ITT: Veeky Forums things which trigger your autism

ITT: Veeky Forums things which trigger your autism

>Retards who don't know Anglo-Saxons and the Norse were Germanic
>Retards who think all sub-saharan africans are bantu
>Retards who don't know Aryan means Northern Indian and Iranian
>Retards who don't know Japan got the bulk of it's high culture from China

Other urls found in this thread:'s_undefinability_theorem

>Retards who call it the war of northern agresssion

>Retards who say states have rights

People who call Shakespeare and early modern English
>"Old English"

Seriously. Jesus fuck.

To a lesser extent the phrase "my/your/their truth"

>To a lesser extent the phrase "my/your/their truth"

>it wasn't about slavery, it was about state's rights/labor costs/tariffs/the cultural divide/the northern population boom/the illuminati/aliens

>Retards who say people have rights

>Hong Xiuquan wasn't the brother of Jesus Christ or rightful Emperor of China

There's no such thing. They're expressing either their experience or a belief, that's it. It cheapens and misuses the word "truth". I'm admittedly a lefty-loo, but that mishegoss is a bridge too far.

This is the really triggering one

>People saying the Aztecs, or any of the native americans were """"stone age""""
>People saying they didn't invent the wheel
>People saying that Aztecs/Mexica were savages that deserved to be wiped out

While they certainly weren't savages you can't deny the Aztec where some scary, scary people. And espeically during the 1500's you can't deny that it would be easy to assume otherwise.

Damn, you beat me to it.

Heyo That aside

When people assume X country has been around for a billion trillion years. Some countries are pretty damn old sure but I don't think i've ever been more triggered than when some asshole was trying to talk history and said Germany has been around "since the roman empire"

Not the germanic tribes

Not the >____ _____ ______

The country

>retards who think a single drop of blood was shed over "faith"

Yeah but to be fair so was basically everyone else in the 1500s, although Aztecs took it to a bigger degree than most.

>Confusing the Aztec with the Maya.
>Retards assuming Incas were similar to the Aztecs or in Mesoamerica.
>The Olmecs were black.

C'mon, sure it was a harsh time but most people didn't just flow and endless river of blood forth to their gods, hoping they won't destroy the world.

People who don't like the enlightenment. I'm sorry. I just don't get it

I think that's mostly a meme because of >Voltaire and Enlightenment historians/philosophers shitting on the middle ages.

Are people who go on about how savage MesoAmerican human sacrifice was unaware of the fact that various European groups were known to burn people alive, tie people up and pull the flesh from their bones with what were essentially pliers, shove red hot pokers into people's orifices, and force people to swallow excrement at this time?

thee real niggas know what's up

>people who don't recognize US Grant was the greatest general of the civil war and one of the greatest in human history

>an history
>an historical

Why is this such a common thing? It's so annoying. And recently I've been seeing "an hereditary" as well. WTF?

>people who insist Hitler did something wrong

The sun ain't gonna feed itself.

>he chose to antagonize Britain instead of allying with them against the Soviets
>he set all the branches of the Wehrmacht and their procurement arms against each other out of some kind of Social Darwinism
>he is directly responsible for Germany being burnt to the ground

Retards who represent early feudal chivalry with a closed armet from the 17th century
Retards who think all knights wore plate armor
Retards who think muskets can't hit anything past 40 meters

>le ebin "all infantry is supposed to clash and die in a battle" meme
>le ebin "how can cavalry works when there are pikemen" meme
>le ebin "italy sucks at war" meme
>le ebin "we wuz good guys n shiet" meme when talking about any past empire, but most specifically america and great britain

>christcucks still insist that the Bible was created out of thin air, in one piece, and wasn't influenced by any preceding religious themes/traditions at all

Oh yes, you're one of those.
The fucking cancerous "christcucks", "papists" spawn. You are the WORST. Like, worse than /r/atheism. Everytime I read the word "papist" and realize you wrote it unironically, I cringe so hard I might just open a tumblr and list it among my triggers. It's the lingo of a 14 years old that's trying SO HARD to sound edgy and contrarian, it almost makes me question whether you know what it means in the first place, but of course you dont. You're too busy parroting it in order to "fill in" with the other autists here. And I can already see the replies to this post:"lol buttmad papist", "t. assblasted christcuck"; because this is the only level of discussion that can be expected from the likes of you, filthy schismatic heretics, and I mean that unironically.

