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a what?
You know the rules lads, one roll
rolling for tomira
Did you really have to include /gwt/? We'd both be better off if you didn't.
Why did you leave /gwt/ in the title? They split.
Fuck off. Stop trying to separate us. This is beyond old.
Don't worry, he'll get his three day autism vacay pretty soon.
That was a nice try yencuck i suggest you try again in a week.
Oh great, this again
First for Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon. The rightful heir to the throne of Cintra and my heart
What does Yennefer of Corvo Bianco smell like?
You genuinely prefer people such as
in your threads? I honestly don't understand your masochism.
Yen get
>everybody who disagree with me is yenfag
imagine being this autistic
yet the gwent talk is in its own general, curious.
Istreds cum
Does your vocabulary consist solely of buzzwords?
Well, user. Why don't you just buzz off? pwned
>7 posters
I don't. But this battle has been fought. It's over. Digging up this old fight is just offensive at this point. I've learned to accept it. You should to.
>9 posters
>yencuck reduced to the point of posting 2 posts from proxies and brags about it
I'm posting both here and there.
yet there is no gwent discussion here.
I was sure that we can make this work but over time I've grown to think the opposite, both /wtc/ and /gwt/ are more positive when they are separate, we can need each other for bumps but the amount of shit and insults that the mutual general brings is simply not worth it, even if we are going to die from time to time. And we were living together for like 4 months so don't talk like it's a tradition
it was 7 posters and the trissposter
regardless i think we should all get along.
whats so bad about seeing the most beautiful woman in the world? ciri
whats so bad about gwent? admittedly a lot but still
I'm tired of children that get a kick out of posting the same images over and over and calling everyone that disagrees with them a yencuck, because that's the pinnacle of their mental capacity. I'd take my chances with /gwt/
Couple of people said they'd give standalone /wtc/ a go.
c u m8 have fun. i expect to never see you posting here again and if you do ill take it is you acquiescing
Good, we wont miss you
who is we
but it's not only them, the "artposter" was from /gwt/ and he is really autistic, the mentality of one general's populace being worse than the other and fighting for some superiority is silly
>regardless i think we should all get along.
look at the previous threads, it's full of posts like:
and so on, I've lost all hope for this working
Do you think Philipa beat Trissfu ?
No but i think she intimidated her and fugged her with a magical deck
>not enjoying insults
go back to /r/soy
delet this mr sir
We have four threads up.
See this is creative banter, I could at least appreciate the creative aspect of it.
still rude tho
kek, what else could be done? Uma Triss?
crone triss, drowner triss, troll triss...
sky is the limit
syanna pls
trissfu get
Is that triss?
No, it's your mum.
Geralt and Triss OTP
Pls gib sorceress gf
Toussaint Ain’t free. Streets of Beauclair gotta be litterd with the Sangreal wine. Syanna aka “Rhenawedd” is not my duchess. she is a vampire loving whore and probbaly has a black sun curse as well :DD. ANNA HENRIETTA not sylvia anna ok. long live dukessa.
Now we need spurdo Damien de la Tour.
Going to bed now, hope i dream of Trissfu.
Yet no such feeling gives me a greater high
Than when I look into your emerald eyes
Good night!
How old is Ciri in tw3?
21-23 depending on the timeline. The games change the timeline by about 2 years.
Shani slut
Triss lewd
She needs to be creampied daily.
>The feeling in your face while you can't work up the desire to reach the 100 ore tier on Gwent
Game's dead fellas, wrap it up.
I stopped playing once I realized that feeling of obligation to stay on their little progression incentivized hamster wheel wasn't worth it, tired of that fucking game.
Who has Triss fucked? (in canon)
Geralt and a bunch of unknowns.
Geralt and that mage at the masquerade ball
king foltest
I recall asking what's the most evil thing Geralt can do in the games because i think it's interesting the limit of what he can do as a predetermined character. Just remembered this one, letting Nathaniel torture the whore is pretty fucked
I never did dailys, played everyday for about the first month, then only once or twice on weekends.
