/bbg/ - Bloodborne general

Dreams with eyes now: >New players read this then finish the game without spoilers:

-Dec 26-29/2017: Unused bosses & test areas are now safe chalices that anyone can use - i.imgur.com/3nibNFD.png
-Jan 11/2018: Dark Souls 1 Remaster announced for PC, XBONE, PS4 and Switch, releasing May 25
-Mar 6: Bloodborne is free to claim to PS+ members for the month

>Helpful links:
-/bbg/ Resource Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1TlAjZSvmE979gbayTvpioT72n5A7_bUjMNCLuOatJTQ
-Wiki: bloodborne-wiki.com/
-Build planner: mugenmonkey.com/bloodborne
-AR calculations: pastebin.com/zGphv4fF

-How to unlock FRCs for spelunks, fight clubs & gem farming: i.imgur.com/0AwN4Lo.jpg
-Gem farming chalices: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9enxffA3dyKGu6IVg-P4IVgmKSUYSP9UOOiThHmPIU
-Lost/uncanny weapons, runes, and gems: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syKnSKflHbFiGY4pXkfIeXoMa2Lp9X1aXyme2qaTen4
-How to summon/invade in a chalice: pastebin.com/mjRU01XK
-Edited chalices: i.imgur.com/3nibNFD.png (Unused bosses, test areas, early runes/weapons)

>PVE - Spelunking (Every Friday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus anytime someone wants to host):
-Spelunks happen, join em, host em
-Set the chalice to Open and region to Worldwide
-Leave bell-ringing women alone for invaders

>PVP - Fight club (Every Saturday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus impromptus whenever):
-Rules: i.imgur.com/ihd176b.jpg
-Pthumeru: 7hjhf43b
-Loran: jjpkdcgd
-Isz: 9v8qndas
-Hintertombs: 5x3agiwe
-2v2 arena: i.imgur.com/71WOC0I.png

Q: Where do I get/put the best gems? A: bloodborne-wiki.com/2015/10/best-blood-gems-setups.html
Q: How do I setup arcane builds? A: i.imgur.com/73dnuUm.jpg
Q: How to access the DLC? A: i.imgur.com/XaRuxgF.png
Q: Did I miss a quest? A: i.imgur.com/Uzg8XI6.png
Q: Is this game active for coop and pvp? A: Yes

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Doll so perfect?

did you know she has a sfm model now?

This was more fun than anything I've done in actual Monster Hunter.

_ _ _ D
_ _ _ E
_ _ _ G
_ _ _ S


Powder Keg build. Boom Hammer or Stake Driver?

Whirlygig. Boom is much more viable but steak is more fun.

It's shame how the whirlygig is the only decent kegger weapon.

>get a +27% gem with increased stamina costs
>it's arcane
>on my strength character

>tfw don't understand shit about gems or runes but still beating through the game

Anyone wanna do Forbidden Woods?

Yea, what password?

Ringing at the lamp, password bbg.

Whoops, that was a mistake. I forgot you can't attack NPCs when summoned. I'll just rering and poison him.

jsyk coops cant fight woods abbo

who the fuck types like this god you are lord of fags, dare i say faglord

is there a more gangsta weapon than Cannon
also what's a good Cannon combo

thanks for the advice but tbqhwyf i wouldn't actually mind being royalty to gays

blade of mercy maybe

Ringing by lamp oto?


where the fuck is this

forbidden fucking woods

I need to re-explore that cancerous area for my 4th time i guess

He’s on top of the mill in case you don’t want to explore

here's a map to make things easy

Thanks for coming along, Sucy. I'm gonna stop here. Cheers!

that pic kek
>blade of mercy
how come? ive never used that b4

Which wheel do I want for 50/25 str/arc and which gems?

It is said that negroes whom increase skill use the blades

Sorry I realized after posting you weren’t looking to roleplay as some cannon wielding jamal, I just thought bom would be a fitting sidearm for a gangster. It’s not very good gameplay wise. A str weapon would be better, or reiter or rifle spear for the purpose of setting up parry -> BMA’d cannon shot




Delet this, nobody needed to know of our shame


After putting the platinum off for over 2 years I finally bit the bullet and got it. It feels good. It's some closure to some degree. I'll still play the game but I felt like I had to do it for bloodborne.

Damn, I got platinum in two weeks.

This was mainly because I switched accounts twice and switched characters a lot. My total in game time was 34 hours to get the platinum

Did you save your game to USB before doing the 3 different endings?

