League of Legends general /lolg/

BEST GIRL edition!


So did Kassadin just get Varus's old lore pasted on to him?

What else would you expect from NuRito?

They can't turn EVERYONE gay.

>Sion mid shitting on Anivia
Welp, now I've seen everything


>let's spread the mobility creep cancer over to supports


Darius is a hunk.


rakan is already a thing tho

I said rework
I don't want her to be another Brand
why won't people admit that top lane is the chad's lane
I mean look at all the top laners even the women are chads

Skarner appreciation thread

Junglers should play skarner
Laners should honor skarner players
No one should ban skarner

Stop spamming and trying to become another lulu level recurring OP, bloody u-tard. And that bloody rough art for the image too.

oh did not read what powercreep exactly
but got a point rakan is so fucking mobile and got no real cds on his E

>gets 0 submissions for Riot's story contest despite all his lore because he's that bland
>no lore but still gets submissions
>Vlad story wins first place on the contest

reminder Vlad > all

Yeah but rakan can be banned. After Brand and Thresh of course, but then he has ban priority.

I rarely see these banned it is always lulu or Thresh

Chad lane, soy players.

Mid and adc got more soyboys
there are more manly supp players than there is adc's

>chad lane
>maokai vs shen

>diving into the entire enemy team ccing them giving no fucks
>not manly

Kog'maw appreciates Skarner!

>all lanes lose except mine
>lose game because they have twitch

>Chad lane, soy players.
>video games
dude that's not even fair. i don't think there's been a genuine chad who plays 'competitive esports' ever.
if you look at the lineups of who plays what, it's pretty clear the closest you're going to get to balanced testosterone in players is the top laners and maybe junglers. tyler1 is an anomaly, but he's very short so that counters a lot of it.

>just carry harder bro

>dumb autolocker can't fathom that some people load in, call and lock in faster than others

>play league
>have no fun
>spam support
>swim in freelo and honors
>have no fun
fuck this gay earth


>plays a useless champion
>wonders why he cant carry

for real I fucking hated that retarded comic holy shit
darius and draven are the coolest champs in-game and their stories are shit

yeah I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that the combined IQ of my teammates was sub 100

Just witnessed 0/8 skarner that didn't help me while I was dying three times but kept going 1v1 against my opponent the second I recalled



Six legs, no vaginas!


>tfw no qt petite gf


Sona killed me with tits, user

>ban Varus
>play tristana

Hey this is porn
Where is the janny

I kill jugglers that try to jump on me enough when I play Sona. I do like my Lich Bane or at least Sheen, plus Dark Harvest if the comp doesn't need me to set up the safest runes.

dead game

I don't want these emojis, reeeeeeeee

>have't slept in two days
>exhausted, want to go to bed
>but I'm on a hotstreak


How am I doing?

>he uses any skin other than baker pantheon
Explain yourself.

You were able to successfully make a post on Veeky Forums, so you can't be as retarded as you appear

stop trying to kill your opponent. literally just get 10 cs a minute and you can get out of bronze doing nothing else. you can get out of bronze just by getting 7 cs a minute and nothing else.

Is my CS that bad though? I'd wager most my games I go positive even. I've started comparing my team's win rate with the enemy's and I'm pretty sure I'm here just to suffer. I'm consistently on the team with 20-30% win rates, while the enemy is 40-60%+. Look up my name and you'll see the same. I'm honestly super apathetic about it all desu, but maybe that's just because I'm having unrelated suicidal thoughts.

>they instead keep trying to fight and dieing 1v1 and ping spamming to gank when they managed to die 3 times before 10 min mark

your cs is very bad. you seem to average about 5 per minute. sometimes going as low as 3 per minute. You'd see a lot of gains just playing someone who spikes mid game and practicing farming without going aggro early at all.

farming is super important imagine if you had twice as much gold in all of your games. that is what getting 10 cs per minute would do for you.

xth for Cute Ashe

>2Threads Edition

Can i get a quick run down on the new void lore? Which characters are 2 gays in a suit now?

lulu is two gays in a suit

yeah its impossible to stop people from trading in lost lanes. I wish I was challenger.

you should be getting 6-8cs/game 10cs is a meme

Why do you even run tp if you aren't going to look at your fucking minimap.

the void is the flood now

the watchers are gravemind

this desu fampai even faker only gets 10 cs per minute in a few games. you'd only really get that if you literally never left lane.

Isn't that only because the bronze and silver games last far longer?

>See a Shaco mirror match in norms
>tell my team to go over and invade enemy Shaco's blue, i'll set up my own boxes and my stuff is warded
>see my team go in, Shaco is indeed in the bush at blue alone and my support Zyra puts down a plant and activates all 3 of Shaco's boxes 10 secs before blue spawn.
>Starts yelling in /all chat that were all cunts when It was really just my idea.

Also these duskblade nerfs and champ compensations are busting my balls right now. Giving kha some unnecessary buffs but don't give the champ who needs it to do actual damage like Shaco any compensation because "proccing duskblade passive twice is toxic". Thanks Riot.

considering your cs per minute goes down after the early and midgame typically his cs per minute seems like it is HIGHER than 10 cs per min early game.

I wanna FLY with Lulu!