ot: eyosongive.us
no links edition
no faggots allowed
ot: eyosongive.us
no links edition
no faggots allowed
Pls bring back boot enchantments
How do you want your patch 8.4?
I want to look EXACTLY like Cho'Gath.
bring back bo3
should i queue a few games in flex for the hell of it
The banner command is covering the whole map
I did that for stopwatch in the last map I made
>no volibear
>no Baron waving two Banners of Command
shit image desu
PentaKayle is such a nice skin desu.
Thinking about becoming a Kayle main now.
>/lolg/ once again confirmed for being filled to the brim with little bitches who know they can't win lane against a golden god like me
Loving every laugh you faggots are an embarrassment.
Do you ERP with each other to help you cope?
lmao tbqhwy
reminder not to nerf banner of command because fuck late game champions when it's impossible to take their base
either fight for baron or lose pussies you shouldn't win because you wave cleared till 30 minutes into the game
How were the upsets today in NA LCS for you user ?
I am sad 100T lost.
Name 1 champion that isn't viable right now
Post lewds
spirit breaker
I've never had my dick torn off me by a pack of rabid dogs before, but I'm pretty sure it's slightly less painful than laning against Comet Sion.
is sion supposed to be able to take 20% of my hp off of one E? honest question, i dont play top lane much and had to lane against it today when our guy who got top demanded a swap or he was going to feed (fed anyway playing jungle like shit)
>30 minutes
oh (You)
I'll play you if you allow bans.
Summoner name?
Sion's E is bugged and Riot aren't hotfixing it. Calm down he doesn't need to be gutted.
Posting best incubator.
Evelynn is NOT for lewds
the nsfw version of this is the best league fap I've ever had
Riven is cute ! CUTE !
veigar becomes an unstoppable force at 30 minutes so yes
What's the worst a non-intentional feeder has ever done on your team? Just had a Riven go 1/12/0 with 33 farm in 27 minutes, and her duo buddy was 0/3. Both have lost the last three games together; Riven has a fucking 29% winrate
>still no tidehunter in league
>still no axe in league
>still no weaver in league
so no it shouldnt be doing this? thanks user, just wanted to make sure i wasnt playing like absolute dogshit by getting hit by 1 in 10 E's and then getting steamrolled up under my turret
Wonderful, about time.
IGN - Too Lewd
And sure, we can have bans I suppose.
Sorry, my finger slipped, her buddy died SEVEN fucking times
If you get hit you deserve the damage.
But its bugged because the hitbox is like 3x what it should actually be so its borderline impossible to miss it.
Nah senpai. It's damage is accurate at least
While I was getting my first Blue stolen by half the enemy team, allied Twitch decided to take my first Red for himself.
Twitch didn't understand why I never ganked bot that game.
Anyone has a folder of nanoless stuff ? PLEASE ?
Ahh. Didn't see it.
Still, no Volibear?
>Ign: Too Lewd
do you want me to lewd you user ?
I'll be on in a bit, I'm reinstalling the game.
>Phase Rush Garen
At last. Now I truly see.
Volibear was a cheese pick for now. He's significantly stronger but until pros actually start playing him more then I wont add him.
out of the game I recorded i'd say this lucian but he was trying his best, just got cyberbullied a lot
Well obviously I did? We still lose because someone gets caught late game
yeah i got a lewd folder with a few from them why?
i've been assraped by nocturne the last two games. there's just no way around it. he's fucking broken in every aspect.
Your waifu must be at least this big to post in this thread
Good one
>udyr buffs
>udyr buffs
>udyr buffs
opinion completely disregarded
Senpai please, would you share it with me ? :(
Ah you must be the fag that always posts DBS pics
And how long is a bit, enough to play a game in the meantime or?
yeah i didn't see it coming. was he even buffed? i don't remember him having a free shield at lvl 1..
>Waifuing fats
are you sure user ?
>Caitlyn the tower pusher has become Caitlyn the defender of a minion
>Duty is to place traps to protect a banner minion
don't worry, she'll stop doing that when they nerf her some more
I had that subtitle on for ages user calm your autism
but why would I do that?
She also has to kill the enemy bannered minions too!
Imagine playing a champion like urgot and thinking you are hot shit
if you actually wanted to show you are good at the game why not pick a champion that naturally loses most lanes like twisted fate
theres probably a million illaoishitters who feel just like you Too Lewd
Because you're a man of good taste and also sympathetic with other men of good taste alike
Good thing he's bigger anyway.
I give it about two patches before Riot nerfs banner of command.
j4 buffs when
banner has been my favorite item for at least a year now and these lcs shitters are about to get it gutted. thanks faggots
>shit wafu
>guy plays 1v1 me right meow champs
>is a top laner
>blames his team for his losses
he's a walking fucking meme it's absurd
Imagine being so mad that you can't even move
Best Waifu*
pretty please ?
>durr you can't play urgot
>durr you cant' play illaoi either
Fuck outta here. I can play against both of those champs easily, their weaknesses are abundant.
I play Trundle, Voli and Yorick as well.
Urgot and Illaoi are just objectively the most fun so I play them more.
Yes, get the fuck outta here. I want to 1 vs 1 not ERP you faggot.
>not playing 1 vs 1 me champions
The absolute state of these low test, soy fueled little bitches lmao.
umm user no
take your shitty generic waifu away from here
I can name 3 waifus way better than this fatass
whats a waifu?
>win 3
>lose 3
>somehow end up with less lp
get me off this ride
Like hell I can kill it. It has range on her even with rapidfire and trying to do damage off a statikk shiv bounce does nothing on top of it being baroned up.
No practical way to get to it without wiping the baron buffed enemy team. I saw this shit 4 times before the games today and thought it was funny. Now it's not
>Yes, get the fuck outta here. I want to 1 vs 1 not ERP you faggot.
but user your name....
>losing to fucking illaoi
>look him up
>gold 2
>he actually plays illaoi too
Miss fortune
now what?
>not playing 1 vs 1 me champions
>implying I don't
Are you even capable of understanding that not everyone is retarded like you?
How would you react if Taliyah asked you out on a date? Keep in mind: She's a never-been-kissed virgin.
that mad you didnt get a (you) the first time huh?
Wasn't my idea and I don't play enough to get the blue essence required for the name change and I sure as hell ain't spending RP on that shit.
>3 brain dead champions
Why aren't you 1 vs 1ing me you little bitch? We could be going a round right now while I wait for this other guy to finally add me, assuming that ever happens.
kiss her eyebrows
>3 brain dead champions
these goalposts though
>riot STILL didn't hotfixed Sion
ahahaha holy shit how the dev of the most popular game in world can suck dick so much it's hard to belive, not to mention game optimizing is dead since 2016 they should just kill themself
remind me of gp double ult bug who been there for like 2 weeks like wtf how people asaide memlords like hash didn't even blame them?
The next patch goes out in like 3 days man, there's no point in hotfixing him now.
If Goku has transcended into god/angelhood then how come he gets turned into a child by some shitty dragon in GT?
The goalposts are firmly in place.
What are you bawwing your eyes out for now?
Add me up shitter. I'll educate you on how to play top lane properly.
When I try to add Too Lewd it defaults to TooLewd which I assume isn't you.
Is there a trick to adding you?
>plays fiora
>not retarded
pick one
at this point i don't even know if it's irony or not