Opinions on this human being?
Opinions on this human being?
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He's superdry apparently
ayy lmao
I like him, seems like a really nice man and he definitely knows his shit.
Nice guy, knows what he is talking about, and occasionally he tries out really strange sideburns.
I prefer Skallagrim, he's more interesting.
SJW "Fighters Against Racism" bullshit left a stench to his otherwise great achievements.
SJW, really? Anyone who supports progressive ideas is an SJW now. He is a leader in his community and he supports unity.
Im sure you would gain the respect of your peers by walking around with a swastika on your chest, but Mat isnt a fucking retard.
>I prefer Skallagrim, he's more interesting.
But about 1/10th as knowledgeable.
Fuck off, numale. He's practising a European heritage but supports destroying it at the same time, in the long term. Europe is for white people. You don't see shitskins inventing Italian renaissance swordsmanship, do you? It's a EUROPEAN heritage for EUROPEAN people, who are WHITES. But of course, unless Hollywood whitewashes it again with casting Fiore dei Liberi with a nigger.
Also, why do you type like that?
reddit. Make it one paragraph, you cuck.
Lindybeige is way better and more knowledgeable than both Matt and Skall. Matt has no sense of humour and Skall is a furfag.
>It's a EUROPEAN heritage for EUROPEAN people
>*Adopts asiatic curved saber.*
>He enjoys learning about his own culture so he has to hate anyone who isn't a part of that
How much of a simpleton are you? Why don't you put complex thought into what you think of others instead of lazily classifying people?
Lindy is not as knowledgeable as Matt. Lindy fucking thought flails were just a meme even though numerous used war flails have been found in Poland and throughout Asia
>It's a EUROPEAN heritage for EUROPEAN people, who are WHITES
>Europe is a single entity.
>Talking about Whiteness.
American detected
Go back to your guns.
>Muh progressivism.
>Muh unity.
>Muh liberalism.
>Omg I am so intelligent.
Lol, look what your diversity is doing for Sweden and Germany.
At least prior to that we were getting immigrants that actually integrated. Now, we're getting old-world Islamists who form auto-segregating micro-cultures inside our macro-cultures.
Well done, all your cultural Marxism has done is shift the issues of the Middle East into Europe.
Get fucked you platitudinous pseudo-intellectual.
By the way, current year and moral grandstanding without an actual argument aren't true, or valid points.
Fuck off he said they weren't common which is true. He also has a degree in archaeology and used to teach in a university.
Love it, it is literally all:
I honestly wouldn't be too shocked if that all was samefagging.
Guys, try and make some solid points without only using emotion as your backing, mhm?
>he doesn't understand moderation
yeah, Sweden and Germany are overdoing it. That doesn't mean you should be a retarded skin head and chimp out on random refugees for trying to find a decent life.
Im just shitting on you for being American, what's the moral highground in that?
I accept the women, children and fathers, actual families. But not the majority who are men of fighting age, many of them not from war torn countries, didn't stop at countries that aren't war torn and are willing to 'burn' their 'Islamic brothers' and claim they are children just to get into the United Kingdom (for example).
Sorry, buddy, your appeal to emotion isn't going to work here.
t. Prussia pro
I'm British, you fucking faggot, I'm just standing up for someone who hasn't been infected with the 'liberal' virus. Sure, he's taking it too far and applying it to race, rather than culture, but that doesn't mean you can shit on him whilst I'm around.
progressivisim =/= liberalism
Being against racism doesn't mean you want your country filled with Muslims.
Go home, Polack.
'Liberals' use progressivism (regressivism) as the 'reason' for many of their policies.
>Can't make a solid come back.
>Goes to plan B, ad hom.
>Nyeh, got him.
>+1 to my virtuous sticker book.
It wasn't an appeal to emotion, that's literally what the "unity" group is. Don't be cunts to each other. I don't know why you're even tying all of this other shit into this thread. This is not /pol/, go there if you want to sperg about, muh white genocide.
Love it, you're clearly not reading what I'm writing. I have no issue with race, I have no issue with religion. I do have an issue with pretentious liberals trying to grandstand EVERYWHERE they go and attacking anyone for a somewhat dissenting opinion.
Your personal attacks don't wash with me, buddy, I'm not afraid of your liberal 'slash and burn'.
>Admits he's a polack
Get trashed m8.
No I didn't? You attempted to use it an insult, which didn't work, so you attempted to used it as an insult in a different manner. You guys literally don't learn. *clap*
So you think all liberals want progressive policies? That's like me saying all conservatives want the gays to be prosecuted.
What are you even babbling about? This is a thread about Matt Easton and you and the other /pol/ visitor decided to gush about not liking him because of some group that he's in that's anti-racist. The rest of us told you that you sound like imbeciles and you got defensive and pretended this was a formal debate or something without anyone even saying what they believe. What is the point of what you are saying and how does it relate to this thread?
Only Polack chavs talk about "whiteness" in the UK.
Most nationalists end it with whatever shitty bit of the UK they come from like England or Scotland and then fill themselves with tattoos like the white niggers they are.
>Didn't use an absolute.
>Tries to apply an absolute.
Umm, no?
Actually, no, I called him boring: (). Nice try though, trying to tar me with the same brush. I'm just defending him from your liberal mob mentality.
