I really hate them. Fuck Khergits. Bunch of sniveling cowards.
t. swadian infantry
I really hate them. Fuck Khergits. Bunch of sniveling cowards.
t. swadian infantry
:DDDDD fug u
we drugig nou
Don't run away from me, I'm coming for you coward!
For Swadia!
Get recked footpig, horsearchers>>>other warriors>>>some literal human shit>>>swadians
Sarranids + Khergits = unstoppable
I love to put an arrow in some footape just before I ride into him, death beneath the hooves of my horse is better than he deserves but it's oh so satisfying.
Say that in a siege and not on the field and see what happens horsefucker.
You know, the thing about using a bow is that it prevents you from using a shield.
Who crossbow+shield+polearm masterrace?
You are both horsefuckers anyway.
>tfw throwing axe+masterwork polearm+heavy board shield
Good luck cavfag
Horsearcherfags are despicable
Even footarchers have more honor than these fags.
I wonder if the guys that made mount and blade ever imagined if it would be this famous.
>It's a new player was good with horse archery in single player and tries to do it in multiplayer episode
*unsheathes sword of war*
How the fuck do you even counter horse archers? Those plainniggres just run in front of you at 999mph speed and shoot arrows in your face
>He's loyal to a kingdom
>He will never sit upon a throne with a jeweled crown upon his troubled brow, telling the tales of his high adventure and creation of his own empire
You're missing out man
Huscarls are basically anti-everything so they can be a pretty good counter to horsefags. Rhodoks shit all over mounted archers at every tier so they're your best bet.
dubs may have a point
Honor is for fags
Manipulating is where it's at
Honour gets you te best waifu's.
And Swadia is best, get rekt Rocucks
Slingers, obviously.
>go to siege Dhirim
>200+ Rhodok Sharpshooters in garrison
>360 and ride away
>Swadia is best
>Completely surrounded
>Starts wars with all its neighbours
>Gets stomped
>Play Nords
>All infantry. No, no, I know, trust me, all infantry. No archers.
>Use hacks to catch up to all horse Khergit army
>Start battle
>If you didn't spawn on top of or right beside a fuckhuge hill, retreat, begin battle again, repeat until the terrain suits you
>Hold fire until enemy is close
>Wait until there's a mass of retarded Khergits with broken AI slowly crawling up the hill to reach you on horse back
>let your troops open fire
>Wait for the stragglers to enter melee range and die, or rout
Without cheating, I once defeated a ~6-700 strong Khergit Army with about 150 Nord infantry and thirty or so archers, mostly Huscarls, because I managed to put my army on top of a hill with a super steep valley. It was the best day of my fucking life.
>MFW Watching all those Horsefuckers die, trapped like rats, while Huscarls shit throwing axes right on top of their heads
>MFW I captured a fuckton of Khergit lords
Sort of like Germany tbqh.
Try it with an inverted ratio of Rhodok Sharpshooters to Sergeants. On single player I've won some pretty pitched battles with 70+ sharps, companion cavalry, and a dozen each of rhodok, swadian and nord top tier infantry so I can cycle each set out as they take casualties.
>Rhodok lord
>Khergit army traps me in a mountain pass
>Army is made of 60 rhodok sharpshooters,80 rhodok sergeants, and 20 huscarls
>Set up on hill
>Use personal retinue+my horse to get the AI into a giant blob
>Fall back to my forces
>Sharpshooters eviscerate the horsefag blob while my sergeants and huscarls kill any lancers who charge ahead
>No matter how many reinforcements the AI sends in they get fucking shredded
>Battle is just three minutes of my troops shitting all over the Khergits
>Over 900 dead horsefuckers at the end
>Captured the king and several lords
>mfw no Khergit armies left to stop my march to Tulga
Massed horse archers will take forever to kill no matter what. Heavy cavarly will kill them point for point though. Luckely only place youll ever meet masses horse archers is in Khergit bandits. Youve been keeping their numbers down and not letting them get a murder stack going right?
>Bannerlord never
The redpill of m and b is learning to use castles to store and create more top tier troops.
I'd use captured vaegir land to get castles and later cities where I could store hundreds of huscarls, make more, store, and make more. It got to the point where I could start a rebellion.
I want to see if the same can be done with the Swadians, but while Khergits are spooky if you don't know how to handle them in the open field, they can't play the fortifications game.
Reminder that Mongols couldn't take a single Hungarian castle.
>swadian infantry
Lmaoing at ur life of not being vaygr master race
vaegirs might be worse off than swadians.
that Nord-Khergit double pound his pretty brutal.
Yeah I forgot that I would often defect to Nords and use their infantry to gain an army with which to create my own kingdom
The Nord in me laughs 1000 kekels
That's not a good infantry faction.
Horse problems ? Get more Security through superior firepower.
Do you still have horse problems ? Then use grenades.
I enjoyed making a shield wall and letting them ram in and trap themselves while my crossbowmen picked them off and I chased them across the battlefield
I usually trap them by castling. Even with Swadian Knights I make them stand ground and as the khershits all concentrate on my one formation, we trap them and smackem.
