my wife's most used mount edition
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Blood of Sargeras to gold:
my wife's most used mount edition
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
Fuck levelling after 7.3.5, this shit is unbearably tedious and annoying purely because Blizzard wants to force people to buy level boosts.
Classic WoW can't come soon enough. Back when we only had to worry about 1-60.
1-60 took longer than 110 does today sweaty :)
How do I get an orc gf while being in alliance?
Returning player, level 92 goin through Draenor. I dont own Legion yet... is it worth it at this point to buy it? I know when BFA comes out Legion will join the standard account free stuff so if I buy Legion, I need to basically accomplish everything in just a few months to make it worth while.
Maybe before 7.3.5, I can believe that as it was a breeze, but I there's no way it took longer than the new levelling system. I refuse to believe the game would have had any success if it was this tedious.
That's a big sword!
All human males are getting an orc gf(male) when BfA launches. Just visit the stockades for your turn.
Is spamming dungeons as a mostly self sufficient tank like a blood dk or prot pally still the fastest way to level? Im getting like 50% of a level epr dungeon at late 60s even without dungeon quests or rested bonus and my queues are like 2 minutes. It just seems like questing would be so much slower
>doing midnight karazhan run
>list myself
>solo opera
>warrior joins and immediately zones in with me
>while we're duoing hunstman trash more people join
>they sit afk in dalaran waiting for a summon
>right as me and the warrior kill huntsman the healer goes "we can do midnight with this group :)"
>port out and drop group
It's not bait though, and the pitiful subscriber count(so poor that Blizzard hides it now out of embarrassment) is proof that a LOT of people are also unhappy with the current state of WoW. Like me, these people are also desperately waiting for Classic to come out.
You can't believe that all of the Classic hype is just "bait", right? That'd be the greatest bait of all time if so as it'd have gotten a multi-billion dollar company to fall for it.
BfA will launch late august/early september, so I say buy legion now and don't wait. You can make the gold required to buy bfa in the process of doing whatever you want to do now.
>"Is it worth purchasing the actual endgame or should I just stay in obsolete levelling content from the worst expansion in the game's history?"
There's still half a year left, that's plenty of time to get a good amount of stuff done.
>troll shaman player
It took WAY longer, idiot. You will HATE classic.
>male human warrior
KHF mascot is in friends!
Hope you're all having a wonderful Saturday night!
I think your memory might be faulty, I straight up don't believe you. The game wouldn't have ever been successful if it was truly even more tedious than 7.3.5.
>I straight up don't believe you
Not him but you everything was tedious as fuck in vanilla. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
it doesn't work when the 2 most important warrior players are chads
To put it in perspective, most people would hit level 58 and run out of quests and have to grind mobs in silithus.
just started legion last night, havent played since end of wod. doing aszuna, and those ghost elfs hate their prince because he went against that naga queen chic....then at the end of the quest line they help us and their reasoning was because they saw him go against that same person. did i miss something, or are the ghost elfs just retarded?
I hope you die in a fiery train derailing.
maybe you think its tedious because your autism is compelling you to make 11 scuffed shitstain 110 alts that you'll never play again after they get carried through a single +15 and a single heroic antorus clear by your guild
but hey maybe that's just every other person that complains about the levelling system like it's a prevalent thing in their lives
Are trolls players the most soy in the game?
does this game even have fun ranged specs
not shadow though I want to be relevant in M+
cute transmog
>You can make the gold required to buy bfa
This was only true early on after it released. Over the course of classic many quests were added, especially in the 40-60 range
Balance and ele are the only fun ranged classes
gold was hard to get
everything was expensive
respecing topped out at 50 gold every time you did it and there was no switching specs on the fly, you ran back to a capital city and went to the battlegrounds dudes and you had a trainer there reset your talents. when you leveled up you didn't automatically learn new moves, you had to go to a city and find a trainer to teach them to you, even the higher ranks of skills you already had
tanks could hardly kill anything solo in a reasonable amount of time and they didn't have any self healing. healers did piss damage
mob aggro was a real problem because they were clumped together and there were elites EVERYWHERE
no cross realm
no lfd
if you wanted to complete a dungeon you were very polite and considerate to other players because looking for another person meant screaming across general while another person flew to a main city and spammed trade
there is so much more but I can't really remember it
I don't understand what your image implies
Me and mine have had ENOUGH of dyin' for a man with the name Wrynn. We want no part of this "Battle for Azeroth", leave Westfall be.
>tanking dungeons today
>get bored and ask the randos if theyre having a good day
>worgen female /sits and says "yes sir"
>i immediately instanced out
why the fuck does this always happen to me?
you can use gold to buy wow tokens and turn tokens into the bilz shop for currency which you can buy BfA with
the farming of pots, flasks and all that.
It's not that hard, considering BFA will be 60$ I believe with an exchange rate of 15$ per 190k. That puts it at 760k gold, which is pretty easy to make if you know what you're doing.
Well.. I don't return the sentiment, user
>new westfall textures have been added
What are they gonna do there?
As much as I hate worgen females, you sound like a dick.
at first i thought the hanging boxes were a weird ponytail or some other hair knot/bun
Lets say I'm because I am, and I dont know "what I'm doing". What are some tips? Goin through Draenor right now I still only have like 7k gold
Add some skinny/fat farmers, probably change a lot of the homeless people into skinny humans
westfall revolution against the expansionist policies of the wrynn dynasty
Are you actually a faggot? Why would you deny prime qt doggo pussy?
I started playing male characters for the first time since TBC.
