Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1702

Zenkai no /llsifg/!: Current Events
JP: UR Punk Rock Yoshiko Scouting / Upcoming KotoMaki Score Match (3/5)
EN: Christmas HonoUmi Chafes

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Other urls found in this thread: Live! School Idol Project Chapter 27.rar

Why did Kamiyu remove me guys...

Reminder to remove Kamiyu.

First for my lovely wife Dia-chan! We are going to sleep together soon so we can enjoy our Sunday together before we get busy from work again! Of course, I will tenderly kiss her beauty mark before we sleep!

Also, that other guy is a fake and I hope he is able to move on and accept that he cannot marry Dia. Anyone who likes Dia can’t be a bad person, so I’m sure he’ll be okay once he gets over this phase.

I love Kotori!

I stroked her mole dude. TENDERLY. Therefore, she is claimed. You get nothing. No waifu. You lose. She's mine.

Who else had Kamiyu remove them?

nobody cares about kamiwho

I don't see how what you did in your imagination affects the status of my marriage, but I think it would be best for you to go to sleep soon as well.

Umi is love.


Don't feel bad about it. Just draw a mole on Eli and it's basically the same thing.

My favorite is my dog! A German Shepherd Lab mix! She’s the cutest puppy ever!!

local love.


Is that really all you think of Dia for? Just her mole? Why don't you just find any girl with a beauty mark (or mole as you call it, which is also quite rude)? Or even draw one on her yourself if that's the only reason you love Dia.

Her mole is the source of her power. All who gaze into it are entranced by the allure of the mole, termed "mollure".


kamiyu please add me back...

amazed at how large they are!! o_O

For magnets.

my kotomaki comrade

That's simply not true!

She also has a lisp.

magnets you say.

Fake magnets*
Real magnets are ChikaYou


stop namedropping yourself gayboy

>chikayou crackshitters forcing their crack because of seiyuushit


>not aggreing their seiyuus like other seiyuus

no user that's not how it works

They are lovers

>chikayou crackers coming out of their cuckshed

>Shipping them because they sung a song about how both of them in love with handsome boy
Peak of autism, even Kanan hater samefag can't compete.

Posting the real canon Maki ship

it can't be helped when chikayou are also popular like magnets.

Fuck off Josh

Who are the fighting diafags? They're cute desu

>Shipping them because they sung a song about how both of them in love with handsome boy
Beat in Angel lmao

who told kamiyu to remove me

don't namedrop yourself kamiyu

>Kiddies amazed at how large Emma's Emmas is
FFS, she's not even the biggest.

See Chiduko.

>Shipping them because their seiyuu wore a red and blue chink dress
Peak of autism, even kumori samefag apologist can't compete.

actually, it's just about their seiyuus being lovey dovey.

>japan megacorp pays two girls to act like they're friends
>retarded spergs: omg they r lovers

Chapter 27 of the SIP manga is done. Live! School Idol Project Chapter 27.rar
Tell me if you see anything wrong with the translation and it'll be uploaded on Dynasty eventually.

Cute gay garden.
Hope you guys like it!

Sora and pile hated each other, but people sill ship them

that's actually really cute desu

>The more you like someone, the more you want to tease them

This explains all the namedrop drama
Anons with cute crushes! Kyaaa!




Powerful ship. Honoka's personality goes nice with Maki's.

Does anyone have ZuraWho's collage from last year?

I now ship DiasSpouse x other DiasSpouse

they r magneds xD

Imagine meeting your /llsifg/ crush only to find out you're both scruffy dudes and you don't find each other attractive at all

Thanks TL anons

this is a cute ship


How can NicoMaki recover after something like that?


he's right. it's perfect.

Honoka has personality. A disgusting one but still counts as one.

Everything is a ship


>dat chikayou's closeness

flips BTFO



They both got personalities but they rarely go more in depth on them

gee riko, how come you have 2 bitches?

>ChikaYou crackers BTFO
>YoshitkoMaruflips BTFO
Oh no no


Cute canon.

>ChikaYou together

remember when kamiyu found breadbug's steam ID and it turned out he was a monster girl fetishist who used pony names?

how can yoshimaruflip ever recover?


That was my steam. I just use the name breadbug everywhere to throw people off.

By having thousands official arts that have them actually close to each other?

leahruby on suicide watch

>yoshimaruflips BTFO twice


isn't it sad?


Do you own a keychain of you're raibu?

>Dengeki, Sunrise and Bushiroad art
State of YoshiMaru haters

cute canon.

Just like ChikaYou lol

not really, they're always together atleast.

They've actually learned their lesson. Remember that Mirai Ticket spread and You without face? This spread will look like this.

Alright which one of you faggots is this

it's you, isn't it?

Does that look like an Android to you?

Every double digit in tier 1 needs to be gassed immediately

>still nobody mass-macroing all of T1 to XPANDTIERS

Post cute Chikas!


I'm a girl so this would never happen haha