to what degree did the turkish conquest of byzantium lead to the constaninople terrorist attacks that happened just now?
To what degree did the turkish conquest of byzantium lead to the constaninople terrorist attacks that happened just now?
Remember user, any place with a large Islamic populace is bound to have terrorist attacks.
This is a known FACT.
>inb4 /pol/tard accusations
you racist, go back to /pol/
How dare you speak the truth in my safe Veeky Forumspace?!
But in this case it's more, no Turkish dominance no dominance of Islam from 14th century on wards means significant Muslim minority.
It had to be done
Turks are only part of the answer. The real culprit to the spread of Islam to Anatolia are the Seljuks.
If the Guys who did it are Kurds then it could be traced on Kurds immgrating to Anatolia helped by the Ottomans to displace the Alevi Turkmen
The spread of Islam doesn't matter, if Byzantium doesn't fall and it modernizes into a proper European state, its certainly going to reconquer perceived De Jure land.
terrible thing. all this is going to cuase is that turkey is going to be quicker to open its borders and let those dirty immigrant hordes into europe. terrible.
I guarantee the Kurds did it so you need to blame Marx and Kurds. If it was the PKK that did it
I knew it. Very sad for friends in this. Islam is terrible religion aswell as communists.
I'd blame the armenian genocide for it.
You know, the one that was clearly carried out by Turkey during WW1 when they had no soldiers to spare fighting 3 different fronts and not by anyone else currently settled in those areas that used to house Armenians.
fuck off, people hurt by this event, you should more better. sympathy you know.
Clearly I should hold hands with kurds that currently occupy rightful Armenian clay after they slaughtered the inhabitants while helping them in their "struggle" to blame Turkey and carry out attacks like today.
but you make joke when the armenians are worse than turks. you know armenians try to wipe out both turks and kurds before? this is why armenia genocide happen. it was self defence.
T*rks don't deserve to live, Kurds are in no danger of going extinct, they're just a type of Persian.
fuck you and fuck the people in 9/11. america deserve it.
nothing that happened in territory held by turks was ever clear or onesided, they never even held any territory by majority, what land turkey now has is just whats left of the ottoman empire, and one of the basic problems in the ottoman empire was percisely that there were never any locl turks to be found and never enough turks to begin with
nothing that happens today in turkey should be taken for granted, nothing that the state claims should be taken seriously, especialy not terrorist attacks, its a country that just had a ''coup'' just so its ruler could behead the whole army structure, its all messed up and going to shit on a roller coaster
a few more years and there might not be any turkey to speak of
>a few more years and there might not be any turkey to speak of
turkey is just psuedo romania-hellas (greece's true name by virtue of its byzantine and alexandrian tradition.)
Not much.
Muslim Terror attacks had their origin in Whitey BTFO the ottoman empire and creating shitty middle eastern states headed by the Ottoman equivalent of redneck Christians.
I havent heard of any terrorist attacks in Indonesia.
There was a suicide bombing/shootout not even a year ago in Jakarta blamed on IS.
Oh well, rip islam then
theres been loads desu. last 15 years
Fun fact: Obama spent a lot of his childhood in Indonesia in the 60s and 70s, and he was reportedly disgusted when he came back as president and saw what the Saudis had turned the country into.
Wahabbism is cancer.
technically Oman has never had any incident brought upon them by exterior forces since the Dhofar Rebellion
so Ibadism is clearly the superior school