/assg/ general

IH + Infantry Belt edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

still typing in post game chat after 5 minutes:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Ace! Ace a cute slut!

>Have literally never played vs a pig and not had the key be in the 4th box I check
>4th box is right next to the hook that has the meg that had sandbagged me for a free second hook earlier
>pig is camping them with no terror radius

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun gaaaaaaaaaaame


>Pale rose
>Get a trap put on me
>Map is so fucking big and the puzzle boxes are on the corners of the map
>3 boxes and nothing
>Headed to the last one
>Fucking shitter david leads the pig right to it
>She doesn't see me but it wastes to much time
>Die mid-way through searching

>Being into men with prolapsed anuses and STI.

>unlock bond III & Open Handed III on nea since I’m using her for cheap red envelopes & easy bp
>actually surviving 90% of my matches from how fucking powerful it is
Christ. I get it. This is even better than my steatlh setup from before. Why don’t more people use at least Bond?

I want to drown my worries and sorrows in alcohol with feng min

>Things I made up just now

>You're p3 all perks on the 3 worst killers in the game
End my life.

Who's the fourth worst killer?
Gotta do them next

Imagine being a 53 year old man who hangs out with 13 year old girls AND being a shitter at this game

I assume the freddy is used ironically


Who doesn't want to fuck 13 year old girls?

Skebap, skebap.

Because then they couldn't run le ebin troll build.

the last dev stream was the first one I've ever watched and holy shit that was dry. are they all like that? it felt like people were holding guns up towards their heads just outside of the frame

You just watch to hope they bring up new DLCs or balance changes and look at gay porn

why samefag tho?

The ones with some other designer or artist in the co-pilot's seat are normally not bad, and occasionally pretty informative.

If it's butter_queen it'll be a shit stream.


They're not all like that, but the last 3 or so were some of the most boring I've seen. It's only worth watching in case they announce something big or piss off the fanbase with flippant answers to important questions. go play Civ

Considering what mcote said last stream, they probably where.

except, yes.

Should stop being offtopic though user.

They're wishing they could be playing Civilization.

I vote that we collectively adopt "go play civ if this is too stressful for you" as our standard response to survivor salt/

Huntress is waifu

No, because the original response was due to killer being too stressful
did you not even watch the stream?

Yes, I'm aware, but it's such a memeworthy line that I have no problem spinning it around.

>Hag on Autohaven
>Only level 15, running first level ruin and devour hope
>Survivors crush first four gens
>SB, SC all over the place
>They get Ruin and find my Devour Hope eventually
>End up camping the totem
>Don't even check gens
>They keep just running to me and getting hooked
>When they get unhooked, they run right back to the totem
>4K eventually
>"Man, Hag really is OP, huh?"
I can't tell if people are joking or are legitimately retarded and that worries me.


Fuck off


>couldnt even save the image to memories and post it without the fuckin UI
I get that people who play dbd are slower, but come on

That's some tryhard shit right there

>not being into it
What are you, gay?

The real issue is that Ace is an Argi. Tangentially related but can we agree that White Panama hat Ace is the most obnoxious survivor in the game?

No survivor is more obnoxious than any form of Claudette.

Page 10 unhook

So how bout that dang ol dead by daylight huh? What a game

*blocks the unhook prompt*

I’ve played against multiple Freddys and Hags lately but not a single Wraith in weeks.

ded thred
Post a perk, first four are my build.

Object of obsession


no mither


This will be interesting.

Bonus Round: Pick my item, add-ons optional.

Use the broken key to bait the killer into bringing Franklin's

How the fuck do i play billy? I feel like I never get to get close enough to chainsaw someone. Im like rank 9 and usually play nurse.

Here's a tip, if your on someone's ass and revving your saw, move backwards, it makes it surprisingly easy to hit

The best training wheels you can have is using both addons that reduce stun time when you miss. After you get those equipped, don’t be afraid to assrev. You won’t lose them unless you make a completely retarded sprint.
The other thing is just use it as a taxi rather than downing survivors for now. It takes practice & since the Season Reset is so close, you might as well wait till then to get the hang of it. Any survivor worth a grain of salt in green ranks knows how to avoid a new Hillbilly’s attempts to use the chainsaw

Had to go do some chores, I'm back now.

Let's do this.

First try. I'm guessing the Billy was doing a daily. He downed me once, a David distracted him and I crawled away, got up by myself, did two gens and a half, a couple of totems, searched a chest and generally avoided trouble. Billy was guarding one of the entrances, and I'm guessing the hatch was there too because he was unmoving. I just opened the other door and left.

Well, since I survived on one try, let's do another.
Post a full build, items and offerings optional. The build that gets 7, 8, 9 or 0 on their post number wins.
Dubs can trump those numbers, trips trump all and so on and so on.

Leadership, This Isn't Happening, Kindred, Open-Handed
Take the lowest-quality item you have, with the lowest-quality offerings.

