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what happened to sing strim dotards????

>these mustache


queen of d2g for good luck

these matches are so shit, NA vs SA, navi vs og, sea vs sea, china vs china
they should be playing against other regions not the region they are close to or come from

My bday in 3 days, feeling generous? im just a supportcuck spammer who likes to play dress-up.


what the fuck is this

did he get lasik ?

NA's savior

PPD what is this facial hair? shave you sperg. also his complexion has gotten so bad recently, whats going on with him?

Reminder that the matchups were rigged for EG's easy points just like in every major.

>that zoom-in on moustaches


The Coon is too good for these guys. At least he'll be picked up next season by a tier 2 team.

Leave VP to me

this is a 10 in NA.

Ordered too many cheese pizza.


I eagerly await the day Zai wins a TI and can rub it in shartours and allahumails face

hello Bookarrest

Please tell me this is a porn

nice zoom in on those disgusting nails


is esports superior to normal sports

oy vey remember the shoah

>the only good player on optic is jewboy
uhh, dotards?

>tfw too intelligent to win any more lans

>maut again

>general only alive on esports
state of dota2 in 2k18

in every way

its porn to me.

also if feel



wait a second there, they put 33 in offlane and zai is playing 4 again?
this was the first good ppd move in the past 3 years

I know this is memeing but I actually think that having players on different heroes is a cool thing you don't get in regular sports. The only analogy I can think of is if hockey players could select from a variety of stick and padding combinations. "This set gets a longer stick but fewer pads and slower skates."

also (You) if feel generous /profiles/76561198036632081/

fucking autopost broke reply

Zai has officially been MOGGED



My Birthday is on the same day
are you me?

this is very gay

Watch bulldong

that looks stupid as fuck tbqh

>chad pos 7 vs virgin pos 6


>hating /ourfuckinguy/ maut

kys maut

Get that fucking thing away from me

Maut is the worst caster


>hating /ourguy/ singsing

CCNC definitely wants to dc out this fucking game

when is liquid playing again?

ppdfaggot in flames
at least "worst team ever" complexity didn't get fucked this hard so soon

What happened?

>Pajkatt has free lane
>still less cs than the jugg


thats pretty hot, are you my long lost twin?


wait what?
i tot Storm counter DK?


fucking chen sendback is cancer bullshit

you literally can't fit more reddit in a single image

TI curse finally kicked in
Bald within 2 years

This "JUST" arc of Ppd's storyline is getting way too long.
Redemption arc when?

poopoopee is gonna save ti8 from the chinks.


just give it the recall treatment
canceled on damage

impossible with current roster

After rtz's TI winning arc.

>So far only european teams have won
Why do amerilards even bother

yeah i have no idea why it isn't like that

This one was cancelled forever ago

rtz is a soyboy

optic aren't getting to TI8 honey

singsing has a better chance at winning TI than rtz does tbqh with you dotards

le master mind am i right fellow americans

play Chen before you idiots voice your opinions. Recall and Rapture are vastly different skills that serve different purposes. Disabling sendback with damage, that's like turning it into a worse TP scroll, but no, compare it to a splitpushers skillset.

dotards should i buy into the breach

i sold my doom skin that was worth over 20$ for some reason to buy something new

>False Promise

buy me rylai arcana bby


Spirit vessel would block false promise healing right?

>bloodstone storm

i assume it would reduce heal

> bandwagoning for the strongest team atm
dunno, seems reddit enough to me

no because any Oracle worth his salt would just purge it off


false promise doesnt heal, it multiplies the healing received
it would still multiply it, but it would obviously be less

>zai not bringing in gyro

bulldog fuck off


>NA Dota losing every game AGAIN

I suddenly feel the urge to play a game as Juggernaut

>that super obvious trying to give ramses the last hit
Imagine the psychological damage done.


Zai is sobayed

So judging from the last three games it's
1. EG
2. Complexity
3. Optic
In the NA rankings?