Tell me about Napoleon, his accomplishments; his revolutionary style of fighting, etc.
Alright /his tell me about Napoleon and his accomplishments
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He conquered Russia
He managed to mix together the ideas of many military thinkers of the XVIIIth century into a coherent structure, bridging the gap between the military and political in one man without sacrificing the efficiency of one to the whims of the other, and managed to skillfully take advantage of just about every opportunity that was presented to him. Even to the very end, even after the disaster of the Russian campaign, and the later exile to Elba, he managed to make a never seen before return to power, from prisoner, to Emperor once again, for a fleeting Hundred Days, and did not go down until the final defeat at Waterloo.
Oh and he was pretty good at making laws and all that cool Code Civil stuff still partly in use in France today.
La Grande quatre de Veeky Forums
Here you go.
Sure, but then Russia bested him.
Russia's greatest weapon has always been Russia, at least in defensive wars
He went full Caesar and ruined the 1st French Republic.
To be fair the common man loves a tyrant. As long as you are good at killing foreigners nobody will care when you proclaim yourself dictator for life or emperor.
A man's man – if you're an ancient greek.
BTFO all of Europe. Came the closest to conquering Europe in history, except for the Axis powers.
His Napoleonic code is massively influential in our laws today (I'm not sure of specifics, maybe someone else here knows).
A great writer, the greatest strategist, an emperor. Sounds like he lives up to the hype
There was nothing left to ruin by the time he showed up.
Napoleon was the Hitler of his day. The number of parallels is remarkable.
Code Civil
Yes, he created a beurocracy to manage conquered territories and military matters.
It was merely the adoption of enlightenment rationalism against conservative reactionary monarchs and was nothing superhuman
He saved the republic
also, your pic is completely unrelated
The republic died with Robespierre, reactionary fuckwit.
I never said pic related...
Whereas Robespierre was the ideological force behind the revolution, thermador didnt completely destroy the system they had set up. It could have pulled through. Napoleon spread the ideas, but ironically shat on all the concepts by making himself emperor.
He saved the revolution
Before Napoleon instigated his coup, the Directory was about to betray the revolution and restore the Bourbon in exchange for nobility titles
Btw he never used cavalry
Cavalry was a stupid idea
>one emancipated the Jews and got called the Antichrist for it
>the other killed 6 millions Jews and got called the Devil for it
>conquering Europe
>not superhuman
After reading about Zhukov, i'd ad him on the list.