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Lack of poc and women
I'm Jewish.
I guess if one group decides you aren't welcome you should actually just insist on staying. That's polite.
The holocaust was pretty bad.
They lost.
>Shitty taste in art.
>Got btfo by communists.
>Shallow notion of culture.
>Tacky aesthetic.
>Literally killed more white people than muslims.
>Pointless mass killings of jews, slavs, roma and other undesirables.
>No freedom of speech.
Anything else I missed?
Forever stains the name of White Nationalism and Fascism.
> muh 6,000,000
Fuuuuck that was the wrong image.
I meant this one.
>Pointless mass killings of jews, slavs, roma and other undesirables.
I'm not hearing any negatives user
>fake culture
>raped by commies
>autistic LARPing
>no monarchy
>unsustainable Keynesian economy
fucking retarded, failed at literally every single one of its goals
because of these retards Germany itself was completely fucking destroyed and didn't recover for nearly 50 years, Prussia was turned into Polish and Russian clay, and communism spread all the way to Central Europe
I don't know why people idolise these retards, they got their asses kicked to the fucking curb
>tacky aesthetic
>shitty taste in art
Its existence.
It was just uninspired.
They were so inept that they weren't even able to represent the fascist aesthetic.
It doesn't surprise me, after all they didn't have an artistic movement that supported them like the Italians with the futurists.
The ideology
The nationalism
The genocide
The getting assblasted by soviets
True. Nazi aesthetics were doomed to be painfully tacky and banal from the start. Also nice digits
kitsch as culture, lol-tier at best.
>using Jewish criticisms
Freudian slip perhaps Chaim?
my my, how edgy
be careful what you wish for user, remember they also killed the mentally handicapped
Not only did they kill a shit load of innocent people for no reason, they got a shit load of their OWN people killed.
Explains why leftists hate them so much, doesn't it?
its just big fucking cubes, it was a pretty awful attempt at going WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHIT, because actual roman architecture was way cooler.
>only liberals are against the murder of the mentally handicapped
>muh slavs
Enough with this meme. Hitler allied with Slavic nations that weren't outright hostile towards him.
Massive amounts of hypocrisy and war mongering. Only thing they were good at was making bitchin uniforms and holding huge ass rallies. Besides that, they had a disgusting disregard for human life and were absolutely morally bankrupt. None of this will matter to you though, because you'll somehow convince yourself it was all justified because Jews or something.
Anyway, dont forget that the perfect Aryan was tall likes Goebbels, thin line like Göring, and blonde like Hitler.
They thought Germany could win a war.
They killed a lot of Americans.
The glorification of Nazism is treasonous and unamerican.
the eagle is too big
The only real flaw of Nazi Germany is that they banned Mahler's music for his Jewish heritage. Mahler was culturally German and thus worthy of acceptance. Hell, they almost gave Fritz Lang an honorary Aryan certificate, why not forgive Mahler too?
Other than that, the Nazis had the right idea, and I admit most jews are mentally deranged parasites.
>giving a fuck about being against the single most horrifying force of degenerate consumerism and subhumanity in the whole world
Legit hang yourself my man
I wipe me arse with the americunt fag--er I mean, flag.
Barbarossa. If Jack Sparrow can't even kill him how can the Germans hope to compete?
Run into the ground by a megalomaniac and his fucked up ideology that he made up along the way
didnt finish what they started
>try to leave
>they invade the country you left to
>they don't let you leave again and kill you instead
amazing logic from wehraboo
How can you use genocide as an argument and then also post a commie image?
Why the fuck are they all heiling in different directions
Complete and utter lack of morals, principals, moderation, or other forms of self-regulation.
Oh yeah and losing to Russia.
All spooks
Apply yourself.
I can't
I want it
>russia is a spook
A completely useless "legislative" body that had no power and was filled with Nazi cronies and was totally subservient to Hitler.
me too.
nice trips
No gas chambers
Deaths were exaggerrated
Still pretty bad though but it was initially promoted as Russian propaganda by Ilya Ehrenburg but then further propagated in the 70s by zionists.
Italian Fascism was of superior aesthetic.
that looks like shit
Their military was fucking shit though
The Germans lost but they managed to take down millions of people with them, the Italians just bent over and pretty much let themselves get fucked in the ass by both the Germans and the Allies
fucking roasted
What's with all of the edgy children worshiping nazis lately?
They lost to the dumb animals that they claimed were unworthy of existence.
~4 years is really not long on any time scale save for an internet autist's one.
Italians are nothing if not stylish.
No woman.
> commies commited genocide
Get your "killing someone is genocide" definition outta here