (even a little) in a meaningful manner.
That's what I meant no worries no way rito can a thing so simple
she will be the cutest support
I want to impregnate Annie right now because she's perfect as she is
add both, so we can see things like lucian that took literally months to come out after being on PBE cause they couldnt bugfix him
she's on ls' new tierlist
LUX is Riot's sales whore.
thats fair but theres too much to track on my system alone so id have to just go through the wiki and go as needed and theres a small conflict of interest whenever theres shit like this
notes taken
You can't.
>be karthus
>get raped in lane
>doesn't matter because trynd is fed
>anytime they try to send people to stop him autistically splitpushing I ult and he goes apeshit on their virgin assholes