No, I got one ending on one character, rushed another ending on another while playing with a friend, then got the final ending and the platinum when I beat gehrman

And also beat Yharnam in chalice dungeons? 34 hours seems kinda low but my first playthrough was pretty slow and after that I rushed two different characters to get the other two endings. I think it took me around 50 hours to get platinum. Anyway, congratulations, Bloodborne is one of the few games I've platinumed.

Sorry, I remembered wrong. It was more 39 hours. About 25 on my ng+ and 14 on my other. I had a cool person from here basically wipe out everything in the chalice dungeons up until yharnam.

Has Hibiki deleted his character? He isn't on the league board
Does it only show peeps who are logged in?

It's pretty amazing how you can run through the entire main game in 4-5 hours. Obviously speedrunners can do it faster but my point is that once you know where to go the game becomes a satisfying cakewalk. Also I used saw cleaver for the second and hunter's axe for the third run, haven't done a threaded cane run yet.

Took only a day to render: youtube.com/watch?v=iMinw32TlKM

Does anyone have any experience with playing bloodborne on pc on some emulators? Are there even any working ps4 emulators?

>moltovs vs cleric
>music box vs papa g
wtf is this shit?

No there's not any ps4 emulators on pc yet. Remember ps3 emulators just started working properly in 2017. And even then they're very choppy. It'll take a few years for an emulator

I started a new file yesterday and went out grabbing the hunter's set with the saw spear before entering the Hunter's Dream a first time. Are there any runs out there without a single visit to the Hunter's Dream?

Ah damn. I've already played Bloodborne, but I've recently got my friend into souls and I was hoping that I could get him to play Bloodborne as well. Too bad I guess.

No leveling, no dyingand no weapon upgrades makes that a pain in the ass, but people have done it most likely


It's called having a three digit IQ :^)

Ardeo is bath only so this is ng+, but that is still pretty cool

Yeah, they’re called no hunter’s dream runs, there are a few on youtube.
Good job my dude, but what’s with the cuts in some bosses?

>golden ardeo
I bet that's NG+ but still cool.

PS4 skipped some frame, while recording.

NG++ actually, if I remember correctly.

100 succs killed in my quest for arcane +9.1% and flat 67.5 arc, not a single arc gem. The hundreth was bolt and flat arc tho

Now do nourishings!

>tfw nourishing 8.1%+67.5 from the l1 boss of my first frc on the character

I think it took me between 300 and 400 kills to get 2 x 9.1% + 67.5 radials, got maybe 5 arcane gems in total

I actually have a triangle one, that was really easy. It's just the radials that are a bitch to get

>between 300 and 400 kills

Wow there goes any chance of me playing anything but a pure physical character. Fuck this F2P tier grinding bullshit.

Or you could just not be a faggot and settle for a little less.

You don't need korean gems user. Although skip out of those welfare mensis gems, just go with what the bbwiki's page on best blood setups recommends.

the difference is very small though, it's the flat amount that matters.

Sbelunk anyone?

Explain to me how insight is farmed early game please

My understanding is I use it to invade and if I kill the player, I get insight.
But what happens if I have no insight and want to invade, how do I get more since the items that grant it can't be farmed early game

fist of gratia only

If not as gay as suggested, yes.

It doesn't cost any insight to ring small resonant or sinister bells.

Chalice dungeon bosses

use small resonant bell and kill a boss in coop

Invading doesn't consume any insight, only beckoning other hunters into your world does. Winning invasions does indeed grant you insight.
Unupgraded weapons and I'm in.

How about

anyone wants to bullly maria with me? BL58

Only if we do it in Hintertomb

pass is bbg ringing now


Frc or nothing

Have fun wasting your time, then.

We took Amygdala down with torch only in 4 tries, weapons are easy mode

Okay you faggots, Hintertombs fist of gratia. Good?

And we took hotdog naked with barefist only in 3 tries: it's a waste of time, nonetheless, and I just want to slaughter through hordes of beasts, today.

It's the hosts call, pick what you want to do

somebody just make a fooking dungeon already. i'm out of backbones

I'm hosting a fist of gratia frc ihyll in a bit tho

Okay, awn4qfb7, pass is nocucks. It can be fist of gratia but I don't really care if you don't want to do it that way.


One spot now.



>both prelamp and preboss granted
>50 gondola ganks in the layer, thankfully it's hintertombs
>sleepy bepis status: fisted
>madmen guarding ritual blood and gow status: fisted
>Morrow having a giggle blocking us in doors
>boss was keeper, status: fisted on 2nd try

Spelunk UP
pass = bbgisz
get the fuck in here

Doll is not for lewd

but Doll is pure

Is that my nigga zillakami