>Official Websites & Communication Channels
>Gwent Deck Trackers
>Gwent Card Databases & Deck Lists
>Official Websites & Communication Channels
>Gwent Deck Trackers
>Gwent Card Databases & Deck Lists
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Lets keep this one alive. Also reminder to report off-topic Tw3 waifuautists.
Waifu autists to the sea! You can make your own thread there.
>Go to ladder and try out decks with new cards
>Faggots still playing swims netdecks
Why do people do this? Like, I own the deck too and know it's freelo, but why? It's so fucking boring to play this deck, I can't play it for more than 5 minutes without ripping my hair out
Hael Ker'zaer! Shame Nilfgaard doesn't have anything viable beyond alchemy anymore
I havent played this beautyful game in a while
can someone give me any ideas on what i should play
i dont mind if its good or not
i have most cards in the game and a lot of scrap so just anything really
Lets make this general /comfy/ like back in Open Beta times. Occasional Witcher discussions are welcome, waifufags will be reported
Can't wait to play Sabbath into those elf cucks. It's a boring deck otherwise with a shitty r3.
Deathwish Dagon with Sabbath or without is stupidly fun.
Because they want to get this season over with asap and the fastest way to do it is to play cancer that you are familiar with.
I'm climbing with radovid armor atm, pretty fun deck and it can compete with the other archetypes. Or a sabbath deck if you want to crush your opponent's soul from time to time.
How many times have you, anons, drafted Gaunter in arena so far? I've yet to see him a single time, but I usually don't have the balls to pick him.
boy oh boy is radovid ACTUALLY viable now?
i have been waiting for this forever
ill get brewing
thanks bud
Imlerith: Sabbath decks are fun as fuck
If the enemy doesn't find a way to kill it, you just win. Best way to use him is in a deck where the enemy doesn't expect it. I play a deathwish deck and lure the enemies into using their removals on my D'aos and Archespores. If he has high point units on board that could stop him, I remove them with Cyclops' and then I just send out Imlerith: Sabbath and watch him winning the game on his own.
Also, the card art is 10/10
0. No reason to pick this trash.
Seen him like 5 times, never picked him. If he'd atleast spawn something like a 6 point unit without effect if you fuck up, I'd pick him. But the risk of playing a 6 point gold is simply not worth it. Pretty sad because I love the card art and Gaunter O'Dim in general.
My very first premium this patch tbqh.
He's useless even in his own mode.
I get that they don't want him to be this op card everybody uses, but at least make him useable.
Their new design philosophy sadly seems to not care about whether most cards are useless or not and rather make alternate cards of popular characters later that might be useable.
The worst reason is that there is literally not a single reason to use Gaunter of Uma, ever.
Did they just forget about Gaunter when they printed Uma?
Doesn't Gaunter spawn bronzes and silvers too? Uma is objectively better in that regard, but Gaunter is tutorable.
>tfw draft Shupe and 4 other golds in one run
>forced to pick shit cards such as epidemic and arachas venom
>ended up discarding epidemic from hand 2 times
I should just kms
Arachas Venom isn't that shit in arena as long as it's in a long round. Just be careful with mulligan in short rounds, but yeah Epidemic is utter trash. Probably one of the worst cards in the game. Only use I see for it is in really short rounds, when your opponent goes first so it's basically a scorch.
It was either epidemic or faction specific 3-summon-3s, I realise I would've gotten more value out of them now. My other silvers and bronzes weren't great too, but I got pissed over drafting Shupe and having such awful drafts afterwards
Picking a shit ton of engines with weather in arena is actually broken. Got 8 wins by spamming weather to lure out their mages and then spam engines or the other way around. Only way they can really beat you is by having an abnormal amount of removal
Don't you miss out on a ton of value from your engines like that? I get there's times you draft nothing better than engines, but non-engine 11-12s seem to be working way better for me. I tend to lean towards retarded amount of removal though.
Not in long rounds and since arena is pretty much always extra long round 3. The absolute cherry on the cake was Octivist though. He always stayed on board because the enemy already used all his removal
is this normal
That is such a bad strategy.
Better to prioritise weather clears and removals, because every idiot goes for weather and engines.
It's slightly pretty average. There are people who get +12 Golds. I'd say around 7 are average.
I passed a casual game with 6 cards remaining after I'd assured myself he'd used all his spells/attacks.
Whatever he placed Imlerith destroyed on the next round.
I haven't drafted more than 6 in all my 4 runs today. Not my lucky day
Played a game against Greatsword, he instantly forfeited after I played
Royal Decree>Imlerith and then Whispess>Mandrake next turn. I love this deck so much
A lot of the GS decks I've seen run Mandrake though. Do you run Renew as well?
sup with Ihuarraquax (the unicorn that hurts itself)?
How are you supposed to play this card effectively?
>A lot of the GS decks I've seen run Mandrake though
Yeah, I experienced that too...
>Do you run Renew as well?
Yep. 10/10 card in the deck. You can even keep it if your Imlerith isn't dead because if he'll survive, you'll win anyway and if he doesn't you can res him
With Stefan Skellen. He can be pretty good, but the downside is that he can also hit 3 1 point units.
