Get Jinxed! edition.
Old thread!
Get Jinxed! edition.
Old thread!
Games you shouldn't have won
Kled is the cutest boy with the cutest ears and the cutest paws!
Am I teh only one who is getting bored of lol?
shit op
>his waifu isn't pure
>misusing the meme this bad
i got my smurf perma and cracked the code
if you don't want to get permabanned NEVER say anything racist
you can troll as much as you want, just never say anything racist and you will be fine. i've trolled countless games there but this time i asked some frenchie if he was an actual french or some muslim and bang instant permaban an hour after the game
>fill into jungle
>lethal tempo master yi
>mfw pentakill at 14 minutes
>mfw game ended at 15 minutes
>S+ and most honorable
I see the yi zone is still in high silver.
This is True
>Bronze 3
>Trigger nigger needs buf-
can't literally carry games as Soraka
riven dies 4 times vs ww top
vel'koz lvl 1 dies by greeding under tower to kill anivia egg
adc dies 4 times by going for cs when 50 hp
85 cs at 20 minutes top and mid
Holy fuck Mithy looks like soy taking human form
I'm suspending your meme pass
ur waifu is pure shit kid haha
Akali needs to ride my dick RIGHT NOW
Not really user
Soraka is doing the right things and being shown in a negative light
Ashe is doing full retard greifing things but displayed in a positive light
I have a shard for this skin and I'm so badly hoping it ends up god-tier boner-worthy when her rework comes up.
Astute observation from that Yasuo player
Best genderbent champion concepts
Thresh (dominatrix)
Kayn (ara ara~ milf Rhaast & spectral waifu S.A.)
Illaoi (buff druid)
Zac (I really just want to fuck a slime girl)
Probably a Kled skin
no, this is shit and unfunny
another not shen skin who would of thought
>pick morgana
>into braum
why would you do that
>t. virgin meme creator
chads would auto fill each game, play something like thresh, and apologize for doing a KS but use the gold he gets to get 2+ kills for his adc
>no key frags
>then suddenly key frags out my bp every single day
what was meant here
>your raison d'etre is replaced by a minion
>klepto malz
>1/27 grasp rengo who probably just ulted and ran at their fountain all game
>aram build sona
>all those fucking PTAs
>comet ribbon
>MF with 0 lethality
why does this sound so fun
Morgana is a champion that plays herself. If I get shafted with support, I just pick her and then turn my brain off for the whole match.
>chads apologising
your virgin is showing
chad would say he's the adc now the instant he got first blood
Nah, the chad side is supposed to be a parody just as much as the virgin side.
ur face is shit
>key frags daily
>still not moving up in honor
>Katarina shoves and roams
>It's my fault for not stopping her
>chogath nunu kalista
is there any other champs that are hilariously good at baron secures
what the fuck is he gonna do if he can't move haha stupid fucks
>not having waveclear against a roaming champion
your fault
Maybe so, but the meme wasn't misused.
>raison d'etre
Your hoity-toity nerd words don't impress me, homo.
cant wait to see bjergs KDA afterthis game
i dont like the soloq meta where games are decided by 10 minutes
>he picks a mid who cant roam
>free push advantage
>magic shield makes syndra useless
fucking this
cait is british not fucking french
he should have said
>tfw me minge cuppa tea god shite the queen innit
>last BTR literally talking about making LCS the WWE
knowing Riot fellatios every qtpie opinion they will probably try to implement something like that
they honestly just need good casters
>zilean if there's a blast fruit behind the pit and he tosses a bomb over himself and then another when he blasts into the pit
>free push advantage
wtf do you play mid that cant outclear a kat?
She's posh brit, not fucking cockney.
Wtf is up with lcs azirs shitting the bed lately
xth for getting buffed by rito when
Cait is educated tho
>100% scripted games
>150% overdramatic bullshit forced drama and backstory
no fucking thankyou
they need to go back to bo3 and make things as competitive as possible
release new 5v5 maps
are you even watching the game?
Minions can't smash lanes and snipe people from 1000 units away user!
Minions can't crit for 1800 damage!
>nerd words
You're not doing any better though.
finally poppy getting some skin love
When you learn to cs, friend.
a-atleast you bought a pink
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
>Whisper: NEW
>Whisper's 4th shot does not suffer Jhin's normal crit damage penalty
>gets caught
>should probably die
>ninja tabi save the day
you have to apologize to lulu first
Bjerg's KDA is still perfect!
It's kinda hard to get near a kat who got first blood from an invade and had a jungler camping her without instadying
Everytime she roamed I pinged them to back off but they kept fighting only to get her even more fed. I can't follow and roam her I'll die in the river 1v1
fucking kek
>release new 5v5 maps
Just new maps in general
Like they can make the Overcharge and Star Guardian shit but we haven't seen a new PvP permanent map in...?
I love SR as much as the next guy but why can't we have a 2-lanes, 3-jungle-blocks, 3-major-buffs map like a larger TT?
>GAN_ PL___
hmmmmm I wonder which champion this is
>"I should definitely build Ninja Tabi, I'm playing against a physical damage dealer that fights primarily with auto attacks and they scale well"
>build mobis despite being a top laner
>teleporting into minion after just getting ganked
That's Hashinshin levels of idiot right there.
roaming is scary. just pick malzahar and waveclear
I wanna cuddle Jinx and give her my boner plate
>apologizing to myself
she just got a christmas skin
you didn't answer my question. what are you playing that can't outpush kat?
Why is Camille allowed to have a 2000 range gap closer that stuns and gives you an AS steroid???
is Flame retarded?
Why the fuck would you teleport to a minion right after getting killed in a gank, with no vision
The minion closest to river at that
Hashinshin tier lack of common sense
The purest of them all
And as I said I'm unable to get near enough to wave clear without just dying so I have to let it push to me
>that q
why do pros leave wards alive when they spot them with control wards
>demolish doesn't suffer any damage penalties for multiple champs using it simultaneously
>neither champion in the game's only 2v2 lane where the first tower also doesn't have early armour takes demolish
why kill the ward and give away your position?
>place a control ward
unless there is literally nothing better for you to be doing then a control ward basically destroys a stealth ward anyway and its not worth possibly losing a cs over.
only a jungler would be worth doing it.
What if you were using zombie ward and got your own zombie ward out of it?
They don't want to reveal themselves to the enemy team unless absolutely necessary
congrats, you now have a pink ward and a visible zombie ward covering the same spot
you already have a control ward that lasts forever and lasts 4 hits rather than 1 + already blocks wards
Yeah but then you could move your pink ward and still have vision of that brush.
...You realize that if the ward you destroy occupies the same bush that an ally ward occupies you instead get a zombie ward in your trinket slot you have 30 seconds to place anywhere right?
The wards already there, they place a control ward so they already know the position of whoever placed the ward. Obviously if you come back later its not good to kill but I'm saying right as you place the ward they just leave it there and keep farming the jungle
Yeah I'm mostly referring to Mike and Mithy not doing it
Posting to say that I hope TSM loses
impeccable macro game as expected by TSM!