SPOOKY edition!
SPOOKY edition!
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game !
>no eyeson link
daily reminder that good players who flame inters and losers get banned while literal 50% winrate subhumans go away free. this is why democracy will never work
Where are you, my waife...
Roast me/ lolg/
Go all out.
I love it when people call me shit. Haha it's not weird at all!
>Janna main
>Knows how to play anything other than Janna
I will honor my support with my cock!
There's no excuse to flame people who are doing bad. It just makes them angry and lowers your chances of winning. I mean, if you like losing games go ahead, but use your brain. If you make a bad play and die does it help if your teammates spam ??? pings on you and say "wtf why fight", or would you rather them shut the fuck up because you already know you fucked up and need to refocus? I can completely understand the desire to tell people they're dumb when they do dumb shit but it's counterproductive. They'll just do even dumber shit to spite you because people are like that, there's nothing worse than screwing up and having some shitdick rub your nose in it.
>50% wr
>hardstuck diamond for 3 seasons
>handless janna main otp
hes like 45% total on non janna champs you ape
i think faker just proved that elo hell is real
post opgg
NO user you DONT understand
I dont FEEL self-gratification UNLESS I SPECIFICALLY be a huge C U N T
>wanting a gf with the same hobbies as you
xth for Cute Ashe
I will make the next thread then
Wait for his Ryze on 8.4
I played ranked after a 4 month break at the beginning of the season. Was a bit rusty
>Picking zoe
>Letting his retarded jungler pick Jax
If I were a pro and saw my teammate hover over jax I would just ban him right away. Cant believe the best team in korea actually shitpicked like this
That's not how you do it user!
xth for you guys, I love you guys
But it is anons that make a general pure. It's all of us that make it what it is. But now we are spread too thin. I tried to play with them in their new space but it just wasn't the same. Now neither place feels truly like home.
Thanks god they are gone. They werent even playing the game. Let them stay on /trash/
No proof that is you
no you won't, you have to go to sleep now
why the fuck do so many people who play this game call themselves mimi?? I swear I've seen at least 4 different "mimi"s
>ghost ignite Yasuo on my team
What am I in for, guys?
>minority deport
I'm not going to roast you. You're a proper lad and there needs to be more people like you in this world.
what skin is he using?
A true american through and through.
fucking YIKES you sit in bush afk and shield your adc good job man
you janna mains need to learn your place and shut the fuck up since you don't have the brain power to talk and play at the same time
good night /lolg/
goodnight Lulu
Hey user!
My support got bullied by my team in one of my games so I bullied them back then my support said she loved me.
Did I do good?
>started the day Gold II 24LP
>about to end the day Gold III 20LP
special feeling :3
post op.gg
also Diamond is a very respectable rank already
>want to play a stream for comfy sleeping
>no good streamers are on
what do
When will Riot finally officially acknowledge their relationship?
west coast? lmao
listen to butter building on repeat at a low volume
>diamond 4
you are better than 99,8% of this general
good job user
Janna is braindead, but gj on the diamond rank
More like 99.9%. You can count number of people above plat on two hands probably. I know that there were only two people from /lolg/ that made it to challenger. And that was like 3 years ago. Only trash is left here now
Sleep most of the day for a second party that got canceled,so yeah LCK it is now.
good night
*hits you with a baseball on the head*
Rivington is streaming if you like him
post wut 2
Well Diamond is top 1.5% of the community, it's not weird if 98.5% of /lolg/ is below diamond.
TedX and GDC talks.
Apparently he just forgot to switch summs(and is also 2 7 right now)
Yes but when you take into consideration the "advices" people are giving here, and when you realize how often people here talk as if they were some kind of hot shit, you would expect the number to be higher. But nope, people in this general are so dogshit you should never take anything seriously here
To be fair, you can understand a lot about the game and give decent advice even if you're not a good player yourself.
It's hardly the case for /lolg/ though, I'll give you that. Especially because no one actually knows shit about the game's balance.
that's cute
you think they can actually figure out for themselves that they fucked up completely on a basic level
what do i build first on tryndamere i always go shiv
>it just keeps dropping
why riot
why match me with a karthus jungle?
I have done nothing wrong to deserve this loss streak all day
I don't even know why we were forced to go there in the first place. It's not like we're breaking any rules. By the way have you noticed how everyone in trash thread wants to be dicked? Here we could chat with regular boys and everyone was having fun until a bunch of autists started reporting people out of spite or jealousy. I mean, yeah I guess I hope you're happy because you ruined it for everyone. Now I don't really have anywhere to go, trash thread will collapse on itself soon and sites like f-list are creepy as heck. I'm not really good at the game but I play it a lot, I look at fanart, read fics honestly I'm having loads of fun with it. But I guess I have to leave now since they made this place no grills allowed and only jaded neckbeards can post here now.
