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/sthg/ #1234 - Fastest Hedgehog edition
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/sthg/ #1234 - Fastest Hedgehog edition
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fuck shadow
I fucking hate you all.
this desu
Bunny is literally best girl
I hope Sonic breakdances in the next game or next movie
Nina Nilestone Never.
Zavok is canonically sexually attractive
wtf breadnic wasn't first post
I. AM. THE 1400.
B-but she's such a cool character! She's Cortex's niece and has a giant robot spider, what more do you want?
I can't believe Wave is fucking dead!!
not. yet.
cringe aside I actually really like that art
especially sonic
Thank god. She was such a shitty character.
This man has been shitting up your Sonic games for the past eight years.
Don't be mean to my dead waifu!
Why are the Deadly Six called the Deadly Six? Like all their names start with 'Z". Why not call them the Deadly Zix or Deadly Zeven or Dead-zlee Six or something. Jesus Christ am I only the only one with a brain here. Did they even bother
>Post 2012 Sonic team
>Any effort
lost world is a bad game.
Don't bother asking questions
If Sonic Boom season 3 does happen, what characters from the games would you like to see? Besides the ones who have already appeared in Boom.
I would have to think twice that someone can decapitate a person with an crowbar, being Sonic that make sense. Outside of that, he wouldn't do this.
Cringe aside, the art looks cool though. Wished Sonic games carried many art piece of different styles like this for illustrations of their games.
I want to know how they'd handle Silver.
Zix sounds too similar to Master Zik
It's a lazy band of villains from an equally lazy game. Reverse engineering them is a waste of time. They look like discount Monsters Inc.
Rogue, Silver, Cream, Blaze, Vanilla, the Deadly Six, Rogue, Espio, Charmy, Rogue, Big, Omega, Silver, Rogue, Infinite before and after he gets the mask, Classic Sonic, and Rogue
First of all, what is the likelihood of Sonic Boom getting a third season?
Watch the new Sonic kart racer get like a perfect 10/10 score somehow and Sonic Team decides to give up completely on Sonic and just have other companies develop kart racers only from now on
THP's streaming some sonic art
Impossible. Reviewers will dock points because it has a playable roster that includes all of the "shitty" Sonic characters.
>On February 10, 2018, Lagardère Entertainment Rights announced that a third season of Sonic Boom is currently in production, which is scheduled to air on Cartoon Network in Summer 2018.
It's already been confirmed.
Sonic Boom S3 is happening.
Answer me this question Sonic fans.
Would you rather?
Sega discontinue the Sonic franchise for good or
have Sonic Team continue to wreck the franchise for another 25 years?
>20 - 03. Sally the Princess Acorn's Back!
Wait, is this wait?
calm down elliot
Cool, I'll check it out.
I wanna draw stuff for practice.
But I want to play Sonic vidya too.
Then again I should go to sleep.
What do?!
Where did they get the episode listings from though?
>25 - 03. Sonic and Sally's Big Adventure
This will be the best eleven minutes our lives. Too many Kentrell episodes this season though.
The entire franchise needs to take a break for two to four years. No games, no comics or other media. Take your fucking time and figure out what you want Sonic to be, Sega.
>check wiki page for Sally
>unironically trying to pass their shitty edits off as real renders
You really think someone would do that? Just go on Veeky Forums and tell ties?
Just kill it. Sonic Team should put their remaining manpower and budget into the franchise they haven't completely fucked up yet.
C: Sonic Team get's rebranned.
No other reason Sonic is shit other than them, and how garbage SEGA is as a whole. But otherwise, you have no other reason. Everyone on the planet that actually fucking GETS Sonic knows how to make a good game in the end.
Relax. He's referring to Rouge's brother.
That's 8 character rigs that have to be made on a shoe string budget, do you realize how long it took to just get vector?
Completely fake.
>Puyobabs wanting Sonic to die
You're almost as bad as the Jet Set Radio fanbase.
You left out Kentrell and Zooey.
Nice Headcanon, HedgeFleshbabs.
Why do fans feel the need to give Rouge a family?
Why do fans care about anything other than gameplay?
What about the TBA for S3 on wikipedia? Not sure what was supposed to be aired yesterday?
Nice misspelling, Bunniebab
If this isn't a retort, most people know Sonic is a video game series. I'd feel bad for the retard than saw the SMB Movie as their first Mario and loved it because nostalgia bias.
That's only on the page for the show, not the list of episodes. Even then, it's wrong, as Sonic Boom hasn't aired any new episodes today at all.
The series was pulled from Cartoon Network and left to die on Boomerang. It's not coming back.
Dream about both.
I for one and am happy it's gone. Maybe one day we'll get a proper Sonic cartoon and not a half-baked Saturday morning sitcom.
Best ship coming through.
Fall asleep while thinking of level design themes and ideas for The Bumper Engine. You are making a level, aren't you, user?
Sonic X had some good moments but far inbetween.
Maybe a Sonic X done right will happen on upon us.
Inb4 It's The Wacky Adventures of Classic and Modern Sonic
I am. And it's gonna be linear & full of boostpads!
Trying to impress Iizuka, ya know?
I'm not.
It was genuinely fun to watch.
It's a shame Sonic fans are too shit to deserve anything good.
