So who is the GOAT American philosopher?

in your opinion?

Sam Harris

No joke, probably Joe Rogan. I'll get him to do an AMA on here.

John Green.

Edmund Burke Pre-1790. Discard everything after

Definitely Leo Strauss

t. neocon

A person's philosophy stems from their culture so unfortunately Americans are unable to participate.


dude nice predictable post really great

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Transcendentalism is one of the best philosophical areas out there. Very complex, layered literature easily combined with an idea of God.

Eric Hoffer.

Thoreau did it better. He at least lived by his ideals for a period of time.

No joke, George Santayana. Man of letters, philosopher of epistemology aesthetics, supported Russell (anonymously with his book sales) when no one else would and also called him out harder than anyone else, was a materialist with an appreciation of religious things, plus had an amazing writing style.

Paul Mattick.


Don't be a cunt the yanks have an impressive amount of literary greats especially when you take in to account how yound a country it is.


yeah its Pierce, even if you don't agree with pragmatism

dude was the American Leibniz

Herman Melville


George Catlin

The lack of Quine or Kripke answers makes me think that people on this board are not well versed in philosophy