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>Latest news
-Ao fan translation script is fully translated, but release is pending. Like Zero's leak, it will have poor grammar, but be otherwise accurate. The Geofront patch currently sits around 60% complete
Falcom are just legit shit at business. Stayed on PC for far too long when it was obvious consoles were king in Japan. Can't believe it took until PSP for them to actually move on. And they're still a shit business today. How they haven't shat out a Switch port for CS1/2 is mindboggling. It's leaving money on the table.
I'm a PC fag so as long as they don't go out of business and keep making PC ports I'll be fine. I just have to come to terms that the animation will always be shit tier.
Andrew Evans
Rean can solo your whole circus
Tyler Morales
Are you serious? Imagine if Sky was released in PS2 in Japan at 2004. When the JRPG craze was on a high point. Things would have been completely different user.
Carson Green
She already is, user
Grayson Smith
>Switch port for CS1/2 The games run as shit on PS3 and some points on Vita. I doubt Switch can even handle CS3. Unless you want shittier graphics everywhere just for a Switch port.
Jordan Diaz
A rank bimbo at most
Ryan Young
No point in making Switch ports when your entire fanbase is on PS4. Extra 4k of sales aren't worth it.
Aiden Miller
Why are you mean to Estelle? I know you like her, dude. Like all of us. Just show your love.
Thomas Long
It's funny they missed the console train and now they lag behind jumping on switch and even the new pc train properly. Falcom is legit retarded when it comes to business.
Carson Lee
My cute wife
Nicholas Thomas
Yes god forbid trying to expand their fanbase. This was probably the exact thought process they had back when they stayed on PC while everyone else was makind mad dosh on Playstation.
Dominic Watson
Yeah, they're like Nokia. They had success and good chances at a moment, but then they missed everything, were always too late
Hoping they won't be bought by Square
Blake Cruz
They can't just shit out ports, it doesn't take a smart person to understand that. If they focus on ports they'll divert attention from newer games. And they've only recently shown interest in having other companies handle porting.
Anthony Allen
Switch is stronger than the pos3. It's right next under the vanilla xb1 in strenght.
Joshua Cruz
Ask Gust how much their fanbase expanded thanks to Switch.
Ryan Anderson
Robert Thompson
Not that user, but they shit out ports for their old games all the time back in the day. Ys 3 has a ton of ports, and all of them slightly different music made for each, hell Ys 1 and 2 are probably one of their most ported games ever.
Nathan White
This is a cheap move, user :(
Daniel Jenkins
Fuck this shit where is my new season of falcom gakuen.
Aaron Thompson
Yeah and it may run CS1 and 2 kinda decently. What about CS3-4? There's no way they wouldn't put that on Switch as well. That means downgrading it so that overpriced tablet can play it. Falcom can barely program on one console as it is.
Henry Ward
user, CS3 isn't exactly pushing the PS4 to it's limits...
Julian Diaz
The option would still be there for other people, and despite being a downgrade, there's still potential buyers in that platform is what he's saying. If you're self aware enough to know that the switch will require downgrading to run the games, you can just buy another one, while Falcom gets a few more sales through a port for those who are ok with it.
Josiah Peterson
The Switch can handle this, I'm sure.
Aiden Jenkins
Falcom aren't great at optimising, its not exactly a new thing. In Sen 3 entering parts of Crossbell makes the frames drop a lot, and Ordis is even worse.
Oliver Peterson
>tries his whole life to suck up to his dad who treats him like shit >d-dad could you make some time to p-perhaps meet my classmates? I'd like you to meet my- >NO my foolish idiot of a son why arent you Rufus you mixed filthy mongrel >Dad turns out to be an selfish, foolish sociopath, arrests him personally and forced to take over the reigns of Albarea family at only 17 >brother turns out to be the absolute opposite of what he taught and preached to Jusis >actually brother turned out to not be brother at all, and only played along as Helmuts son to use the Albarea names power >his retarded nep pet dies Well things could be worse, at least he's not ugly like Machias.