Speaking of which, did GHP show a final version of that switch thing?
Yep. Apparently it works by animations, so pressing the button can make whatever animation you want happen. Could be cool for scripted events, or something.
It was mildly enjoyable, and you got 104 episodes for christs sake.
Sonic fans will lap up literally anything that's thrown at them. Maybe the real shame is that Sega is too shit to produce anything good.
Nice, nice.
>Sonic fans will lap up literally anything that's thrown at them.
Is that why so many Sonic fans shat on things like Lost World, Sonic 4 Episode 1, & Forces? There's Sonic fans that have different opinions, but that doesn't mean they "lap up anything thrown at them."
>and you got 104 episodes
No, more like 52 since they're 10 minutes.
>Sonic fans will lap up literally anything that's thrown at them
You mean shit on anything that isn't Classic Sonic.
Can you folks not making stupid generalizations about the Sonic fanbase of all things? It's okay if people liked Boom & it's okay if people didn't. Calm your autism.
>Is that why so many Sonic fans shat on things like Lost World, Sonic 4 Episode 1, & Forces?
They bought every single one of those games, didn't they? I even expected Forces to be a colossal failure, but according to Sega it sold well. So yes, Sonic fans will lap up anything thrown at them. I can't help it if they say mean things about them on the internet after they shell out their money.
>They bought every single one of those games, didn't they?
Considering Lost World did like 700,000 in sales, no. And I can guarantee that even the people who did buy those games have Sonic titles that they don't enjoy.
The Sonic fanbase is so diverse & have so many differing views on pretty much everything involving this series that it's absolutely nonsensical to make a generalization about what this fanbase enjoys or don't enjoy.
I've been replaying the Adventures with jap voices and I remembered how they had the english VAs do some lines in japanese. I think they must have thought it would have the same charm as the way characters (from the jap dub) occasionally say lines in english, like a lot of Sonic's lines. Just a thought.
I hope you die in your sleep.
>unironic shilling
>Of all things that get generalized in the Sonic fanbase, the user worries about boom reviews.
There's more important matters at hand dude.
>inb4 drawfag defense force
Too bad she has extra lives
>You mean shit on anything that isn't Classic Sonic.
Well, if you meant Mania Sonic, sure. But BOY I'm am I shitting on Forces Classic Sonic alright.
It's like it's not about nostalgia, it's about QUALITY CONTROL. Or do you actually think the reason people like Mania is because Green Hill is back AGAIN, but slightly different?
My point is they buy the best games and they buy the worst games. They watch the best shows and they watch the worst shows. If this weren't the case, Sonic would be dead, but 27 years later, here we are.
>It's a shame Sonic fans are too shit to deserve anything good.
Exactly. Boom was exactly what we deserved.
>If this weren't the case, Sonic would be dead
From buying the best games? Or just from not buying the like 4 bad games?
>more like 52 since they're 10 minutes.
Just because they're short doesn't mean they're not episodes. You got 104. Cry more.
Boom fans unequivocally btfo.
>A Show about the adventures of Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic
Why would this be bad? Sounds RAD!
>the like 4 bad games
Uh, you might want to work on your counting skills there, user.
Okay, user.
Honestly, Boom is just an example. I just never got the "Sonic fans will lap up anything/shit on everything" posts people tend to make.
Personally, Boom was one of the better Sonic cartoons, but I'm fine with the show not coming back for a Season 3. It had its run & I'm fine with it ending.
What if Sally was introduced in the game canon as a villain?
I'm ready for the era of cross-dimensional/time-traveling Sonics to be over.
>I just never got the "Sonic fans will lap up anything/shit on everything" posts people tend to make.
My only point is that anything with the name Sonic on it will almost always be commercially successful. That's what I mean when I say "fans will lap up anything." It's not a generalization, it's the honest to god truth.
>Hur Hur my fanbase is weird and quirky.
Glad we killed off this Scarf wearing horse.
RIP Boom. I will not miss you and your cheap self-referential humor and constant fourth wall breaking.
You work for CN? And besides, any of the jokes people tend to get mad at Boom over (like fourth wall breaking & self-referential humor) is not leaving anything Sonic anytime soon, just because Boom died.
And I'll give Boom credit in that I at least laughed at some of the jokes in the show.
Count 'em. Sonic Team (because that's the only big name that seriously matters) has under their belt.
>Sonic 06 (Nearly all can call complete shit)
>Shadow the Hedgehog (Half call it shit, half defends it's better than Heroes)
>Unleashed (Nearly all love it, with a massive hateboner with the Werehog)
>Lost World / Forces (Universally mediocre, Forces in itself has so much Lost World data in it, it's borderline LW2/DLC)
That's 4. 2 of them being regarded more bad than good, one being half and half, and 2 that is basically 1 in the same game is mediocre by many. Just because it's not S3K/Mania, doesn't make any game that's 1 point less than them complete shit. Many fans loves many eras of Sonic, and there is really a minor handfull of Sonic games MADE by Sonic Team that are really poorly executed. Forces being a very close state to be next to Shadow and 06.
>and /co/ eats up those "revolutionary" jokes everytime
You better start liking it because that's all Sonic will be from now on. The Boom characterizations will infect the games now that SoA is in charge of everything and they figured out memes and trash is how you stay hip with the kidz