I especially always roll my eyes when people here talk shit about reworks. Riot does a lot of things wrong but if there is one thing they are absolutely nailing its reworks
buy statikkkkkkk shiv first
Alright cool blog mate, but this isnt /trash/ so please go where you belong
"leblanc rework was good"
Yeah, agreed.
I can't believe there's people who unironically bitch about Swain's rework, for starters.
I feel like Riot is always in the wrong to them; no matter what they do, it always seems to be a shitty idea to them.
just leave already you fuck
no one will miss you
I never played LB so I cant tell. She is definetely more fair now instead of jumping at you over bush and killing you safely
Just wait for the meltdown here when irelia and pantheon get reworked. Some people will legit cry
you can't please everyone
so choose between pleasing yourself and people you like
or pleasing people that don't like you
No not you too... I don't want to be alone.
It started out of curiosity. An user wanted other anons to lewd without limitations, so a thread was made. And 2bh, it was fun for that first thread and I hoped it would have just been a one time thing. But they kept making them and got comfortable and now both places are slowly dying.
I just want it to go back to how it was but now I don't even think that's possible because even if that other place ceases to exist, they'll always have their fond memories of it.
I'm pretty sure there's people that want to dick people as much as there are people that want to get dicked. They are just more loud and open about it.
Yes you did!
Good user!
What happened, user?
Where my cutie nami mains @?
>I'm pretty sure there's people that want to dick people as much as there are people that want to get dicked. They are just more loud and open about it.
the level of delussional on this fag
Look it's really late and I'm typing with tears in my eyes. Don't bully me.
This thread
>now both places are slowly dying.
What are you talking about?
shoot yourself you degenerate faggot, no one will miss you
safeword is "mooncake"
>But I guess I have to leave now since they made this place no grills allowed and only jaded neckbeards can post here now.
I don't really see why you should leave. As long as you're not breaking any rules, you're welcome here for all I care.
ty ty
The /trash/ thread is the most degenerated thread I had ever seen shit is /b/'s furry threads tier almost worse
go to trash faggot
I'm saying that if you shine too bright, you might end up burnt out and empty
All nami mains asleep :( ?
And you took it upon yourself to teach each and every shitter you come across, huh. You're even risking your account and dunking your winrate to bring enlightenment to them. You're a regular Mother Theresa. Godspeed user, I'm sure you'll be changing lots of hearts and minds.
check their op.gg's and dodge bad teams =_=
None of them post on this degenerate thread you fucking degenerate
Just fucking go there and stay there.
Quick question
Is Yi top still alright or has that been gutted
Not that user, but thanks for the Diablo Post Mortem. This game has a special place in my heart.
Shit is mad comf
What's the point user, everyone in this elo just plays like -literal- poop and if you try to tell them they're making a bad call they'll just int because you called them out.
I'm just gonna go to bed before I drop another rank, hopefully better players will be on tomorrow.
Last night I watched my toplane get dived while I farmed Gromp. After he pinged me, I took his wave. The question marks turned into red exclamation marks, and the chat filled up with "(Darius) - Teleport" notifications. I took it all. Didn't last hit. Just pressed every button on the wave to kill the minions as fast as possible.
All because he talked shit.
Tiamat >full boots (hopefully zerkers, but defensive boots if hard matchup) > ER > PD > RH > Sterak's or Maw > IE (luxury item)
It has never been good except for the period short after his rework release when he was so insanely broken you could play him anywhere.
If he worked for you in the last couple of years I don't see why he wouldn't work for you now.
Just be aware that once you get out of shitter elo you will be forced to play a full tank or one of like 5 viable non fulltanks (gp jayce camille illaoi fiora).
is the post in your image, your own post user?
anyone knows who is the highest ranked black girl? my gf is currently a dia 5 support main and she wants to know if there are people higher than her
>dating an animal
D5 is shit, of course there are.
You are your gf are idiots.
A real support is honored to CC, out-CC and setup slaughter upon the enemy - regardless of who. Begone with your begging, e-leech.
gf (female) right ?
Yeah people play like shit, I try to ping where the enemies could be on the map whenever I can then if they continue to play aggressively and get punished by someone appearing from the fog of war I spam ping question marks on their dead body and passive aggressively ask them why the fuck they didn't play safe when I pinged where the jungler / missing laner probably is. Also helps to play a champion that can punish mistakes and do a lot of AOE damage in team fights, from what I've found. What's your main role?