Thomas Butler
>Are you serious? Imagine if Sky was released in PS2 in Japan at 2004. When the JRPG craze was on a high point. Things would have been completely different user. user, the 6th gen was when the console market began to die in Japan. Publishers merged, developers closed doors, and mobile gaming start to slowly creep into the forefront. The only franchises that continued to stay afloat were those from big name publishers like Nintendo, Sony, and Square Enix. Besides, Falcom DID try to break into the PS2 market with a few ports here and there. None of them were particularly successful.
Owen Rodriguez
God bless your wisdom user
Bentley Morales
>CS3 IS TOO POWERFUL FOR THE SWITCH Like I know most of Falcom's fanbase these days are Sonyponys but come on boys. Falcom are either desperately sucking Sony dick in hopes of a buyout, or they're retarded and not milking a cashcow.
Gust games are fucking ass and only for incredibly niche fanbase like yurifags.
Connor Hughes
Mana Khemia 3 when? At least Falcom is better off than Gust.
Christian Cox
Rufus didn't really need to play along since Albarea did that himself. He feared the ridicule he'd get if people found out he got cucked, so he threated Jusis like a bastard son, even though it was with the woman he loved, but acted as if Rufus was his legitimate son.
Carter Flores
I thought Seraphna was Xseed's bitch.
Elijah Jackson
Do you /fg/ think falcom knows when they will end Kiseki? Or will they make Kiseki games as long as the games sell well, and create new countries, issues involving Ouroboros, etc?
Ethan Lopez
>for incredibly niche fanbase Yet the sale numbers of Gust games are comparable with those of Falcom games.
>yurifags Confirmed for not playing the games.
Camden Brown
Kondo already stated they know the ending of the series, so yes, they know about it. We may possibly still get extra material or some spin off games after it's all over.
Logan Brown
Oh, wow. She really is going apeshit in the FFXV discussions, has been for a while now. Now she's pissed because people are cancelling preorders since it got cracked already and no one said anything about denuvo until now.
Nicholas Perry
Alright, great news, thanks user.
Nathaniel Ward
I don't like yuri at all but I liked Ateliers Dusk and Arland trilogies.
Julian Watson
Not really Falcom related mate. Go make a /v/ thread if you want to talk about people being angry.
Brayden Hill
That post doesn't constitute "going apeshit." Why is Veeky Forums so fucking retarded when it comes to women with something to say?
Carson Williams
because women are like children
David Garcia
Because user doesn't like Falcom games and prefers talking about drama.
Nathaniel Jackson
More play along as in "OK, I'll tolerate you" as Helmut was the start of Rufus disdain for nobles.
Kevin Wood
You can apply this to most of this general desu. Most people here are only for kiseki and shitposters are here for the drama.
Justin Nelson
So for the people who've played the leaked zero translation, how good/decent/bad is it?
Dominic Ross
it's fine.
Christian Sanchez
Bets on Falcom being able to give Jusis a happy, conclusive end? A shame he won't show up again in future games, though.
Jeremiah Kelly
There's not much to talk about on other games though. I even posted as i played along on Ys, but the stories are self contained and pretty simple, and i'm not going to waste much time talking about gameplay, unless i run into some extremely annoying situation, or unfair scenario, like that piece of shit flying dragon in Ys Oath. Kiseki on the other hand has way more stuff to be talked about, and lore.
Jonathan Morales
Who's to say he won't? We've had plenty of characters from previous games making an apperance, or getting mentioned. Considering how Kondo likes Jusis as well, even better chance.
Grayson Cook
It's okay, especially with fixed PC port.
Benjamin Wood
I'm going to FUCK Musse and there's NOTHING you can do about it!
Elijah Morgan
Falcom could have really built themselves a domestic and foreign audience on the PS2.
