Yuri is the best! (Valoran Bay) edition.
Old thread! eyosongive.us
Yuri is the best! (Valoran Bay) edition.
Old thread! eyosongive.us
Ignore the yurifag
>the state of the game
I want to do things to that snake. A fair number of them sexual in nature.
??????? wait wtf
i didnt even want to know what dyrus’s girlfriend looked like because i assumed she was going to be a hambeast
how the fuck did he pull this shit off
Miia is best girl
he looks decent just a little full
>tfw mythic is the only good Cass skin
You'd think a fucking lamia (one of the most popular types of monster girls) would have tons of good skins, but it's really only one.
what money
he’s 26 and still has a roommate
>person in my friend list says he has 23k rp and giving away skins
>don't play with him much
>don't want to sound like a beggar
I don't really have any particular skin in mind anyway
Just make a joke about it, and see if he takes the bait.
>retarded Lulufag trying to bump his thread
If you've ever watched her stream you would understand.
Yes she's a thot but they actually have a lot in common.
i mean as much as i like the guy i just kind of get the sense he’s the type of person to not give a shit about hygiene
he looks like he smells like balls
Girls can't love other girls.
I'd say that's it's more of a tossup between Jade Fang and Desperada followed by Mythic. Siren is trash but could be made better by tweaking the color of the particles; same with Desperada.
Haven't tried Eternum and wasn't planning on getting it. Not a fan.
Imagine Qtpie.
Kled is very adorable! I love him a whole lot. He's the cutest yordle with the cutest butt and also the cutest ears!
g-good night /lolg/!
They can lust over other girls though
>be silver last season
>only did placements anyways
>do placements this season and win 5 of them
>get placed in bronze 3
>a shitty losing streak cuz retarded mmr puts me in bronze 4 for 2 matches
>i feel like faker compared to everyone there
is this why people smurf
>Imagine Qtpie.
that guy’s hair is literally impeccably brushed and conditioned
>not even trying
Do you just leave money on the ground too? Just browse through champs and ask for something for someone you want to try out
Personally, I want headhunter rengo
I'm okay with this option.
Yes, even if they've only ever been Silver or Gold. It's just that getting an account into Bronze and keeping it there takes some patience and finesse.
Any user's who climbed from Plat 1 to D5 have advice? It's pretty hard to carry from here.
Desperada really needs an update, that splash is hideous. Plus I don't like it when girls don't show their hair.
All these entitled whiny punks on /lolg/ don't know how great this game is. Always complaining about the lack of content and how delayed voice chat, support legendary, or some other bullshit is. People on here daily saying that the game is boring and there's nothing to do. What the fuck are you expecting to do other than play lol? Why are you starting up lol to jerk your dick to a new ahri skin? If you want to do quests go play WoW. The happiest these fucks have been in the last year is when you could see MFs tits take up half the fucking loading screen. Why are you even playing this game?
Like seriously, I cringe every time I read something like "there isn't anything to do in this game anymore, that's why it's dying". Just the other day I was down at the local bball court and people were like "man there's nothing to do here anymore, I need some incentive to play pickup games." Nah, just kidding that didn't happen, they're there to play fucking basketball not whine about how nike announced that they'd release a michael jordan legendary 204 days ago. They're there to ball, blow off steam, fucking school some kids.
That's the same reason 95% of us play lol. We just wanna style on some mother fuckers, pull off some cool moves, and get completely absorbed in a fun ass game. Balance changes don't affect us much at all. 99% of you bitches will continue to do the exact same things you did before a patch with zero thought as to how it impacts your ability to win. Yet you go on /lolg/ like you're some fucking godlike analyst saying how we have shit patches and balance changes that make no sense. None of you have any fucking clue what you're talking about.
>when ur gf is a broadcasted whore who exposes herself to potential billions in the most preserved format possible but we live in the lonliest era in history with the highest saturation of singles and suicides ever so it's cool
best timeline
not really
I sincerely hope they stay together tho (dyrus seems like a good dude) and she doesn't turn out to be every single other asiatic twitch thot ever.
Post and rate loot
I'll lowball it. Like one of those 500 rp ones.
I got that from a box. It's neat
is kled a good top laner i have a shard for him or should i just keep playing illaoi
Smurfing feels really good desu. I accidentally discovered it after I quit csgo for a long time and I had deranked massively, came back and shit on kids every game. I don't smurf in league because I play a lot of different champs and unlocking them is a chore, but otherwise I would
Fuck, did I miss Lunar Azir again? I took a break in early January...
That only makes it better
Rework ahri into a supp rit
Why are forbidden things so fun?
I mean, they're already looking into tweaking her W. Seems like Lux___ will sooner be turned into a "support", though.
2 days ago a kled otp in tyler1 stream went 7/0 15 min in
I think he is that kind of champions that you otp to make best of
>snowy mapskin
>freljord taliyah support
>ezreal even picked frosted ez to match you
post comfy league moments
It it was something that everyone was okay with then it'd be boring.
Taliyah a cute!!! a cute!!!
It fills the void left by not actually accompolishing anything would be proud of you for, especially if someone joins you in said activity. That is until when and if it backfires..
for more money
(most millenials are retards thanks to their boomer parents and do not own property)
>guy says he hasn't played in two years
> locks in Azir
>"don't worry, he's my main"
>feeds yas 5 kills before 10 min
>"Wtf azir does no damage"
Why call a champ your main if you're trash with them?
