Post rare maps
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From when the Spanish thought California was an island
Heh. I can't believe I actually fell for the "We used to be developed before the Soviets" meme.
what happened? did the brits take them over or did they just die out?
Their colonies merged out with eng;ish colonies during the unification
We "who"?
Eastern Europeans like pretending that they were on par with the West before 1945.
>play eu4
>reach this cluterfuck
>exit game
What is it a map of?
switZerland pretty sure
looks like switzerland before it became switzerland
also why is the east/west reversed
Both maps show Switzerland, as seen from the North. No idea why they did choose it that way back of the time.
If you are interested, run this trough google translate:
This is the Tschudi map from 1495/97, which makes it one of the earliest maps of a single country.
Making maps is still popular in Switzerland, nowadays they look something like this