Qt'dorei edition
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Qt'dorei edition
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
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In for people threatening me
Elves are for...
Bow to your queen!
you're both pretty shit
Overall, Spaniards are good or bad players?
>the fuckin dk intro zone
god just kill me again
Give us Zandalari Paladins and Dark Iron Shamans, Blizzard.
>no high end guilds
>barely any MDI players
>despite being a country full of NEETs with 50% youth unemployment
fucking horrible
everyone who makes the deliberate decision to not speak the number one must spoken language in the world is a brainlet by default
>*disconnects in the middle of your BG/arena*
>i want to do the smoldering mount too
>ill not do that
Why is this elf so cute?
Taking up 50% of the horde population
Anybody who plays on a non-English server is automatically a shitter.
Garrosh and Thrall be not home brudda...
'Ow about I be your Warchief tonight?
Cute shy personality
hmm lock at that juicy dick
>disgusting abhorrent level of detail on feet
>no detail everywhere else
Every fucking time, do all footfags have nezumi syndrome or something
So cute, but so deadly!
that a cool looking zandalari warrior you got there
So you need to run Seething shore like 100 times for a prestige level? zzz
>nezumi syndrome
Explain further?
It's hard to take offence from a person who uses words like "nezumi"
>Slyvanas blonde hair
>Associating based hamster with the bitch queen.
That's still way faster than conventional battlegrounds that drag on forever. Prestige is just a horrible grind that rewards you for putting up with the terrible pvp. Think of it as a countdown to never having to pvp ever again
She goes barefoot everywhere and she's not ashamed of it.
Female undead should get the jawless feature
She spends an absurd amount of time drawing extremely detailed and extremely prolapsed pussies, and leaves everything looking good enough that without the disgusting cunt in there it would look really nice
Take from it whatever you want, I'm looking down on you either way
>imblyign Umaru wouldn't play belf
getting no highmountain rep on anything other than story line quests on my 110. Do you get more if you're levelling there or someshit?
>Blood elf
She is a undead high elf, also Umaru would play the race with the most powerful racials for pve so she can min max every advantage she can getand that isn't Blood elves.
we are the watchers on the whore.
>he plays a male character
After all these years, this is still the comfiest and homeliest zone.
U got to marry a qt highmountain girl.
>He plays a character just to stare at their ass instead of actually playing the game.
I play only male characters so that I can ERP with female characters
>I play female characters because I have always seen myself as more feminine
Should i level VE Warlock, LF Warrior or NE Druid today.
Well thats pretty gay dude, why would you do that?
Of course, I'm a cisgender straight man
VE lock
please, i'm so desperate.
None; find a more useful and interesting thing to do with your time than suffering through 7.3.5 levelling
the music and general aesthetic just really provoke a sense of familiarity and flawed beauty
when you're leveling or chilling in barrens, you start feeling like it's the kind of home you grew up in, but knew was shitty and still is
but you'll never shake that attachment and will still see the positives in it
>suffering through 7.3.5 levelling
soy baby wants everything on a platter
>i am so insecure in my masculinity that I can only play gay-ass males
ok user
Gnomes are for mesmerizing!
>Not wanting that sweet Heritage armor
Calling anyone else soy while "playing" cata-vanilla zones at a slow rate is rich, friendo
Bet you loved Blackwing Decent, didn't you
Yeah you're right, I don't. Its just a badge of wasted time that every other loser has.
>y-you also want to play a girl and dress up barbie simulator but are too inscure!
Nah faggot, most of us dont have that urge
Insecure? I had a choice at character creator so I naturally picked a dude, no mental gymnastics required
I bet you think its okay to wear pink as a man.
Join on Argent Dawn EU Alliance!
/w anyone for an invite!
>he doesn't like the new levelling
the absolute fucking state of the horde
All done with Northrend. Now it's time to do Pandaria again, I'm so excited!
>alliancecucks are also good goys who buy boosts
unsurprising, really
Report him for threats of violence and demand that he be permanently banned
Nothing worse than someone complaining that pvp happened on a pvp server
Part of being a man is not giving a shit.
Now that Zandalari are almost playable, when's the Mogu allied race announcement?
show feet
Why would I buy a boost when I enjoy levelling?
Why do hordebabbs cry about it so much when they have a max level belf of every class already?
What does not liking leveling have to do with horde? Did your brain just short circuit?
>play some bg's
>my team always jerks each other in the middle of the map
>my team everywhere but not in the mid
why is alliance so fucking bad?
man I don't even play female characters but if we got mogu females like twin consorts, i'd be ROLLING ONE SUPER HARD
Not having any problems on ally myself desu
Must be you bro
Good luck with it, best girl
Guys what should I use my 110 boost on?
I have a warrior, hunter and paladin
>Such a weak cuck he doesn't even raid mythic anymore
Have no never played a caster because you dont like them? Because its obviously what you lack
twin consorts are artificial creatures, literally lei shen's custom-built waifus
Which clan has the biggest cocks? Blackrock?
nightborn is the most powerufl race in azeroth
He's right you know
>Horde have wanted Zandalari and Brown Orcs since 5ever
>Horde have wanted Highmountain Tauren since Legion was announced
>Alliance have wanted Dark Iron DORFs and High Elves since 5ever
>Alliance have wanted Nightborne since Legion was announced
>Horde get Zandalari, Brown Orcs, Highmountain Tauren, AND Nightborne
>Alliance get Dark Iron Dwarves, Lightforged Draenei, "2 minutes of lore" Elves, and it's looking like their next race will be either Fat Humans or More Furfaggotry
>Even Highmountain Tauren have more lore than Void Elves, and Lightforged are even fucking worse
Who the fuck gave the "OK" to fucking Void Elves?
I hope all these brave soldiers of the alliance don't mind some bare kaldorei feet on the deck of their airship
Thank you!
>seething shore alliance
>matthias shaw keeps telling the alliance team they're doing good work even if they're losing 100-1400
>lose every match
>seething shore horde
>first thing you hear when you come in is nathanos blightcaller calling your team pathetic but you'll have to do
>treats the horde team like a gaggle of children, threatening them and badgering them not to forget the objective
>win every match
demon hunter
>Who the fuck gave the "OK" to fucking Void Elves?
You know it was probably some middle aged woman in middle management.
Fennecfurbait is horde
>Ion creating super shitty looking allied race elves because they are going to make tons of money just by being elves
>new dwarf, troll, orc and kul tiran all look great
Say thank you.
The most aesthetic for sure
>seeing yourself as feminine
makes no sense
I've lost less than 5 games in like 30 matches as alliance :3
I'm a brave Alliance soldier and this is why I take airships in the first place
Embracing your troll ancestry I see