League of Legends general - /lolg/

Explorer edition.

Last Thread: eyosongive.us

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50 posts early

How many layers of comfy are you on right now?
What is "Image Limit"

Xth for trying to get my head clear before promos

>Tilt when winning because watch team throw lead constantly

worst feel

What is the correct way to use Minion Dematerialiser in mid lane?

fuck you I'll keep picking rengar and carrying my team to victory


I want to inside a lulu

Kittty Cat Ezreal skin when?

it's still too early for eu hours
vagina lovers ww@?

>Do I need to bust out the crayons in order to illustrate my argument?

You don't HAVE an argument you're just wrong

It's nearly 11am here, user


I will love them instead tyvm

cant believe people paid for that skin
its straight up recycled material

>like vagoos
>don't like dicks but like how lewd traps are

why can't girls be that lewd and cute


it has the cutest face though

>Mid and top go 0/5
>Pull their heads out their ass and finish 4/5 and 5/5 respectfully

I love it when people don't tilt and let themselves get carried

that doesnt matter, its a cheap recolour and buying it sends a jewish message to riot.

tfw my gf is lewd and horny 24/7

>this is your jungler for today
what do you do?


post sick plays

>bot starts feeding and talking shit to me even after I pinged mia and explicitly told them to watch the incoming gank
>they just keep diving like monkeys and pinging me
>im fed as fuck, 6/0/3 and pulled off several ganks on all lanes
>they keep shittalking
>look them up and they're a duo both in gold promos, 2 wins 2 losses
>start flat out inting and wish them a good luck in silver


is nasus gay?

but do you like vagoos?

traps are lewd and slutty, girls are pure and innocent
how do sluts even compete?

*thumbs up emote*

this is now a nunu thread

This is the most devilish thing Ive read today. Godspeed, premades need to be deleted. I wish I could tell you about that one time I farted next to a bunch of girls on bus and they ran out holding their noses, that was pretty devilish but its not league related

>play ranked
>be far ahead in kills and gold vs enemy team
>mom calls
>help mom take groceries from car
>back to game
>got afk warrning
>win game
>rito still take my points
>mfw its better to be chad the kid than helping ur parents

do we need a new thread?


>Go away for like 10 minutes to help my dad
>Comeback just to see cleint change to after game screen
>Actually still counted as a win

Who let KIed be this adorable? Why is he allowed to be this cute and the best yordle, with the best belly, the best ears, the best butt and the best teeth?

>people rushing banner of command on top laners
>against kled
>happened three times today
el oh el this isn't ardent censer meta, you can't just build it, use it on a minion without thinking and expect to win,
especially against AD top.

Why it gotta be like this?




yes, and incestuous too

why u hurting me this way

which champions would be most likely to abuse lulu?

Champions with big dicks.

Vi and Fiora.


>The sound of Lulu gagging, choking, made her thrust harder. There was so much excess spit and pre-cum she was able to move quickly, even so the tightness restricted movement a bit, She hit the back of Lulu's throat repeatedly, the tiny tight tunnel of a mouth squeezing around her, her teeth grazing the pulsing flesh of her dick. She groaned. Soon, she was going to erupt soon. Lulu struggled, eyes shutting slightly, spit dripping from her mouth. Shyvana knew she was struggling against the urges she was faced with.


kaisa's lore is garbage just like her design

what a surprise

>play league with friend
>he tilts me off the face of the earth because he constantly complains and wants to surrender.

also braum fucks all the yordles

>play rengar
>make the level 3 gank/countergank every single game
>get called cheesy for it
is it true

Braum only fuck Graves and Hecarim only fuck Thresh

Xerath is a fucking monster late game.

>Play Kled
>Every match suddenly stretches out to an hour
okay what the fuck

>jayce added me even though i wasn't all too useful

He's pretty strong at all stages of the game, he's only niche pick because he's outclassed by other poke champs

Man u gotta hide all or nothing. What are you hiding? Your 38 ranked games?

> he's outclassed by other poke champs
Every game I've fought Vel'Koz, Lux, TF, or Orianna I've done like twice their damage by the end of the game. I think it's just because he's so defenseless against mobile assassins (panth, rengar, kha, etc.).

What's the consensus on Swain?