Still have almost all cards and can afford any i dont have since im stacked on scrap.
Had like only 2-3 hours last season.
Ive been playing arena now for 2 days tho.Its nice to be able to play something else but play against the same 3 decks game after game.
Proofs ?
Proofs ?
>Proofs ?
Well she heavily implied that the mage and her went to fuck when Geralt asked her how they(the mage and her) met. But she could've just been teasing him to get a reaction, she's done it before.
If i remember correctly they said he is regular there, so the whores must know what he does to them...
Why do they still go then ?
I'm just about there myself. Hitting a full collection and having basically all the cards I wanted in premium killed the hamster wheel which is causing the rapid realization that was the only thing keeping me going since the game itself isn't very fun any more.
It's a damn shame because it was really something special for a while but holy hell. It's definitely not as bad as modern Hearthstone but it probably has more RNG than vanilla Hearthstone did, where you were largely limited to shit like knife juggler rolls and mad bombers. And I sure as fuck know that chance management can be a large part of a game since I've played fucking Blood Bowl but I'm not fond of extra chance on top of the chance intrinsic to card games.
Arena just exacerbates it for me. It's true you aren't dealing with the same netdecks over and over, and player skill obviously still plays an important role, but you just git a big dice roll before the match even begins based on the strength of the two decks.
She was teasing i think, because Geralt is asking jealous and asks about him 2 times.
She even says he was "very persuasuve" which i assume he was trying to fuck her and she refused which would also explain why he was so butthurt when talking to her.
She's done that kinda thing before when Triss had to stay with the blue stripes in TW2 and Geralt asked her about it and it was clearly her trying to make him jealous, as opposed to the mage one which is more ambiguous. So yeah, easily could be written off as her just being a lil' troll
Well how is see arena is as an excuse to actually play the game if you cant muster the nerves to play the same 3 netdecks.
I like the casual espect of it and yes RNG plays a huge role, specially in drafting since if lucky enough even a newbie can get 9 wins with many golds.But skill matters too, there are streamers who take 9 wins with garbage decks and 5 golds.
Why i like it the most o assume its the fact that you play different oponents every game and cant expect what card will he play next.
Probably because i have PTSD from the same god damn netdecks from the past 4 months tho.
IDK, I think reason dictates that's not the case. Maybe hes paying out the ass for it and the head slut is trying to cash in. Because damaging your capital by scarring them with a fire poker doesn't seem very smart
Yeah that doesnt make sense.
If he was torturing them like that and kt killing them like he says, the whores would be useless and the pimp would have no reason to give them room.ans shelter, she is better off if he killed them.
If it was a secret then the other whores would notice there is something suspicious and leave, whorehouses are after all the places where most of the secrets come out.
Yep, if you still have a desire to play then arena would help. Unfortunately I was already starting to drift off to other games and arena and the associated patch isn't doing much for me. The avatar rewards for ranked climbing also nutted my slight desire to play ranked since I was interested in grabbing Foltest at top 10k but they changed their minds because CDPR never sticks to anything they say or show.
I'll probably keep trying to do the 100 ore tiers though just on the off chance that the Toussaint expansion lights a fire under my ass, but if they suddenly sprang Thronebreaker on us tomorrow and wanted cash rather than ore for it I'm not sure I'd bother.
I just upgraded the feline armor to grandmaster and ... back. Had to reload an earlier save because I couldn't bear to have that ugly piece of trash in my inventory. Who thought it was a good idea to turn one of the most pimpin pieces of gear into a retarded hoodie. I'm actually pissed
Say something nice about her
Always found it weird how people consider letting 10 innocent children get literally devoured by crones as "good ending" opposed to letting a drunktard abusive mercenary hang himself and his whore wife to die as "bad ending".
Apparently because the Hillock kills some villagers nearby ? Remind me why he does that again, i dont really remember, because its "bad ending"...Still not worse then children getting eaten by demons...
She doesn't she pshh nothin personnel when she teleports behind you, so you know that it was personnel and you can have a brief glorious moment of connection with another human bean before you die.