Feels different. I can actually self insert instead of having a crush on my character.
does anyone have a screenshot/vid of a male draenei on shu-zen? I want to see how wack this combo is before I commit to spending money on it but can not find a single image or otherwise anywhere
you're probably already an autogynephile tho
>create a massive civil war for humans so alliance is brought on the same power level as horde once it's over
It is also possible to self insert as a female character, or to not go that deep at all and simply play a character for its aesthetics.
>revered with everyone to fly
>It is also possible to self insert as a female character
Yeah if you're a soy drinking millennial SISSY maybe. Or an actual female irl.
coming from a guy that recently leveled to 60 on lightbringer and got to raid logging status with a full cleared guild within a month a lot of this isnt really that big of a problem because of how outright easy the game is. Honestly the only thing that I disliked was having to do a DM tribute run literally every raid night if you were in a halfway decent guild. A lot of the headache of classic simply isnt going to be there when the majority of the population will be decent at the game and make an attempt to play efficiently which they absolutely will
>It is also possible to self insert as a female character
literally the only rep thats a problem is wardens
I had more problems with the nightfallen desu, they were the last faction I hit revered with. Suramar is cancer
>It is also possible to self insert as a female character
>being so scared of masculinity that you pretend to be a female in a video game
What's cancer was when they forced you to do the longest quest chain in the game while also locking it behind rep.
Is he right, /wowg/?
>WoW will never ever have darker themes and will always look and play like a kids game
>this is what soydies actually believe
the absolute STATE of the horde
>not self inserting as a female character
>look guys i made a shitpost on the general forums
nobody cares rdord, nobody ever cared
good posts good posts
Westfall knows no king but the champion of the Defias, whose name is Van Cleef.
I want a new civil war that leaves stormwind in ruins so it makes sense they can't just destroy the horde
As you strike the finishing blow against the old gods carapace, your eyelids grow heavy. Darkness. Silence. Then the clattering of glasses, the song of music. You open your eyes and see yourself in the Dalaran Pub along with orcs, humans, elves, dwarves, draenei and more. "W-what happened?" you struggle to heave your head upwards from the bar. A tauren next to you taps you on the shoulder softly, dislocating it. "What happened! you were out cold for a few good minutes! But not as cold as the lich king bhahaha" the tauren laughed. The dwarven barkeep silences the dwarven bards that made their fine dwarven music on proper dwarven instruments. "And now, a moment of silence for the events at the wrathgate.". Silence strikes the bar and you find a moment of reprieve amongst the new chaos you find yourself in. The past 4 expansions have all been a dream, conjured up by the old gods, and are now no more. Deciet, A lie, fake. You attempt to come to your senses before a sharp, loud yet familiar voice rings through the sky. "CITIZENS OF DALARAN..."
I forgot what self insert meant. Anyways you can play a female character without thinking about how you wanna fuck it, nothing wrong with that.
>tfw no qt emo void elf gf to cuddle with and do freaky void tentacle things with
Why would you play a female character if you don't even want to fuck it, all they have going for them is sex appeal.
only fags and trannies play female characters
I only play male characters
t. fag
The absolute state of the white race. Shit like this would never be accepted in any non-white culture.
Actually adorable desu, wish this happened to me
>Non white masculinity
i love jail l0l
get to max level, get alch/herb. max your followers for about 3-4k gold a day from missions with 200% them. sell flasks, do wq for bloods of sargeras, make potions of prolonged power, ah them too. you make way more the more alts you have at 110 with order hall missions.
i have 1 of each class maxed, but i only play 1 guy, the other 11 just log in once a day, do missions, collect gold and then on to my main
Female characters are the exact same as male characters, only appearance wise are they different, there's no loss for playing one. I main a male and your logic is fucked. Is sex all you think about?
There's cultures where playing a different gender in a computer game in unacceptable?
But when can I BE a void elf
Farm medallions of the legion.
Want to know what happens to black boys who say faggot shit like "you can play a female character without thinking about how you wanna fuck it, nothing wrong with that."? They get the faggotry beaten out of them by their male family members, the way it should be.
White families instead embrace this feminine bullshit and feel all nice and tolerant for accepting it. No wonder their women are looking elsewhere.
>doggo girl hears the word "good"
>sits down and expects headpats
you're the animal here
>There's cultures where playing a different gender in a computer game in unacceptable?
If my Dad caught me playing a woman in a videogame then my PC would be smashed within ten minutes, probably along with my face. Black fathers don't mess around, they want their sons to be masculine not mentally ill trannies who think they're women.
>niggers go apeshit when they see something they don't understand
>want to play alliance because i enjoy the aesthetics and the fact i get to be a white man
>want to play horde because it increases my chances of getting a qt punk gf irl
help me make my decision for bfa, /wowg
that kind of mindset is probably why 90% of your race is in crippling poverty lmao
Make sure to copy the culture of a people who have produced nothing but violence
>self insert as a female character
Self instert that dildo, faggot
I think your baiting, otherwise you have a severely unstable father who probably has issues. Like I know for a fact my old gm played a female character, and he was married to the co-gm who was his wife.
you get revered from the questline itself
they removed the rep reqs a few patches ago
Women don't play this game.
There's nothing to understand about effeminate men cutting off their dicks and pretending to be female. That's degeneracy and white people with their endless crusade for "tolerance" are the only ones who accept it.
When I was a little boy, I was a effeminate pussy. If I'd been raised by a white family then I'd probably be dickless right now and considering suicide. Thankfully my family knew how to fix that and save me from the path of faggotry.