> masternodes staking is coming out soon
> PIVX will be relisted immediately afterwards
> buttblased PIVX cultists are responsible for 90% of all FUD attempts and are gonna forcefully switch sides to POSW
> hardware wallet soon to be released
> moon mission is super green and good to go
> $5 by June here we come
Literally your last chance to get in sub $0.1
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm buckled up for the ride, just bought 18k more.
i have $200 woorth, nothing to lose sleep over.
hopefully i dont lose it all
>tfw put almost everything I have into it
I either lose 6 months worth of minimum wageslave bux or become a millionaire.
I think it's a worthy gamble
If it reached $5 I'ld have over $20,0000....... I'ld spend $10,000 on a holiday and reinvest the other half
seriously though thats stupid lol
this alone makes me not want to invest in it
> $5 by June here we come
Of next year maybe, devs got too much shit to do and the road map is way too optimistic.
i just wanna quit being a wagecuck and live a comfy NEET life fueled by POSW dividends
What the hell is this coin, I see it getting a lot of hype and a lot of FUD. And I still don't understand what the fuck is going on, how come it's being traded on exchanges when it's a wallet?
Also what the fuck is Proof of Stake. None of you guys has ever gone to the bother of explaining it, meanwhile you holler about it on every coin that has it.
WHat exchange is it on?
It's a coin developed by people who also made an exchange and a staking platform for most PoS coins.
PoS is another method of validating blockchain blocks which is done by coins in the staking pools rather than hardware mining. Staking means your coins participate in maintaining the network and earn you free money (not much).
t. not a STEM person but explained to the best of my knowledge
>reply to a thread with a constructive answer
>it dies
yeah fuck you guys
Nobody opinionated enough to add anything constructive to your post, apparently.
Praise kek posw moon soon
>Staking means your coins participate in maintaining the network and earn you free money (not much).
Can you elaborate on that a bit more?
Forgot pic
Wow this does look pretty good but why did it crash all of a sudden and why is it so cheap?
It's correcting itself after the insanely huge price spike in under 2 weeks. Now it's in the accumulation phase.
>You will never be as comfy as ComfyCrypto
If it reached 5 dollars, I'd have 400k.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that PIVX is a cult, their slack channel is 2spooky3me
What's that look like to you?
Looks like lambos are in our future bros
Posw moon
That looks like an imminent moon mission if I've ever seen one.
Kek wills it.
Moon mission on schedule.
u better not be lying faggot
>bagholder here
>can't get 808 wallets to work
>they'll have masternodes
what is going on
When kek gets brought in that's a pretty good time to accept the loss and drop the bags.
user, I'm Kekistani. The chaos lord will it
wills it*
fuck it im tired. I'll buy some in the morning unless dubs
fuck off pajeet and your scamcoin
Holy FUCK im getting rich.
You just picked those entry points at random. It's volume/candle stick not I just pick where the fuck ever I want and now I'm a TA pro
It's happening. Never doubt KEK.
Trump made it, POSW will to.
ma nigga
tfw u bought at $.20 and too poor to buy low now
>1. sell at $0.10
>2. rebuy everything at $0.07
>3. repeat ad infintum until big announcement increases POSWs value
are you even trying to get rich???
this is the dumbest shit
>what are transactions fees
>not enough to matter when you're making 20-30% profits
>tfw its a game of patience to see this at $1
>tfw you're going to win the game
Did this with ark but then it didn't dip under my sellprice