Daniel Flores
playable, but noticeably bad at times. if you have good comprehension you can instantly reorganize the shit that's being said and it will make sense, but if you're a dumbass you may lose your mind trying to make sense of whats being said at times. i say "at times" because sometimes it's perfect and sometimes it's borderline nonsense but the key points are always there so just use your head and you'll love it.
Nathaniel Anderson
>self contained and pretty simple This. Play one you've played them all.
Jaxson Ramirez
It's pretty ok, just make sure to organize what they're saying in your head in case the wording is weird. It will also serve as a good comparison point once the Geofront patch gets released, so you can play that one if you want to check the differences. Keep in mind, an user here is making updates for the PC version of Zero Japanese, so if you want, use that one instead. The links are in the extra pastebin.
Brayden Reyes
Ofcourse FF15 was going to have Denuvo. Are people retarded?
Christian Myers
Is there a way to stop the text from auto scrolling? Sometimes it takes a few seconds to make sense of what they are trying to say but the game skips to the next sentence. It wasn't like that in the previous games.
Mason Thomas
They're all still super fun to play though, and Origin did have a more involved story, and plenty of references to 1 and 2, but even then, it's nothing to write home about.
Blake Cox
Connor Carter
>and only for incredibly niche fanbase
Sounds like Cold steel fanbase.
Nicholas Barnes
Or is she?
Jeremiah Anderson
>that one interviewer that practically begged Kondo to revive Millium for Jusis Our guy.
Jason Russell
The Kiseki fanbase in general you mean. Ys is more well known.
Adrian Scott
Reanalace is OTP.
Jackson Allen
Cold Steel saved if this pairing gets a happy ending.
It's a dominion isn't it? They all have their own personal airships.
Tyler Thompson
Zero Estelle is terrible. How could they miss her that bad
Isaiah Ortiz
>[PSV] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 07/21/16) – 43,753 (New) >[PS4] Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Falcom, 05/25/17) – 27,741 (New) >[PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III (Limited Edition Included) (09/28/17) – 87,261 (New)
Leo Moore
Zero Estelle is okay. Zero Joshua is bad. But Kevin...
Evan Morales
Sales != reputation
Daniel Williams
I'm not sure if you're being ironic or not.
Brayden Myers
Evo Estelle is great though
Isaiah Hughes
Ethan Stewart
Take Gaius with you when you speak to the priest in Ymir.
James Edwards
Can't beat the cock.
Michael Ross
jeeze, being around ries has made him put on a few pounds
Jaxon Hernandez
just give me another church MC, I beg you
Evan Butler
go into the voice folder, open the ed_voice.ini and change Autoplay to 0 i think its 2 by default
Parker Rodriguez
Lmao Sky really sucks
Henry Garcia
Caleb Price
Young Dominion /m/agical Girl protagonist as MC of Arteria arc.
Nolan Wood
I'd marry her
Andrew Ross
I put him in my party the moment i noticed it related to the church.
Bentley Young
nuns don't put out, user
Chase Johnson
>Ries: still looks normal >Kevin: gained 30 pounds that girl has the metabolism of a hummingbird
Jaxson Wilson
Owen Harris
>calvard is set in the past for the first game >second game there's a mix of past and current time How does that make you feel?
Daniel Cooper
You never know user.
Dylan Hall
intermission game like Sky 3rd, after CS4 but before Calvard set in Remiferia with a newbie squire investigating some shit
Landon Wood
Doubtful, they're pushing the timeline forward unless the Time Sept-Terrion gets involved.
Lincoln Moore
Juan Wilson
>The people eaten by Aion Alpha's space manipulation come back after the Azure tree vanishes
I guess that makes sense, the GM is not fond of killing, so they probably made it a weapon that throws people into a stasis dimension, or something like that. Reminds me of the recluse cube a bit. I wonder if chunks of the fortress itself will pop up, or if it's just returning living organisms.