Tales of European cruelty are exaggerated. They happened, but the numbers and details are exaggerated.

>Tales of European cruelty are exaggerated.
yeah, because the Spaniards certainly didn't do that to the New Worlders....

Oh yes, you're one of those.
The fucking cancerous "proddie", "proddie scum" spawn. You are the WORST. Like, worse than /r/catholicism. Everytime I read the word "proddie" and realize you wrote it unironically, I cringe so hard I might just open a Conservapedia and list it among my sins. It's the lingo of a 1691 years old that's trying SO HARD to sound KJV biblical and non-polytheist, it almost makes me question whether you know what it means in the first place, but of course you dont. You're too busy parroting it in order to "fill in" with the other idolaters here. And I can already see the replies to this post:"lol buttmad proddie", "t. assblasted non-statue worshipper"; because this is the only level of discussion that can be expected from the likes of you, filthy whore of Babylon, and I mean that unironically.

Touchè. But my point still stands, because I sure as hell havent uttered "proddie" so far.

nicely retorted.

>"Ancient" Aztec civilization
>Persians are Arab
>"Fall" of Rome in 476
>America did all the job in WW2

>implying objective truth is possible

all truth is inherently "your truth or my truth"

deal with it's_undefinability_theorem

Retards who don't understand that Finns aren't indigenous people in Europe but descended from militaristic invaders similar to Turks in Central Asia and Anatolia.

Look at shit like burning at the stake, pressing, pears of anguish, drawing and quartering etc. that the euros were doing around the same time or a bit earlier/later, sometimes for religious reasons as well.
>inb4 I get called cultural marxist because of the blind eye people criticising aztecs always turn to euros

It's grammatically correct to precede any word beginning with an 'h' or a vowel with 'an', rather than 'a'
Though admittedly it does suit some accents better than others when reading aloud
For instance I, being a Yorkshireman, would probably pronounce 'an history' as 'an 'istory' if speaking quickly
Americans might pronounce it 'ay history', with emphasis first letter of the word 'history'

*on the first

I don't understand the difference between a country, nation and state.

>Metalworking, seafaring, megalith-building, farming Europeans were 'uncivilised' before the Romans arrived

>Stonehenge is just a pile of rocks

>Incas and Aztecs were ancient peoples

>People who conflate the slave trade and colonialism, and refuse to accept that contemporary African states benefited from the former

>Britain turned India into a 3rd world country

>People who claim seven centuries of Moorish rule in Spain or six centuries of Ottoman/Turk rule in Constantinople is 'occupation'

>Ignorance of the white slave trade in North Africa and the Middle East

>Ancient Egyptians were black

>Ancient Egyptians were white

>King John was a great monarch for signing Magna Carta

>people who use degeneracy as a basis for historical discussion and as an explanation for events, particularly the fall of Rome

>Metalworking, seafaring, megalith-building, farming Europeans were 'uncivilised' before the Romans arrived

But this is true except Greeks were the first European civilization that surpassed the Neat-Eastern ones.

>people who blame ww1 on anyone other than germany

>he thinks metal working, stacking rocks together, and farming qualify as 'civilized'

by that logic all major civilizations in the Americas in the immediate precolumbian era were civilized

while not being THE reason for the fall, it certainly was a part of the problems that Roman Empire had.

Hum, They were you dumb retard

Kill yourself, kiddo. "Degeneracy" hasn't been a legitimate argument for the fall of the Roman Empire since Gibbon in the late 18th century.

Why don't you outline your reasons for the fall of the Western Empire without using /pol/ terminology.

A state is the government

A nation is the people

I'm not too sure what a country is, but I think it's the land?