That picture is so hot.
Backfires? Like how?
They need to fix her splash art, she did nothing to deserve a brick for a nose
Lux's kit is so old it shows. She's probably the only mage that still has to AA the caster minions even after 2 complete items and all her spells are ridiculously mana heavy. Not to say anything about how out of place her passive is with the rest of her kit considering she's a freaking artillery mage.
I think Ahri's problem's are way easier to fix than Lux's. (Not that I would mind having Lux not be a troll pick as support though)
She'd be best girl then
is she legal? looks too young
Post comics
>dumb autolocker can't fathom that some people load in, call and lock in faster than others
t. laughs at the multiple dodgers I encounter daily
Depends on the act itself and who cares once they find out.
Name one incident where decadence truly fucked everything up for everyone and everything.
just rework them both into support champs
>tfw when space elves literally orgied a chaos god into existence and fucked up the whole galaxy
please post soft pornography
We're getting a live broadcast of West Europe across seventy channels on liveleak right now. What a time to be alive.
>tfw you realize Vi is a closet subby
Taliyah is 16 according to the wiki. Fine by me since I don't lewd her
Where I'm from people don't have the same internet speeds as a fast food restaurant so I never run into people who take that long to load in. Sucks to be you though
>Eldar's more retarded cousins
wrong pic?
wiping commorragh alone would put a massive dent in the beacon to both chaos and nids
>n-no, we deny our enslavement to slaanesh
ur all branded livestock
oh shit this is league thread
No way nigga maybe cait but not vi
We've yet to reach those levels thanks to good people, although, you could say everyone lives in fear of more STIs thanks to bestiality, homos and other intentionally unclean sexual practices.
Or how about the Roman Empire at one point that suffered that and more. Or the imbalance of League in terms of kits and content because baddies keep playing Riot's sales whore so she keeps getting skins even for themes she's less suitable for than others and her hitboxes not being fixed to match her animations.
can somebody say hi to me
Hi *hug*
too much ass
>that long
You don't get it. Because people assume they're first without checking, the dual lane messes can happen. It's because of the speed and recklessness. I always check to see if someone said anything before actually clicking to lock in.
>mfw made one Yasuo streamer mad for getting mid
People who are boisterous and confident in their everyday lives are the biggest subs because they get an extra kick when they finally surrender control to someone else at night.
>too much ass
is it me or every mastery 4 lux plays better than every mastery 7 one
TSM's academy team is pretty shit
>I am gay
>Play aram match
>Entire enemy team runs DH
>Only I do on my team
>We lose
>tfw no qt petite gf
3 (THREE) threads up right now
>too much ass
Mastery 7 players are the biggest shitters there are. I see a mastery 7 with an expensive "cool kid" skin (project, high noon, etc), and I smile as I rake in the freelo. But I see a guy with a fuckton of mastery points but still on mastery 5 and the base skin, and my asshole clenches.
holy shit
oh man
g-guys hlep me
you gotta get these fuckin stacks off of me
>too much ass
this BoC baron cannon minion meta reminds me of the killer rabbit sketch from monty python and the holy grail
literally this
>play against a mastery 7 Ryze
>Gets his team killed with R
>play against mastery 5 Ryze
>Straight out of lcs playstyle
>that glorious feel when you destroy a darius top with illaoi
>that glorious feel when he starts typing in all chat about how it's a noob champ
>that glorious feel when he won't stop
>that glorious feel when you and your team mates take turns on tilting him even harder
>that glorious feel when that darius runs it down mid and gives me a free promo win
Autolocking will:
>guarantee you the champion you want
>guarantee you the role you want
>gives you more than enough time to change runes or anything else you want to do before the match starts
>is obvious when done so if your team doesn't notice it's their fault
>if they get made they can either deal with it or dodge since there's no lp loss in blind pick
>the worst that can happen is a teammate can report you for not listening to made up rules or toll which would get them banned and not you
Or, you could be stupid and base what you're playing on whether or not someone can type/paste faster than you
>I want (You)s
hre u go
njoy fren
Threads made by people willing to post early and spam. This stupidity gf poster is trying to become the next Lulu OP spam.
>this thread
>the old thread which has yet to be archived
>lulufag's temporary containment thread
Mastery 5 is usually the patrician choice. Mastery 7 means you feel the need to show everyone you're "good" at that champion. People who stay at mastery 5 are confident enough to not bother wasting blue essence for the shiny border
What's funny is that Darius can do fairly well against Illaoi if he uses two brain cells
wait a minute
>Darius players
>Brain cells
ignore me, continue as you were
How to know you’re fucked during the loadscreen in low-mid elo
Teammate(s) have any combination of at least 3 of the following;
>yasuo, riven, zed, fizz, ahri, talon, kayn (there are more, but I ain’t assed to think em all)
>expensive skins
>over level 5 mastery
>matching icon (to champ or skin)
>border is for 2 division above you (ex: plat border in silver)
>matching name (xXR1ven5mufXx or someshit)
>losing to the squid lady
congrats on getting promoted to silver III because I’m pretty sure that’s the highest she’s still effective
why are night threads are the best and comfy
>3 kayles
>1 morgana
what did they mean by this?
Probably cause only the real dedicated people stick around at night so smaller and more dedicated posters feels like more of a community