That's great information, but I don't have tattoos and come from a decent family of mostly academics and military men.
Sure Paulie Polski. Whatever you say.
t. kike
Not even that guy you're replying to by the way.
Sure thing, just like I could easily say: "I don't believe your trite about nationalist chavs." Therefore, we've reached a moot point.
Anything else?
>prefers skallagrim
of course such an autist like yourself would watch that guy
>Le Context man.
Best way to approach history desu. Also I like the video where he explains the how handguards showed up.
>Has run out of legimiate standpoints.
>Plan B, again.
>Ha ha, got 'im. :'D
>+1 to my virtuous sticker collection.
fuck off im not even the guy youre arguing with
Fucking hell, so that's what? Three Veeky Forumstorians with shit trolling ability.
Keeping scores in Internet fights is pretty autistic.
Just ignore him, he's trying to derail the thread into /pol/ nonsense because he just can't let any of it go. Let the fool think he wins so we can all just talk about Scholagladiatora in peace. He'll get bored as soon as no one is paying attention to him and go back where he belongs.
>Matt has no sense of humour
The whole post is obvious bait but anyway, someone didn't see the "cutlasses, calipers and innuendos" vid.
He has shit delivery. But going to Matt for humor is like going to the doctor to order a cheese sandwich.
It really is, though, I'm not surprised that liberals are lackluster.
>J-just i-ignore him... h-he'll leave.
I defended someone, because you were mobbing up on him and now you're trying to make me seem like the dick? Whoa, guys, check our this liberals big ol' virtue, he really wields his e-penis around.
>I defended a guy trying to derail a thread by derailing it even more
>Poor little guy was getting mobbed on the Chinese cartoon website and couldn't defend himself
Just go if you don't want to talk about this topic. No one is stopping you.
Sorry, am I making you distressed? Poor baby, I'm so sorry for ruining 'your' internets for you. I honest to God forgot that you, solely you, own the whole internet. - How about stop acting like such a self-righteous entitled prick?
post video link
Looks like how I imagine the average his poster.
Okay so out of 920 videos he has a few funny ones. Meanwhile Lindybeige is entertaining in every single video.
Skall vs Matt
Who do you think would win?
He's a really good guy and a great fencer. Shit handshake though limp fish as fuck.
He likes to open carry absurdly large weapons and is proGun in the UK.
So a top guy all in.
This isn't even remotely in debate. Skallagrim by his own admission isn't very good. He's just a
keen amateur.
He's about as far from an SJW as a Londoner (close enough) can get but he is still a Londoner afterall so you're not far wrong.
Fighters against Racism and Esfinges are pretty cringe to be fair but back in the early 2000s when everyone was turbo lefty and SJW as fuck HEMA was often mistaken as a white supremecist thing simply because it was specifically European. Thank God things have mellowed to a little more Centrist in the UK at least.
Hi guys, Matt Easton here, scholagladiatoria.
I get a lot of questions about [outlandish pophistory theory].
First off, context.
Secondly, while I haven't ever seen this outlined in any of the sources, and personally think it's a load of rubbish, I can't be certain that it never happened, so yeah, it probably happened.
Cheers folks.
I'm a /pol/ack myself and I guess a white nationalist at heart in a apathetic sort of way but in the interest of accuracy there is a lot of black fencers in European history.
Here being the most famous: en.wikipedia.org
Even Paulus Hector Mairs manuscripts have some blacks.
I cringe at diversity in all it's form but these manuscripts are full of both women and other races so the those who revel in progressiveness have alot to work with.
There's also these dudes, who are trying to reconstruct various Historical African Martial Arts
Da'Mon Stith is a really cool guy and super dedicated to what he does but the resources he has access to are pretty limited
Looks like a good group. I'd like to see what they're style ends up looking like if it has a heavy Copoeira influence.
They have about as much actual historical credence as Lightsaber school though right, but whatever more martial arts in the world the better.
Is the rumour that he killed a man true?
I've never got a straight answer past 'yes'.
I don't know honestly I keep meaning to find out, I don't know Matt himself very well but I know some old frieinds of his who no doubt know but i've found it an awkward question to bring up and wouldn't be surprised if it's a troll he puts out to spot internet lurkers.
They do have the benefit of looking at stick fighting demonstrations in places like Ethiopia and South Africa, as well as artwork from Egypt, West Africa and Ethiopia. And the British were nice enough to document a little bit about how the Beja used swords during the Mahdist War, and the French wrote a little about how Haitians used machetes during the revolt there. But yeah apart from that by their own admission there's a lot of guesswork. They could always go to some of the more bumfuck parts of Africa like the Central Congo and the Ethiopian Highlands and look at ritual mock fights there but they probably don't have the budget for that.
Still very cool frankly. I'm not a big diehard believer in historical accuracy in HEMA either past the fact that it is contrary to what some might take as first impression a fantastic and legit martial art. There's still a shitload of guesswork or at least fine tuning research in HEMA that and confirmation bias. I've heard 'This technique is just like [the martial art I grew up with] so I'll teach it with that style!' or at least that attitude countless times now and the variation is obvious.
Not in a bad way only enough that I don't turn my nose up at even more sketchy arts like these boys.
Tell ya what though that club seems pretty fucking expensive. Doing all their adult classes twice a week's 150dolla a month. Fuck that.