Also good to have a ranged unit nearby
Is it much harder on multiplayer? I only play nappy
Correct me if I'm wrong but
>Nords = Nords
>Vaegirs = Slavs
>Swadians = HRE
>Rhodoks = Byzantines
>Khergits = Mongols
>Sarranids = generic Arabs/Turks
I think the Rhodoks are the only ones that need explaining, they live on the western side of the continent (which was shaped like turkey because the devs were from Turkey), they have kettle helms and they begin at war with the Arabs/Turks?
Rhodoks are basically the Swiss.
Nords = phony viking + high medieval Scandinavia
Vaegirs = slavs more or less
Swadians = France
Rhodoks = sort of like Swiss or Low countries
Khergits = generic settled steppe nomads
Sarranids = mamluks
Swadians = France, England and German states
Rhodoks = Italians
why the fuck would you even use them? get some hired blades if you absolutely have to larp that generic high medieval european-thing.
What game?
Nords = traditional Germanics
Vaegirs = Slavs
Swadians = Latins and Latin influenced Germanics
Rhodoks = mix of Swiss and Byzantine as near as i can guess
Khergits = Turks and Mongols
Sarranids = Arabs
meant to add Italy as Rhodok
kingdom hearts 2
total war
darude sandstorm
>savescumming for terrain
and we finally reached a new low
>*Postions crossbowmen on hill*
Your move
They're clearly not handling it well. Bannerlord still doesn't have a release date, damn cucks.
because Turkish work ethic. Probably code for 2 hours and spend the rest of the day on smoke breaks.
i bet this is the Rhodoks' fault
>this kills the horse fucker
>mfw people don't make a 100 strong haram of Sword Sisters
What are you, gay?
man, you just haven't had a real siege till you do it online.
also spears are actually viable online so long as you're helping someone else who's doing the swinging while you do the poking.
female battle sounds are fucking ear-breaking.
>Not playing 1257 AD and Restoring the Byzantine Empire
Its like you don't want to play the best version of warband.
>Not playing as a mercenary raiding villages until you can literally buy your own kingdom
Mount & Blade, since these faggots aren't any help. I've been wondering about it myself, but I know here is the last place to go for advice or quality questions.
when you tell someone something they could have learned if they even bothered to read filenames or click the reverse google search button, you're not helping them, you're enabling them to be laughable idiots.
and that's just not something good people do. Good people stop others from being idiots.
>played for the longest time
>still dont get how to use spears effectively
Am I wrong to just run around macing/axing people
you just don't get it do you
>go to nordlands
>realise it's shit
>head down south
>acquire horsemen from steppes
>steal cattle (food acquired)
>loot everything, feeding your men with cattle so you don't need to buy food and risk being caught by the law. gibs me dats enhanced by gotta go fast from horsefucker army
>buy gear (with dolla dolla from rape+pillage)
>upgrade men (with dolla dolla from rape+pillage)
>kick ass
>get huge army
>found kingdom
>acquire horsefucker crown
but no, you go slow with your infantry and two knights. git on mi level
Gee whiz, you really showed me! I guess I don't need to show any semblance of courtesy or help for people when they're obviously having some trouble! Thanks, mister!
charge them from the sides for make kebab or use them to rape the shit out of incoming cavalry. dont even attempt to use them on people with shields from the front (unless they are cavalry of course). you will lose your momentum and then they will rape you.
Rhodoks are Itally because mountains and good with spears
>being nice on the internet
I want reddit to leave.
>le reddit get out exdee
Please fucking exit the board.
are you more offended at the insinuation that someone else knows what's best for you or that they aren't hindered by feelings in their of enforcing it on you?
either way, you're already putting yourself in a submissive role by asking help in the first place, so don't complain.
Crusader Kings 1
Have fun with your horsecocks in any battlefield that isn't big, open fields
>Rhodoks = Byzantines
What the fuck brought you to this conclusion?
something something helmets
stupid questions get stupid answers m8
Their position on the map and fighting turks
Fuck Khergit horseniggers tbqh. Nord infantry + Vaegir light cavalry and archers is the way to go.
>mfw rhodok sharpshooters
>mfw rhodok spearmen are a huge joke
you first faggotron
you don't seem to understand that i can just hire mercenaries with my coin if i need to attack a settlement.
Someone have original of it?
I don't even know if this is original original but here you go
game of thrones
>Our men are the best
>I just replace them with mercs if there's a problem
So since your men are too incompetent to deal with battles on uneven terrain and castles, you need to replace them with mercenaries? Wew, I can see the quality.
>entire army destroyed by based rhodoks
>fighting for the glorious hill kingdom of Rhodoks
>battle starts with filthy melee and horse riding scum
>spawn on top of a hill
Rhodok high strategy consists entirely of finding the nearest hill, putting your infantry in front of your archers and waiting for your crossbowmen to kill people.