Well that was quick.
This post wins unless someone gets dubs in the next 60 seconds.

Streetwise, Openhanded, Vigil, Bond.
Take a rangers medkid with the 10+ charge addon & a Syringe. Use a macmillen offering. Be the helper of the match.

OK, here we go.

Sorry, maybe next time.

I survived, technically.
This was a stupid game. I'll do another one.

Do the build recommended

What happened here

>derank some shitter rank 1 girl gamer survivor who ragequit because they got downed the third time
>they've been crying for the past 5 minutes about "tunneling and camping" with their friend who also died
>the other survivor actually was saying that i played completely fairly
>got rank 5 too

absolutely worth the stress of playing killer

Huntress chased somebody, probably gave up on the game, everyone did gens. On last gen, I tried to find totems to kill any chance of NOED, but the last gen was done before I could get more than two. Lo and behold, NOED happened. I was slugged, someone else got slugged, the other two t-bagged at the door I assume and left us for dead.
Then the Huntress picked us up and let us go.


I'm guessing you meant the Bond/Vigil/Open Handed/Streetwise one. I'll do that now.

I died against a P3 Piggu. It was mildly annoying, mostly how close everything and everyone was. I couldn't move one step without hearing the heartbeat or seeing someone getting chased.

Oh hey, swap out leader and this is not happening for bond and adrenaline and that's actually a build I use pretty often lately

Is there a way to tweak wraith to make him any better without a huge overhaul? Im thinking things like increase sound of range of bell sound but no cloak/decloak sound or let him break pallets in ghost form but it makes no noise or something.

Chuckie DLC when? Itd be like playing Oddjob in Goldeneye and barring Candyman, Scream, and Hell Raiser there is no fucking franchises left to tap that I can think of.

Give him chainsaw sprint speed while cloaked.

He can already break gens and pallets while cloaked.
He needs to not be a snail while uncloaking and have Windstorm not increase reappearance time like it used to.
Give him the chance to have a free hit while cloaked (uncloaking him in the process) and be able to do gen/hook grabs while cloaked and he'll be decent.

I got killed by Piggu twice, and both times I had to use the syringe on myself because everyone was far and never got the opportunity to do some instaheals.
It's kinda funny that it worked now against a Strimmer Nurse.

Well, enough random build shenanigans for today. I'll just play normally with my crutch perks, or play Civ or something.

>gen grabs
>hook grabs
I sense this would just turn him into a leatherface lite.

Very fast Phillip moving at incrediblely high speeds

Well I don't think you can have one without the other. But being able to interrupt while in stealth would be great.

>watching Marth88's experiment of SWF perkless squad, first game
>game barely lasts over 3 minutes

Fucking wow.

gen rush isn't real though

3 minutes because they rushed the gens or were all sac’d?

Gens were done in 3 minutes and a half, then killer DC'd. Huntress didn't get ANY hooks.

It's a Perkless Squadette with comms. There were always people working on gens while one kept the killer busy.

Make his one add that lets him see auras in close proximity while stealth a standard part of his kit. Just call it SOUL VISION and no one will care.

I’ve had it up to here with the grind. I’m ready to get all of my killers to level 50 with all perks at least. What links do I need to hack my BP. I already got the EAC one.

Because SWF is cheating and the devs don’t give a shit.

If you've already disabled EAC all you need to do is open CE, attach the DbD process, and search your BP amount. Then spend some and search the new amount. Repeat until you find the right address, double-click it to add it to the table, and modify/freeze the value.

what do they mean by this

>lightborn with no flashlights

i have no good perks yet

and i usually cannot be assed to change

>You have x hours and you still camp XD you're so bad!

When are survivors going to realize camping is a strat you some times have to employ?
Especially when you know there are assholes around the hook

>game crashes as match starts
>lag out a minute in
>game crashes during loading screen
>lag out a minute in
>get to play the game, die before the event gen gets done because I'm bad and my teammates are worse
console is suffering, good luck to y'all

how are people this dumb

>Run Object of Obsession
>Killers won't even bother with me

Whenever I see someone with OoO I assume they're doing it to waste my time so I don't go after them unless I just happen upon them or they're one of the last left

It's flashlight clicking in perk form; the killer assumes you're on comms with the rest and chasing you is first is a mistake because it's what you want. You'd take four gens to catch and then they'd just get decisived and you all would leave.

Fingerguns emote for Ace when?

Better animations in general when?

>Emotes exclusive to a character
Never. Besides, they hate Ace.

It implies they’ll make new content that isn’t a recolour so never

>Using OoO unwillingly
>I'm the Obsession
>Stare at the killer from afar
>He sees me
>Spam Ctrl a few times
>He goes somewhere else and doesn't even acknowledge me for the rest of the game

OoO is the true crutch perk

What about Killer emotes? Or just general emotes that you can buy with shards?