>roam bot
>get a kill and sums
>walk back mid
>botlane dies and jungle attempting to dive an ezreal and his jungler

He could have at least hidden his normal game W/L.
Sub50 winrate is the mark of a subhuman.


>Unironically stuck in silver

>he doesn't use normals solely to int his teams to let off ranked steam

my normals winrate is like 3/125

>not inting 100 normal games in 5 man when 5man XP boost was a thing
what does he mean by this

>1/4 On AKALI

>LJT stream with almost the same number of viewers as LCK

But I thought Japs didn't care about this game?

>push wave in
>roam bot
>ping OMW
>adc dashes in between their ADC and support on like 1/4 hp and dies in half a second
why do I even bother trying to help bot lane, still got a kill at least.

>Varus name still hasn't been changed to Vaarus


come on guys, he didnt want us to see his account. This is mean.

>s6 silver
>s7 bronze

name a more underwhelming skill in the game

in related news, foxslut is pretty good with new ludens

>Very high dmg
>retarded sustain because of skaarl
>no mana
>Hard to kite out
>Great engage
>Great waveclear with tiamat
>You basically have to kill him twice in tf's

Why isn't he played more?

Veigar ult is total bullshit. Tired of this shit doing 75% of my hp

he has like 10 ranked games a season though

Reminder that these are the people who:
a)Give dogshit advice to others
Just subhumans

>Dodge Q
Heh looks like i won this trade

>person from lolg adds me
>i have to initiate all forms of contact
>will play one game with me then has to go, 99% of the time
OK, then why did you add me, buddy?


People have lives outside of videogames. Shocker, I know.

Carrying with mid lane is so much easier than carrying with late game ADC champions.

Why didn't anybody tell me this before I went 2-8 in promos as ADC?

new swain Q

opgg multi, dodge instantly.

Because he isn't fun to play. His W isn't even an active.

What a fucking loser, lmao!

if 5 you get star guardian Ahri

tell him to go sejuani if in promos, if not in promos, dodge.

Well /lolg/ I took your advice and brought my 40% winrate up to 45% by only playing the one champ I had positive winrate on

still a fucking subhuman degen though who cant use his brain to play a fucking video game

if anything his W, his Q is the only decent part of his kit

man, swain is underwhelming as fuck now that i think about i

>zap that does big dmg if shotgun but has no range
>smallish ball that slows and is almost impossibel to hit without cc
>mediocre ass root stopped by creeps and harder to hit the closer they are (when hes supposed to want people close to him)
>transform into a demon and do a bit of damage and then a big nuke

>spending the whole weekend abusing the 5man IP boost by running it down because it's a few percent more efficient than playing the game normally
At that point I'd rather do actual IRL manual labor to make money and give it to Riot Jews to buy whatever I would've spent that IP on with RP instead.
>foxslut is back to deleting people without landing a single skillshot because she can just RWRR them to death
Get me off this ride.

I didn't expect anyone to care enough to do more than look at the picture to try and find my username. I want to play more ranked but playing stuff like Taliyah support is too fun
>38 games with a 61% winrate is considered stuck
Only two were ranked games, one of them I was borderline inting in flex queue to piss off the botlane duo

Imagine if his R gave movespeed and his E was recastable, holy shit that would be fun (to play against XDDD)

queue alone. I was winning 50% of my games playing duo, started going solo and I got a +10% lol

>Build Shiv first on trist and all in the other lane every time i see an opening
This is stupid and people don't know what to do vs it

Nice, I got my win rate from 50% to 56% by not playing ADC because fuck that role.

honestly if you just posted the full name from the start, I dont think anyone would have cared that much

shit, failed rework. Try again when they buff him out of their minds to make people play him. Don't bother rn

lucky you, there's no way i'd be able to reach my current level if i were to quit adc and go back to mid again. they're even reverting leblanc and i couldn't be more happy/sad about it, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

I think you're meant to go pickaxe / BF (whichever you have enough money for on your first back) sword into shiv, or at least that's what pros have been doing in their solo q games lately.

>riven mains

>fuck adc
honestly big agree holy shit, except I dont think I can win in any other role consistently. Twitch just feels so nice for me, coming out of Q and blowing up a fight

Get a 14 day ban then practice on a smurf, that's what I did XD