Too bad sabbath works only against sk and consume
After getting Letho avatar I literally dropped Gwent for Dissidia Opera Omnia on my phone.
>the absolute state of Gwent
There's just way too many people running Mandrake in Constructed for Imlerith: Sabbath to be a safe include.
Maybe if they buffed it to 7 Power.
Does dimitrium bomb work on the arachas queen? or other Immune targets?
>Card so powerful it forces everybody to tech against it
>Buff it so you can't tech against it
You're crazy.
Also does what does Geralt: Yrden mean by 'remove their statuses'?
>Why do people do this
Because they are not there to have fun and are just grinding for rewards both daily and season.
Well the thing is, I run deathwish Dagon and hide the fact that I run Imlerith. I always use Imlerith pretty late and until then they'll use it on a Dao
Yes, but only if they aren't the only unit on the row.
Yes it works against Queen and other Immunes.
It should work on every buffed unit on the row. Arachas queen is immune to being manually targeted by damage/locks/etc.
spy tokens etc
>I play a deathwish deck and lure the enemies into using their removals
My man, half of deathwishes on ladder are trying to pull this shit. If anyone still falls for it they are legit retarded.
I had a deck with 15 silvers today. Was a fun run.
>Kripp still hasn't played Gwent arena
He said next week user, the week's not over yet
For some reason banking transaction from poland take a whole week to confirm.
We're pretty much all Europoors, right? How will this general survive over night and during worktime?
You bump it. Simple. ;)
We'll just migrate back to the main one.
i'm from SA.
I'd rather have it die than live with waifutards.
As soon as the waifufags create their own separate /wtc/
>use ogriod to destroy false ciri
>destroys my other werewolf too
what the FUCK
>not being American
o I am laffin
Literally who gives a fuck
Then the tiring task of bumping this thread falls on you while we Eurofags sleep. It's gonna be hard, but we believe in you
How the fuuuuuck do you beat Greatswords?
but they have....
I did not notice :(
I will keep creating new /gwt/'s everytime the old one dies. I'm so fucking sick of these waifuautists, I'd rather don't browse the general at all if I have to browse the same general as them
I still forget sometimes.
I believe the separate /wtc/ is a false flag and they may stick to the merger for awhile
The hero we need.
Captain fucking autism.
>Proud amerilard
I can't even take your country serious. America feels like it's a literal meme. I can't believe there is a country full of fat stupid people who shoot everything in sight
Appreciated, user. I'm in the same boat as you, rather not browse at all than coexist with waifutards. May your wins on ladder and in arena be plentiful today.
>Noo you fucking autist I need you to bump up my thread so I can post my digital gf
I'd literally, unironically browse r/Gwent and watch you faggots struggling to keep the thread alive until it dies and you literally fucking kill yourself because you can't post your fucking virtual characters anymore
Have fun with your immigrants euroanon
>being american
Atleast we're human
>salty opponent takes full 55 seconds to play a card
kys if this is you
Literally me every single time Imlerith is on the field.
>not being patient
>mfw want to quickly finish my dailies
>retard takes 55 seconds every turn
I swear even losing to create effects is less tilting. Like, people who rope every turn get me more angry than emotespamming faggots. It just makes me want to punch against a wall.
im sorry for roping every turn guys
i just want to read my cards because im new
It's understandable if you're new, but I'm up against people at 4k MMR who are mostly level +50. These faggots probably only rope because they're pretentious fucks who think they're performing some king of master plan when following the description of their netdeck. Trust me, you'll understand it once you get there.
>No OceanMud online
>No KBT online
>No Ashlizzle
>Pumpkinshit is a fucking faggot who should be beaten up by a gang of niggers
>Don't want to play Gwent myself because I'm too tired to play normally
Worst timeline
isn't she a loudmouth moron like a female mogwai? admittedly I didn't watch her for more than 10 minutes but she rubbed off on me in this way
Last time I watched she was pretty chill and played nice decks like Greatswords. Wouldn't watch her if she was like MogWai.
She is tolerable until she loses her first coinflip, then the whole stream devolves into her bitching about everyone being a sniper and a lucker. Her only redeeming quality is her looks
>watching people play games
>watching people acting
>hearing people singing
>watching people performing something
because I don't want to do it myself
I watch streams while I'm falling asleep or cooking, otherwise they're muted in the background
This. It's 1am, I'm too tired to play Gwent rn. I'd misplay all the time
Am I fucking blind or both this dryad and the new Morenn don't have nipples?
PEGI 12, user
they could just hide it with hair though.
They really edited them away for the rating, huh? And people said the rating wouldn't affect the game.
What does dryad milk taste like?
They also censored Nivellen and Harald
I generally only watch streams of high-level players so I can learn from them (read: steal their shit and use it myself). Not just for Gwent but for video games in general.
Say what you want about the chinese censure, at least they don't make those PEGI ratings look like a fucking joke.
>oh, there shouldn't be any nudity but we covered the nips, pussy and her gaping asshole so it's ok :)
not to mention that there are people dying left and right, people being skinned and burned alive, rape and torture being implied and so on.
realistically they should just make it 16+ and leave thisart as it was